For those of you who have not seen the show Deadliest Warrior: Its a way of comparing two warriors who have never met on the battle field, and comparing them against eachother in a fair and reasonable way and in turn figuring out who is the deadliest. Since both warriors are superhumanly strong, possess a variety of supernatural powers, and ride the line between mortal man and god, I believe this to be a good initial matchup. I dont want this thread to boil down to "Well ______ is stronger than _____ because he's epic!" It would be more reasonable to list thier powers and abilities and limitations. Its good to point out your weaknesses in your oponents abilities. Also, source any material you post. For example, don't say, "_____ is imortal because he can't be killed!" but instead, "_____ is importal because on chapter xxxx of part xxxx he did this, and revealed he couldn't be killed. I hope this thread is discussed in a fair and organized manner. All forum rules apply. The categories I decided to post this on: 1. Physical Combat 2. Supernatural abilities 3. Who is simply harder to kill 4. Tactics and strategies Today we discuss Sephiroth, the maniacle antagonist of the Final Fantasy 7 Universe, bent on world domination, against Kratos, the ancient warrior who dared to defy a god. Neith of these two fictional warriors universes have ever collided, therefore they will never meet on the battle field. We both know they are extreamly powerful, but WHO IS DEADLIEST!
Ok in my opinion i'm going to refer to the abilities. While Kratos does indeed have an awesome arrangement of abilities and weapons such as Athena's blades, that godly hammer of his, and at points even Zeus's blade, Sephiroth would only need one really. His victory really comes down to two words: Heartless Angel. While unable to kill, it DOES drain them of almost all health and magic points, leaving them on 1 for each. Single strike after that and he'd be dead. Unless Kratos can combine the speed of Sonic the Hedgehog with the reflexes of Spiderman, he'd probably lose.
How does Kratos refusing to stay dead work? Like, seriously, I know very little about God Of War canon. Did he simply fight his way out of the underworld? And you mentioned Kratos Spartan herritage, exactly how intense was his training in God of War? Like what are some of his great achievements? Aside from killing gods. I know Sephiroth's "imortality" is based on the fact that as long as there are those with Jenova cells, he could always manifest himself in one of those given the correct circumstances. Thus making the entire plotline of Advent Children. However after Advent Children it seems as if the cycle was broken... altho Sephiroth implied otherwise. As for Heartless Angel, I could debate it is not a canon move, since he doesn't use it in Final Fantasy (that I know of, unless I missed something). Although he does use it in Dissidia (Which btw, is actually Final Fantasy Canon), but the casting time on that move is only when he is in EX Limit (And to anyone who played FF or Dissidia, you know limits are situational, not a constant threat), and has a long casting time... I doubt Kratos would let him finish such a long attack without retaliation.
Despite being recklessly straightforward in battles, Kratos does have the strength to back up his seemingly insane attacks. Legends of the things that the spartans had to face was pretty well-known, so there's no slouching on Kratos' end. Plus he's earned his place as a god, that takes serious skill. Sephiroth's strength is a bit harder to place though. He was one of the highest ranked members of Shinra in his time, but that alone doesn't make it any easier to gauge his power. Although if you use Zack as a starting point, and see how much stronger Genesis and Angeal were than him, and then go further and see how much stronger Sephiroth was than them both while fighting them, he's definitely got some power behind him. As far as any supernatural abilities go, Kratos ends up short since any powers and weapons he gains are taken away from him pretty easily, and without them he's back to his old chains. Now Sephiroth is probably weakened quite a bit without his sword, but the magic he's able to use through materia is pretty deadly. I'm sure no one can forget that ridiculously long supernova skill. And who knows what other crap he's managed to learn after merging with the Lifestream. I think Kratos technically wins harder to kill since we're not even sure if Sephiroth is alive. His will is definitely alive, and his Jenova-made clones are certainly alive. His body on the other hand will be a while before it's actually useable as of Advent Children. So since Kratos actually did manage to keep coming back from death, he's harder to kill. Strategy is hard to tell. Kratos was pretty high ranked before he got screwed by Ares. But that was him and a bunch of spartan warriors helping out, who ended up getting wiped out pretty easily after Kratos' brief hiatus. And whenever a god decided to really flex their powers, he ends up dead and has to go through hell and back just to change time enough for him to live again. And when he fights, he seems a bit too heavy-handed in his tactics. Sephiroth was pretty epic tier as far as SOLDIER goes. He was 20 when he became a war hero. Now Kratos isn't exactly someone's grandpa (which is pretty much his own fault), but the amount of skill Sephy managed to get pre-insanity was impressive at that age. His swordsmanship would definitely leave a dent or two Kratos, especially with his range and speed. Seems like a draw to me since one of them would throw a tantrum and punch death in the tits to come back, while the other is just a planet that would clonecloneclonesnideremarkclone. We clearly need a yaoi manga to settle this. Basically, he died and was literally dragged into the underworld. Gaia intervened and healed him just enough for him to waltz out of there. And his accomplishments was pretty much just being a spartan. He did manage to defeat the champions of other gods while on his quest to heal his daughter, which got him Captain even though he pretty much used his men as fodder so that he could escape. Then after that it's all bam, barbarians easily overpower him, he asks Ares to smite his foe, then he becomes Ares ***** and kills his family which starts his whole rage spree for the next 5 games.
The thing about Kratos is that he got all of his weapons and abilities from the gods. I mean, think about it, even the gods that helped him said that he would need these powers if he wanted to keep going. And then, after he is killed, and brings himself back from the underworld(let's not forget that it is possible since it's Greek mythology and people have been known to come back from the dead) only to get help from Gaea and steal weapons from the other Titans. If he hadn't done that, than he wouldn't have had any way to fight against the gods. Even Athena gave Kratos weapons that weren't normal, so he really didn't have anything besides godly weapons as well as magic given by the gods. Sephiroth on the other hand fights all by himself. He was trained to be a soldier, and he was good at it. His sword is normal, while it is unrealistically long, how many things happen in games that don't make sense? In fact, if a sword is made right, the balance can be just right that he can use a sword that long. And his skill is so great that he takes a swing and it cuts through and entire giant metal pipe. And, his magic is all on his own. He didn't get any of his magic from gods or anything like that. It was inside of him, and he used it all on his own accord. Between skills, I would have to say Sephiroth beat Kratos, but only by a little. I mean, Spartans were trained since childhood to fight and kill, so I can understand how some think he's better because of his past. I have not beaten the game, but I've watched walkthroughs, so I know the general story of all of it. And, let's not forget, that Sephiroth is so strong that he could take down an army of normal people with gun, guns I said. I don't think Kratos would have the skill to fight of guns, even with all the skills they gave him. Sephiroth was born to fight against every kind of weapon, and he was #1 when it came to fighting. Of course he got beat, but that was just because the plot said so. If Kratos had only his skills to fight against the gods and titans, than I don't think he would have lasted very long. As to who is harder to kill, I must actually say it has to be Kratos. I admit, that Sephiroth has died, and that he came back through the use of Jenova cells and all that, not too mention he nearly destroyed the world and everything, but once Kratos became a god, there was only so much that could be done to kill him. Zeus used that sword, and there was that Pandora's box thing he used to kill Ares, but as far as that, there's really not much you can do. Unless your godhood is taken away, their essence will still live on forever. I mean, Sephiroth is basically in the same situation, since he's in the lifestream and everything and he can control those with the cells, like I said earlier, but if those cells are taken away, how can he come back? All in all, I say Sephiroth is the stronger person, but both are basically otherworldly in their strengths, but as I've said, Kratos needed help from so many things to get what he did, and Sephiroth only needed his own skill and abilities. It's quality over quantity, and I say Sephiroth has the quality to be higher
Result: Spoiler Sephiroth stands atop a hill overlooking a ruined wasteland. When from amounst the ruins, arises a new challenger. His skin was as pale as ash, and he had a scar across his right eye, and a red march across his left. The man revealed his weapon, a pair of Falchion Blades chained together. Sephiroth drew his primary weapon, the great Masamune, as the Spartan moved toward him. Sephiroth is unalarmed and maintains his calm demeanor as the spartans march turns into a full charge. Sephiroth is easily able to parry the spartans initial attacks with apparent ease. But rather than countering with a slash, he returns fire with a Fira spell erupting into Kratos face. Stunned only slightly, Kratos regains composure and noticed his opponent withdrew further up the hill, now with a wing elegantly allowing him to fly. "Very well, you are a strong one, once I return your life to the lifestream I will become all the more powerful." He tauntingly mocked. "The depths of hell couldn't hold me, what makes you much better!" was the spartans reply. The SOLDIER raised his hand summoning one of his greater weapons. A powerful meteor with a diameter of about 50 ft width is summoned shortly above the Spartan. Kratos attempts to block such a massive attack, and is left on the ground, crippled by such a devastating attack. As the spartan regains his bearings, on all fours, he tries, and fails to stumble to his feet. The SOLDIER prepares for his finishing blow, and lands atop him from a seeminly endless height, and impales him with the length of his great Masamune. Sephiroth smirks, "That wasn't so tough..." he tries to withdraw his sword, and his face finally shows a sign of alarm. The blade does not come out. The spartan clutching the blade from his stomach exit wound, swings his chains around his back wrapping his opponent around the waste, the blades cutting into Sephiroths sides. With a swift and mighty pull, his opponent is cut in two. Standing upright, Kratos removes the sword from his wound, as blood drips onto the ground, he unleashes a warcry! In the battle of the two warriors who tried to reach the immortality and obtain the powers of a god, Kratos is deadlier. Why? Dispite having the ability to destroy entire planets, Sephiroth was still mortal, and was killed by mortals. Kratos on teh other hand, challenged immortals, and won.