De∫ete LiÆ’e

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Spaze, Oct 5, 2009.

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  1. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    OCC:Fixed the post there sorry I forget sometimes

    Z.E.L.E Returned to his construction site to see his workers gone"Where did they go now I have to look for them this pisses me off to no end well were should I start looking over there" Z.E.L.E walked towards the city with his radar on to find the builders.
  2. DemonicRhythm Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 16, 2009
    On the Moon. (Or Florida)
    "Hey Haido I found a char-" Mio was cut off when she heard a thud. She looked down to see Haido had fell and his eyes were now a dull gray. "Wait!? Why do you have to do die now!" she said, knowing he ran out of energy. She crouched down beside him and shook him, hoping he was joking around, even though he wasn't that type of person to do that.
  3. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    ooc: I'm so so so sorry! Pm me if you want an explanation.

    Jho's battered shoes clicked across the pavement, joining the sound of his prey's as it marched towards it's destination. Slowly, the AH quickened it's pace, extending it's arm all the while towards the man's back pocket.

    "Just a little bit more." Jho thought. Just a little bit closer and he'd would be able to live another day. He quickened his stride, risking being found out for the priceless reward he'd earn, a free lunch. It however was not to be.

    The young boy's world dissappeared for a moment, his vison blanketed by a wall of unimaginable pain. The AH's entire frame rattled and quaked as his knees buckled. He bent double over his stomach, clawing to get at the cause of his agony. It was all over. Time was up for him.

    Gasping for air, he looked up through his blurred eyes. His hand was still hovering over the man's pocket. Looks like he had no choice. This was going to be a diffrent kind of meal, one he had hoped he could avoid.

    Jho's fingers hooked into the belt loops on the man's pants. With a hearty yank, the unsuspecting civilian flew backward onto the AH's hardened fist. The laser red sensors grew dim as the colossal force cracked one of the lenses, propelling him into a vacant alley.
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