DC is rebooting EVERYTHING.

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Boy Wonder, May 31, 2011.

  1. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    Excuse the double post, but I've got a couple more reviews to add here:

    Demon Knights: If you like sword and sorcery and Arthurian lore, buy this book. If you don't buy it, you'll be missing out since the chances of this book being canceled are very high due to it not being what most comic readers are looking for in a DC book. Even though a lot doesn't happen (mostly set up, really), you get to see Jason Blood/Etrigan, Vandal Savage (surprisingly, as a hero at this point of continuity) and Shining Knight be awesome.

    Mister Terrific: This book is awesome. I already thought it was cool that he was getting another shot (along with fellow B-listers Blue Beetle and Static Shock), but initially chose to skip it because I'm not familiar with the character. I am so, so glad I changed my mind. This is easily the best book of the reboot so far. BUY IT. It features a superhero that is a fan of Doctor Who. BUY IT.
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Cloud3514, I'm in almost complete agreement with you with everything, save for the technicalities (since I don't know enough about them or history of the writers/artists to know). Demon Knights surprised me with Vandal Savage, but omg Etrigan<3

    Short post is short.

    Oh, btw, the mysterious woman from Flashpoint #5 is in every #1 of the New 52. DC + Where's Waldo lol
  3. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    Alright, its Wednesday and that means three more #1s to go over!

    Supergirl: It seems decompressed stories are becoming really popular lately as, again, not a lot happens here. At the same time, however, it does establish Supergirl's character very well and the action (and there is a lot of action) is fantastic. Plus the art is also fantastic. I'd say buy it.

    Blue Beetle: Where I can forgive the overly decompressed style of Supergirl and Justice League, Blue Beetle suffers for it due to being a B-list character. I can't expect the perfect pacing that Mister Terrific had, but a lot of what happens in this issue seems a little too extended for such a minor character. However, it does do a great job of setting up the setting, Jaime Reyes and his supporting cast, the last of which even Mister Terrific didn't do a terribly great job of doing. Recommended, though, as it is by no means bad, I'm just being unfair by comparing it to Mister Terrific, which remains the book I would recommend the most.

    Green Lantern Corps: If you are new to Green Lantern and want a book to start with, go with this one over the flagship book. Although it still relies somewhat on continuity, it does so in a way that a #1 should. Characters are introduced without requiring one to know who they are previously and the current story arc being set up looks great. The only problem I have with it is that it appears that Geoff Johns' love of violence has rubbed off on Peter Tomasi. Definitely recommended.
  4. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    Alright, due to my own laziness, this week's reviews are a bit late:

    Green Lantern: New Guardians: I really liked this book. Maybe its the fact that I like Kyle Rayner more than Guy Gardner, but I expect this to be better than Emerald Warriors, which I still say shouldn't have been canceled (I say they should have given Batman only two books, kept Emerald Warriors and given Steel a book). In fact, I'd say that this one has the most promise out of all three Green Lantern books. Definitely recommended.

    Justice League Dark: To my surprise, this wasn't bad at all. Its still odd to see John Constantine and Shade the Changing Man in the same book as Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman and Cyborg, but, as the idea of a team of characters who fight supernatural threats is a solid idea, I actually think this could work... as long as they keep Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman and Cyborg at a distance from any member of the team that isn't Zatana. Recommended.

    Aquaman: Oh, Aquaman, the guy that no one, not even people in the DCU, likes. Everyone thinks he's a useless hero who talks to fish. No one seems to realize two things about him: first, that having a body adapted for living deep underwater, he has super strength and his vision is super sharp, second, HE OWNS THREE QUARTERS OF THE DAMN PLANET. This first issue sets up things up for a universe that doesn't get him. He goes to stop some criminals in a van, they and the cops expect him to get run over until he flips the van over his head with his trident. He then goes to get lunch at a seafood restaurant and is stared at because the rest of the customers think he doesn't eat meat since he "talks to fish" and is hounded by some ******bag with a blog who basically mocks him until he gets up and leaves. Definitely recommended... if only to prove that the Aquaman from Superfriends is bullshit.

    The Fury of Firestorm: This is a book that I was both looking forward to and not really caring about due entirely to the fact that it was written by Gail Simone, who was responsible for what was my favorite book before the reboot (Birds of Prey, for those who are curious). I don't really know what to think about this one. On one hand, Simone did a fantastic job as usual, but on the other hand, some of the ideas and changes to Firestorm are odd. Maybe the odd changes were Ethan Van Sciver's ideas, but unless I see a script or an interview that says otherwise, I can't say for sure if they were. Even so, it wouldn't surprise me if Van Sciver was responsible for them as he's an artist, not a writer. Several artists are dreadful writers. Still recommended as its still a solid book, despite the oddities.

    Superman: This book seems to be about the reboot in the form of a superhero story. The Daily Planet is changing with the times and, with it, the old building is being destroyed with a new building standing to replace it. Sound familiar? That said, outside of the Daily Planet plot, this book is a solid superhero story of Superman fighting a fire alien that randomly appeared in Metropolis. Recommended.

    Batgirl: God damn it, DC. You HAD to put Gail Simone on this book, didn't you? I know I'm a bit late to the party since this came out three weeks ago, but I picked up a copy of the second printing because I keep hearing how good it is and the fact that its written by Gail Simone. Personally, I'm still not happy with the fact that Barbara Gordan is no longer Oracle seeing as she was more interesting and useful to the DCU as a whole as Oracle than she ever was as Batgirl, not to mention that, while I give them credit for acknowledging The Killing Joke, there are serious unfortunate implications when it comes to Barbara being miraculously cured of her paralysis. However, having just realized that I've been ranting about why I originally planned to pick up it, it is actually quite good. There's good action and a bit of realistic PTSD when the villain points a gun at Batgirl (while she's dealt with people with guns as Oracle, its the first time she's had a gun directly pointed at her since she got her legs back). I'm looking forward to where this is going, even if I am still unhappy with DC undoing one of the few bits of continuity that managed to stick for more than a few years. Recommended.