DC is rebooting EVERYTHING.

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Boy Wonder, May 31, 2011.

  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    If you've seen any comic title, you know it's something like "*name of series* Number 35435245"
    Well, they're going back to one and starting over.
    I think they're trying to copy Ultimate Marvel...again.
    It's not going well with fans, but I'm a bit excited as long as they make it a different continuity like Ultimate Marvel, though I thought that's what Earth One was supposed to do, but eh.
    The reason I"m excited is because I'm not a true comic book fan (le gasp!). I've only read a handful of comics. Everything else, I have the DC and Marvel wikis for. Once Superman: Earth One came out, I was going to start at the Earth One universe so I could pick something from the beginning. This'll give me a great starting point (plus, everyone else so maybe comics'll get more business like they're hoping).
    However, they need to keep New Earth and the current continuity. I doubt they're going to just forget about all of that, but if they do...Apocalypse won't just be a Marvel villain.

    Looks to me like the costumes are going to be less underwear-on-the-outside tights and more v-necks lol.

    If this is going the way I think it will, say hi to more politics in your big blue boy scouts.
  2. Roxasfan Xman Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Traverse Downtown
    Yeah, I heard. But, I kind of getting used to the original stuff. Eh....I probably give the reboot a shot.
  3. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    You know how DC and Marvel are always trying to copy and/or out do each other?
    Yeah, another attempt at this...

    Anyway, it might be nice for them to start over again. Maybe it would attract some newer fans.
  4. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Maybe it may improve this time. Marvel and DC are always going at it though.
  5. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Time to dust off the old Batman Savings Fund. I'm kind of looking forward to this.
  6. Daxa~ #stalker

    Feb 20, 2011
    Near, far, Jafar.
    Im pretty excited for this,must say.
    Just need to borrow money off people now to get them <3
  7. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    1)This relaunch is most certainly not attempt to lift from Marvel's Ultimate Comics. In fact the proper purpose is far grander and bigger than simply continuity and story issues.
    2) The All Star and Earth One line's are also nothing like Marvel's Utlimate Comics.

    It's going perfectly well with me. I think it's a brilliant decision and I wholly support it. But this is definitely not a separate continuity. They've stated that already. This is the DC Universe true and proper and it's not starting at Day One. It's a streamlining of characters and continuities where some changes will be minor, some will be major and some things won't get changed at all.

    This has always annoyed me about people. For someone who seems so actively interested in superhero characters you're basically saying you're too much of a wuss to get into reading about them because you're intimidated by numbers. If you read the wiki's then you obviously have an understand of what's going on. You really don't need a #1 to be a starting point. I think the earliest issue of Detective Comics I have is around #800 and I'm telling you there's no need to read the previous 799...

    ... but this is a great starting point for anyone so you better follow through on that.

    See above.

    Where you could have possibly gotten any political insinuations?

    Not really, no. This isn't DC concerning themselves with Marvel at all. It's DC concerning themselves with the dwindling comic book market.

    That's exactly what this is.

    Comics aren't that expensive, guys. DC's in particular are held at $2.99 (aside from oversized issues like Justice League #1).

    Here's a list of all the titles DC will be releasing in September - http://www.ifanboy.com/content/articles/The_Definitive_Guide_To_The_DC_Comics_Reboot
    To find out more about each of them all you have to do is click the Discuss button and there'll be info about what each book is about.

    And for those wondering about prices and actually reading the comics, this is a link to DC's Digital Store on Comixology - https://read.dccomics.com/comixology/#/dc_comics
    The prices for all comics are as marked and are fairly cheap in my opinion. With the newer titles the books will be released online at the same time as they sold in comic book stores and will be both be at the same price of $2.99. However the digital comics will decrease to $1.99 after four weeks.

    If anyone has any questions I'll be more than happy to answer them.
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I thought Earth One was supposed to be similar to Ultimate Marvel as a new, modern continuity? But I typed that before knowing for sure whether or not the relaunch would completely replace the main continuity or be a new one altogether.

    That kept throwing me off, but it's obvious now since there's already a JLI, Justice League Dark, Damian as Robin, Red Hood, Nightwing, Red Robin, even the Titans. I originally thought it would be back at the beginning, though the fact that it starts out with the Justice League should have been an obvious give away that it wouldn't.

    I've thought about it that way and I've even read a handful of comics, mostly early Batman stuff (Serious house, Killing Joke, Year One) since the early stuff is still interesting, but the sheer number do intimidate me. Though I'm going to take your advice.

    It's more of a hunch. With the whole Superman giving up his US Citizenship and Nightrunner controversy, I figure they might use politics in some form.

    Oh god, thank you for this link.
    I've decided to use everything leading up and tieing into Flashpoint to start (though I'm still buying older stuff).
  9. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    A new, modern continuity, yes. But the Ultimate Comics Universe also messes and alters things from the main continuity. Like in Ultimate X-Men Mojo is an albino reality television producer instead of an alien. Earth One isn't all that significantly different. It's just a new line of ongoing OGN's.

    But it's still a starting point, so you don't need to be hugely aware of what's come before.

    Numbers are just numbers. It's honestly not as if Detective Comics #28 and Action Comics #1 are even in continuity any more. The Batman and Superman that debuted in those books are grossly different to their modern incarnations.

    When you buy a magazine, you don't have to buy previous issues to understand the content in the latest one, do you?

    The Nightrunner fiasco is hardly as political as some right-wing nutbags made it out to be. The Superman story was just a one-off. Both Marvel and DC tend to avoid politics for the most part because they don't want to segregate their audience.

    Flashpoint is probably a decent starting point. Although only the first issue is up online despite the second one having come out a few weeks ago. You could also probably read Flash v.3 #9 - #12 because that slightly sets up Flashpoint. But only if you want to. I wouldn't say it's necessary at all.
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I always did think about starting at one of the Crises, tbh. Isn't the Superman that debuted in Action Comics #1 the one from Powergirl's home universe?
    When you buy a magazine, you don't have to buy previous issues to understand the content in the latest one, do you?
    That's actually exactly what I did. I read Flash 9-12 and FLashpoint 1. I also have Time Masters: Vanishing Point coming in the mail. My plan was to get all of the preludes and tie ins to Flashpoint.
  11. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
  12. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Oh, hello new wallpaper.

    Tim Drake<3

    I like the new costume for Red Robin, though I'll miss the cowl he currently has.
    Wonder Girl and Kid Flash...eh.
    But hey, Static.
    Click here for more details. Could have sworn I posted this earlier
  13. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    Okay, well I've been trolling this thread a while. Kind of intimidated to post (I'm sorry, that's the kind of person I am cx) but yes. I will post now.

    I kind of went really sad about this while re-boot. I've just gotten myself hooked to DC a couple months ago, the older ones you know~ Then I hear this.
    And I am particularly fond of Batman & Robin. The one with DickBats and little Damian as Robin. I thought it was fantastic. I was very sad to hear that it would change. And that Bruce was coming back. No hard feelings, Bruce. i love you and all but Dick and Dami~ Anyway, yeah. Some of the new costumes bugged me too. I look at the site daily to see if there are new releases x)
    But in the end, like right now, i don't think I'm much bothered by it anymore. I'm actually quite excited to see how everything will work out! And well, you know, i can't change anything so might as well accept it. It's still DC, that will never change.
  14. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    So Justice League #1 came out last week and the first batch of #1's were just released.

    Did any of you end up buying any?
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I have all the #1s from Comixology. Got Justice League the second it came out.
    Green Lantern's a bit too cocky for my tastes, but if I remember correctly, Hal was always like that in his early days. Men of War left me a bit confused.
    The timeline's a bit annoying to me since I read Justice League #1 first and that takes place in the past so everything else seems to be after the Justice League has been public for a bit. Leaves a few gaps for me, but I'm sure they'll end up fixed later.

    Detective Comics #1 got a bit dark in the end. I wasn't expecting that.

    But I was pleased. I wish a bit more happened and that each one didn't end in a cliffhanger, but I probably should have expected that lol

    I still need to catch up on Flashpoint. I have 5 being shipped to me and I'm just waiting for the rest of the #3s to come out (though I have it for the most part spoiled).
  16. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos
    I was so shocked when I heard this.
    But I guess it's a nice way to start over and what not. I'm just really curious about the costumes. I saw Superman's on Comic Con and it's soooo casual. XD maybe a little TOO casual. >> the costumes were like symbols to me so I'm a bit nervous about it.
  17. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    I've got Justice League #1 and this week's pulls (that I will pick up next week as I tend to go to the comic store every other week) are Justice League International #1 and Static Shock #1. Though I may see if he's got a copy of Green Arrow #1 left over when I head out there next week (also, next week's pulls are Batwoman #1, Green Lantern #1 and Red Lanterns #1).

    EDIT: Actually, here's a list of what I'll be following for the next four months before I drop the books I don't like:
    Green Lantern (because I'm a Green Lantern fan)
    Green Lantern Corps (because I'm a Green Lantern fan)
    Green Lantern: The New Guardians (because I'm a Green Lantern fan)
    Red Lanterns (because I'm a Green Lantern fan)
    Blue Beetle (because I keep hearing great things about the character)
    Justice League (because its the flagship book)
    Justice League International (because I like the team)
    Justice League Dark (because I'm morbidly curious about how they're going to handle putting John Constantine on a superhero team)
    Aquaman (because Geoff Johns is writing and I like how Johns does Aquaman)
    Static Shock (nostalgia for the cartoon)
    Superman (because he's Superman and NOT written by JMS)
    Supergirl (because I like how they're describing the premise)
    Batwoman (because I keep hearing how awesome she is)
    The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men (because Gail Simone is writing and Gail Simone was responsible for what was my favorite book before the reboot (Birds of Prey, which was AAA stuff up to the last two issues, which Simone didn't write))

    EDIT 2: I should probably say what I thought of Justice League. I liked it, but I don't think it should be the flagship book due to Geoff Johns overly decompressed style. Sure it sets up a few things for the books that take place at the early part of the DCnU, such as superheroes being a new phenomenon, superheroes being hunted by the government and superheroes being seen as both awe inspiring and terrifying to the people, but it doesn't introduce new readers to who the characters are outside of Batman and Green Lantern. Hell, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and The Flash don't even appear while Cyborg only appears as he was before becoming Cyborg and Superman appears on one page.

    Really, they would have been best waiting a bit before doing the secret origin of sorts that they're doing. Give people a chance to see who the characters are before showing how they came to be. Its a matter of them going with the wrong strategy to introduce the new universe.

    EDIT 3:

    He's actually only wearing that costume for Action Comics as it takes place five years before the rest of the books (outside of Justice League (where he is wearing his actual costume) and maybe Detective Comics, I can't remember if that's a prequel) before he switches to the costume he wears in Superman and Justice League.
  18. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos
    Really? Huh, that explains it. Well, I can't wait to see how it all turns out.
  19. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠ Banned

    Jul 19, 2007
    Code Vault
    Why do major companies have to copy their rivals? Can't they find something unique to out do them? Well I'm not much of a comic fan but I think I might give it a shot since they're restarting EVERYTHING. Is their word as to when this will be starting?
  20. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    Well, first of all, by "copying their rivals," I assume you're referring to the Ultimate line of Marvel comics, but here's the thing about that, the reboot is in no way like Ultimate Marvel. Ultimate Marvel is a side continuity from the main line of Marvel books. This reboot is much more akin to the post Crisis on Infinite Earths reboot from the 80s.... only Flashpoint was NOT a good event to reboot off of. Still, so far, things are looking good for the reboot despite the rough start (IE, Flashpoint being a bad choice of an event to reboot off of and Justice League being a bad choice for flagship book).

    The All Star and Earth One lines are much better comparisons to Ultimate Marvel, IE, they're new stories meant to introduce the characters to new readers without worries of continuity..... even if All Star Batman and Robin was awful (though it was HILARIOUS) enough to kill the All Star line and Earth One never really got off the ground after Superman (which I don't want to touch with a ten foot pole, JMS has not done ANYTHING lately to make me want to read his work).

    Also, I probably already answered your question, but Justice League came out on August 31st, so we're actually on week 3 of the reboot. Still, it shouldn't be too hard to find the issues at a local comic store or, if a comic store isn't an efficient option, you can just get the digital versions.

    Anywho, here's some brief reviews of the last two weeks worth of books I picked up:

    Justice League International: This is how I think you should do a team book of this kind. Justice League International has always been about putting B-list international heroes on display and this one does that very well..... even if Guy Gardner (the entire reason I picked it up to be completely honest) doesn't play as big a role as the cover suggests. Oh well, at least the other characters are displayed very well, especially Booster Gold, who I've always been amused by. I'd recommend it.

    Green Arrow: I bought this one on the recommendation of Linkara (of That Guy with the Glasses), who said the book was surprisingly good. I have to say, I agree. Outside of some serious continuity issues that I'm sure will be explained later, it was a very good book. At the very least, it was MUCH better than the last 15 issues that existed entirely for the sake of Brightest Day (and even then, it didn't really get actually bad until near the end of Brightest Day, let alone after Brightest Day ended). Another recommendation.

    Static Shock: In a 3 for 3 for last week's pulls, Static Shock is very good. Of course, it isn't perfect as I feel that it tries to do too much with too little space, causing the pages to be very cluttered, but if you can ignore the clutter, the action is good, the story is good and you definitely get a feel for Static as a character. One more recommendation.

    Batwoman: Here's where things get a bit..... hit or miss. I picked up Batwoman because I heard how awesome she was in 52, but, as I have yet to read 52, I was pretty much lost here. I'm sure it would have been fine if it had come out when it was supposed to, but the delays that pushed it back to the reboot have done it no favors. If this is supposed to target new readers, it will completely lose them and this coming from a Green Lantern reader (trust me, Green Lantern is probably the most continuity heavy book(s) DC's got). That said, the story itself is good where it doesn't rely so much on continuity and the art, while not my cup of tea due to the style, is quite good. Recommended to fans of Batwoman. Personally, as per my usual policy, I'll be giving it three more issues to see if the rest of the storyline makes me change my mind.

    Red Lanterns: Was this supposed to be a #0 before it was delayed to make it part of the reboot? So far, it feels like the books that were delayed to be made part of the reboot are the ones that don't work as well as they should. I'm curious if Swamp Thing fell under this same curse (anyone who's reading Swamp Thing, let me know). Anyway, Red Lanterns just doesn't work as a #1. Its entirely a prologue that was obviously partially rewritten so that it would set up a story arc. That said, it is always awesome to see Dex-Star being Rage Cat and Atrocitus continues to be an interesting character. Still not recommended, though. Likewise with Batwoman, I will be giving it another three issues to see if it can turn things around.

    Green Lantern: Similar to Red Lanterns, this was clearly not meant to be a #1, however, its main problem is the same one that Batwoman falls under: it relies way too much on continuity because it was obviously meant to be the next issue of the last volume of Green Lantern.... Even if it does feel like a few things were rewritten and sped up to get this story finished (seriously, the pacing is just awful if you take it as the next issue of the last series, but I can't get into why without spoilers) I get that Green Lantern is Geoff Johns' pet, thus why nothing even remotely significant to ever happen in the history of Green Lantern has been removed from continuity, but would it kill Johns to try to NOT alienate new readers, ESPECIALLY considering that many of them probably picked up the book because of the movie (though, to be fair, the timing of the movie was just not compatible with the rather good War of the Green Lanterns)? Anyway, despite the continuity problems, it was a well written book, as per Geoff Johns' other work and worth checking out if you don't mind doing a bit too much homework on the recent history of Green Lantern. Cautiously recommended.

    So that's the six books I picked up tonight and, with Justice League (that I talked about earlier in the thread), seven books total I've picked up. Next week has the main book I'm looking forward to (Green Lantern Corps), though, so I'll probably forgo my usual biweekly comic buying for now.