Why did they even compare DBZ with Naruto? I agree that they should go back to the Budokai series it was actualy fun ^____^ EDIT: i forgot to say that i didnt play the Wii DBZ game but the fact that it doesnt count as next-gen to them makes me angry! >.< Nintendo haters
Actually, I thought the second DBZ Tenkaichi game was pretty game. The third one pretty much failed. ...but could they please stop making DBZ games? I mean, geez, enough is enough. When are we going to see an actual decent game for Bleach? Or some other un-hyped anime?
wow what a surprise, there really making another DBZ game. (sarcasm) seriously after like 11 games i think its time ti move on to a different franchise
Wierd how they compared DBZ to Naruto dam, they cant do this.. my brothers will be on the internet playing this, WHICH I PAY FOR!!!! grrrr - runs stores to burn the games-
Wow, wats the point of this seriously...Online gameplay...it's not gona make things any better. The Budokai series was pretty gd but Tenkaichi was just...bleh.