This is something random that I wrote up really quickly. I know it's depressing, but I needed to express myself. Darkness Suffocating Choking How long will the night last? How long will my demons be able to torment me? They kick me. Beat me. Persecute me. When will it end? How much longer can I survive? Not much longer, I’m sure. It’s too hard. Too painful. Too much. Then the light comes through my window, Saving me from my tormentors. It's over. For now. The light of day saves me temporarily. Until tonight. The demons return with the darkness. It's a never ending cycle. Or so it seems. Either way, it's just another night for me.
Whoa.. Never seen you write something as dark as this O.o Its good. I got a little fed up with all the rhetorical questions but they were indeed effective. xD The repitition in the first verse was awesome. Doesn't look like something you wrote quickly :3