Darkest Castle

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Xert, May 23, 2008.

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  1. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    We are still acepting people
    A Castle of black stone, graudgoyes every where. The moon is black absorbing light. The river besides the castle flows with blood. The ground around the castle... NO there is no ground only the dead bodies of the dead enemies to the lord of the castle. Iside the catle lies many creachers that feast on hearts. Rumored to still be beating as they ate them. The lord of the castle is crul and evil. But to his invited guest he is a gentalmen. He posins the minds of his guest so that they are loyal to him. He then reliaes them back into the world to do his biding. Many kingdoms and goverments have fallen beause of the castle's lord. Some say that he isn't human, that he is a demon dressed in black armor. Others say he is the devil himself. Many have tryed to march to the dark castle. But no army is ever seen again that dare march into that cured land. They say the lord canot be harmed by wepons. He knowns no pain. But he loves to cause it. If he ever captures you istead of killing you he will torchur you beyond even the worst pain. He goes into your mind and shows you your worst fears. In the end you will beg for death. So do you dare enter that cured land?

    -Private James Wood only known seriver of the 5th army died 5 days after being found.

    The people have always feard this dark lord but could never do any thing about it. No army ever marched into those cured lands ever lived. People thought that the only way to servive was to surrender to this Lord and almost all have except the Empire of Twilight and the Light Republic.
    The Light Rebublic has sent a message to the king requesting help. The King has told Sora Riku and Kairi to come with him to this world that lays in the relm of darkness. They are curently on the ship about to enter the realm of Darkness

    Affitonal info:

    Locations: the Twilight Empire is on a large cotanit at the center of the world the main castle lays at (0,0). it has one main outer wall 100 feet thick and 200 feet high. and sevral smaller walls inside.
    The Dark lands and the Light rebublic are on the same contanit but are divided by the Red river which in the dark land is nothing but blood. The Dark castle also has many gaurd stachus of diffrent creaches with eyes made of gems.

    About the contries: The forest monks spealize in herbs, medicen and other plant based creations. Because of religous belifes the only wepon they can use is a sword. They side with the Dark Lord because he donates much to them.
    The Thunder Trading Company isn't on anyones side but they know that sevral of the Dark Lord's agents could destroy there trade system. But don't like him because they aren't aloud to trade the world famous Rockets (fire works) to anyone except other people in the Dark Lands

    Contry relations: The Fire Tribes and the Water Kingdom don't like each other due to many wars between the two.
    The Free people of the Ice don't like the Thunder trading company because they (thunder can make there inveshons better than they (ice) can.

    Races: the dark lords creachers are basicly people with diffrent colord skin twons, horns, tails and (optinal) bat wings.
    Elfs and dwarves don't like each other for some reason.

    Contry of orgin: because I want more diverce charaters now there are diffrent lands: The Fire tribes, Water Kingdom, Thunder trading company, The Free people of the Ice, Earth (under dictatorship), The Forest Monks, the Dark Lands (rules over all in frount of this) the Wind Folowers (religous cult), Light Rebuplic, and the Twilight Empire.

    NO god moding
    KH charaters welcome
    No yuri or yaoi
    guns singal shot pistals muskets and cannons (only for the people on the Dark Lord side sorry to every one elce)
    no mechines unless I aprove
    you may have Rockets (fireworks)
    no killing charaters without permission of the player
    PG-13 every thing except words Exaple F*ck
    To be a Dark Lord's chreacher you must be on the Dark Lords side (duh)
    Have fun

    OC sheet:

    Your user name:
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect):
    Wepon (if any):
    Powers (if any):
    Contry of orgin (you must have one):
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect):
    Bio/ history:

    KH charaters:

    Dark Lands:

    Your user name: Xert
    Name: Dark Lord\ Lord Sithos
    Age: Unknown
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): Ruler over the Dark lands
    Wepon (if any): twin swords
    Powers (if any): Darkness
    Contry of orgin (you must have one): Dark Lands
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): Unknown
    Aperance: Wheres black armor. His helm keeps his face coverd
    Bio/ history: No one is sure how he came to power but he did it very fast and with ease
    Other: None

    Your user name:leon47
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect):dark lord's pet
    Wepon (if any):Claws and jaws and magic
    Powers (if any)arkness and fire
    Contry of orgin (you must have one):dark lands
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect):dark lord's creacher
    Aperance:http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/65/dragon002bt1.jpg same size as a dog
    Bio/ history:He sit in front of the entrance to the castle blocking entre he also hunts those who defy his master
    Other:likes to play with bones

    User Name: Xert
    Name: Nox
    Age: 18
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): none
    Wepon (if any): none
    Powers (if any): unknown
    Contry of orgin (you must have one): Dark lands
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): Human
    Aperance: black hair and green eyes. lots of scars
    Bio/ history: He is torchured by his father on a daily basis. his father calls him a mistake
    Other: He is the Dark Lord's son

    Twilight Empire:

    Your user name: Xert
    Name: Sayras
    Age: 25
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): Emperor of The Twilight Empire
    Wepon (if any): a two handed sword
    Powers (if any): Twilight
    Contry of orgin (you must have one): Twilight Empire
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): Elven
    Aperance: Brown eyes Black hair. He has a blue tunic.
    Bio/ history: Came into power recently after his fathers death
    Other: does not feel he is ready to lead his contry

    Your user name:Masamure
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect):Forest lookout

    Wepon (if any)irks,Sundering Flatbow
    Powers (if any):Uses everything in the forest for traps,healing and poisons

    Contry of orgin (you must have one):twilight empire
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect):Elve

    Aperance:Long Grey and Black hair Wih Green hide armor With dirks on his legs and Flatbow on his back. All green upperbody all green lower body and orange boots.

    Bio/ history:A Young ranger from the wood escapes his family from being accused of being a traitor although he is not. He was set up by his Father Somu elder of the wood. While running he mysteriously came to a citadel and became a servants to the ghost soldiers and later to become a soldier for the army. Now on the run he is escaping his fate collecting runes to help him along the way back to the wood to reclaim honor.


    Your user name:sora117
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect):none
    Wepon (if any):dual blades
    Powers (if any): teleport short distances
    Contry of orgin (you must have one):twighlit
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect):human
    Aperance:long red smoth hair red eyes and wears black cloak
    Bio/ history:she had a brother named john who tried fighting the dark lord but died and passed his swords to Liz and all his powers
    Other:shy and gets crushes easily she can control her pet snake her brother gave her.

    Your user name:Masamure
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect):Forest lookout
    Wepon (if any)irks,Sundering Flatbow
    Powers (if any):Uses everything in the forest for traps,healing and poisons
    Contry of orgin (you must have one):twilight empire
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect):Elve
    Aperance:Long Grey and Black hair Wih Green hide armor With dirks on his legs and Flatbow on his back. All green upperbody all green lower body and orange boots.
    Bio/ history:A Young ranger from the wood escapes his family from being accused of being a traitor although he is not. He was set up by his Father Somu elder of the wood. While running he mysteriously came to a citadel and became a servants to the ghost soldiers and later to become a soldier for the army. Now on the run he is escaping his fate collecting runes to help him along the way back to the wood to reclaim honor.

    Light Rebublic:

    Your user name: Xert
    Name: Kars
    Age: 46
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): Grand Concelmen of the Light Rebuplic
    Wepon (if any): none
    Powers (if any): light
    Contry of orgin (you must have one): Light Rebublic
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): Human
    Aperance: Greying hair blue eyes. white robe
    Bio/ history: he is on his 3rd term
    Other: none


    Water Kingdom:

    Your user name: Xert
    Name: Queen Nasele
    Age: 28
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): Queen of the Water Kingdom
    Wepon (if any): A lance with a trident tip
    Powers (if any): control over water and a rumored Necromancer
    Contry of orgin (you must have one): Water Kingdom
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): Human
    Aperance: Blue hair violet eyes. usaly a deep blue dress. In battle dark green armor
    Bio/ history: Came into power 5 years ago after her fathers death. which was said to be a fire tribe assian
    Other: She would be at War with the Firetribes if she didn't have a treaty with the Dark Lord

    Your user name: sora is cute
    Name: Eden
    Age: 12
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): She travels, selling hand made trinkets.
    Wepon (if any): She carries a staff, and a small sword.
    Powers (if any): She has a power of shape shifting.
    Contry of orgin (you must have one): Water Kingdom
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): Human
    Aperance: file: The girl in my AV, except her collar is blue.
    Bio/ history: She has dared to take one step into the Dark Lands, but had quickly retreated. Her mother and father died because they were forced to go to the Dark Lands, and they never returned. What Eden had collected before they left was her mother's silver Dragonfly hairpin and her father's gold rose brooch.
    Other: She has been traveling since she was 5.

    Fire Tribes:

    Forest Monks:

    Name: Vallyn Ilphirahc
    Age: 250
    Job at home: Rogue/Assassin
    Weapon: Two Shamshirs - Nightmare and Oblivion
    Powers: Levitation, Summoning Globes of Darkness, Faerie Fire (Harmless fire that is usually used to outline figures, mostly mages, in the darkness or whilst turning invisible), and some Magical abilities.
    Country of orgin: Forest Monks
    Race: Drow (Dark Elf)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Bio/ history: Vallyn, born as a drow, is at the top of the Hierarchy within the chaotic society. Powerful in all states of the Drow community, Vallyn often becomes bored and is alway happy to accept a mission or two. Killing often got boring for him, but, it never stopped him from surviving. In the Forest of Miir, where all is perpectually dark, mithral and adamantine are often traded with other races who fear them. Enchanted Dark Elven wares and blades are the most dangerous, and most often needed to be avoid. The Drow women rule as superior, as to the Drow custom. Vallyn, not caring for the rules, not caring about the killing, he often thinks of travelling the world, casting shadows of intrigue, chaos, and his very image over them. His interests are to be entertained, not to be set in a small forest, raiding whenever a band of travellers are about... With his trusty blades, enchanted heavily, and his cloaking piwafwi, he sets out as a renegade, upsetting his goddess or not (probably not at all, since he is only a male after all), travelling in the shadows as a mercenary.
    Other: He likes to write in a journal, practice magics, and read. Often times, he's off killing for mercenary work, or just because he doesn't like them. He fights honourably and is very patient.

    Wind folowers:

    Your user name: Xert
    Name: Drake
    Age: 42
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): Head of the Folowers of the wind
    Wepon (if any): none
    Powers (if any): Wind
    Contry of orgin (you must have one): Wind folowers
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): Orc
    Aperance: Dark green skin. Muscular build. white robe and a wind medailon
    Bio/ history: unknown
    Other: none

    Thunder tradeing Company:

    Your user name: Graxe
    Name: Ixion
    Age: 27
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): Traveling Mercenary/Merchant
    Wepon (if any): battle gauntlets and greaves that can emit lightning on contact
    Powers (if any): Electricity/Lightning
    Contry of orgin (you must have one): Thunder Trading Company
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): human
    Aperance: electric blue eyes, black hair with a purple shine, dark blue undershirt, black leather vest, tight jeans, boots, wears a necklace and a belt engraved with a lightning bolt, has a body bag full of stolen fireworks
    Bio/ history: recently stole tens of top secret fireworks models that were planned to be used to attack the Dark Lands
    Other: extremely impatient at times and has a bit of a multiple personality

    What has happend:
    Ixion: tried to attack the dark Lord's castle by himself and failed he was challanged by Vallyn no real victor
    Eden: whached the fight between Ixion and Vallyn and was later teleported to a Cell with Nox
  2. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Your user name: Graxe
    Name: Ixion
    Age: 27
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): Traveling Mercenary/Merchant
    Wepon (if any): battle gauntlets and greaves that can emit lightning on contact
    Powers (if any): Electricity/Lightning
    Contry of orgin (you must have one): Thunder Trading Company
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): human
    Aperance: electric blue eyes, black hair with a purple shine, dark blue undershirt, black leather vest, tight jeans, boots, wears a necklace and a belt engraved with a lightning bolt, has a body bag full of stolen fireworks
    Bio/ history: recently stole tens of top secret fireworks models that were planned to be used to attack the Dark Lands
    Other: extremely impatient at times and has a bit of a multiple personality
  3. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    okay your in
  4. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Your user name: sora is cute
    Name: Eden
    Age: 12
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): She travels, selling hand made trinkets.
    Wepon (if any): She carries a staff, and a small sword.
    Powers (if any): She has a power of shape shifting.
    Contry of orgin (you must have one): Water Kingdom
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): Human
    Aperance: file: The girl in my AV, except her collar is blue.
    Bio/ history: She has dared to take one step into the Dark Lands, but had quickly retreated. Her mother and father died because they were forced to go to the Dark Lands, and they never returned. What Eden had collected before they left was her mother's silver Dragonfly hairpin and her father's gold rose brooch.
    Other: She has been traveling since she was 5.
  5. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Your user name: Soranspartanti
    Name: Seth
    Age: 17
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): farmer, and soldier
    Wepon (if any): chakrams, battle axe, knives, firecrackers,
    Powers (if any): Some healing powers, only scars, cuts and bruises can heal. power of darkness, too, barely uses it, knowing the consequences.
    Contry of orgin (you must have one): Thunder Trading Company
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): elf
    Aperance: Long blue/gray coat, trimmed in red, but faded to maroon, lots of pockets, has a shieth on back, and bags containing chakram, smoke bombs, rocks, money, and firecrackers, dirty blonde, short/long, dirt, and blood smears on him and his coat, baggy pants, black boots, cross over belts on his hips, hanging. Blue eyes, short elven ears with a pearl earing on it.
    Bio/ history: Makes a living off of making Firecrackers.
    Other: Has the power of darkness secretly kept inside his heart.
  6. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Your in but Eden it's the water Kingdom
    and for those with fire works I hope you know it's illeagal and The Tradeing compony will through you out or kill you
    and The thunder tradeing company does't make fire works (because no one out side of the Darkest castle ever makes them) They use the thunder trading company's transport system
  7. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Whatever..... Hey, when do we start?
  8. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    we need more people
  9. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Your user name:leon47
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect):dark lord's pet
    Wepon (if any):Claws and jaws and magic
    Powers (if any):darkness and fire
    Contry of orgin (you must have one):dark lands
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect):dark lord's creacher
    Aperance:http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/65/dragon002bt1.jpg same size as a dog
    Bio/ history:He sit in front of the entrance to the castle blocking entre he also hunts those who defy his master
    Other:likes to play with bones
  10. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    OC: you left alot of things blank
  11. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    OOC:It was what I could think off I will edit it a bit
  12. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    much better your in
  13. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Your user name: Sessamaru
    Name: Vallyn Ilphirahc
    Age: 250
    Job at home: Rogue/Assassin
    Weapon: Two Shamshirs - Nightmare and Oblivion
    Powers: Levitation, Summoning Globes of Darkness, Faerie Fire (Harmless fire that is usually used to outline figures, mostly mages, in the darkness or whilst turning invisible), and some Magical abilities.
    Country of orgin: Forest Monks
    Race: Drow (Dark Elf)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Bio/ history: Vallyn, born as a drow, is at the top of the Hierarchy within the chaotic society. Powerful in all states of the Drow community, Vallyn often becomes bored and is alway happy to accept a mission or two. Killing often got boring for him, but, it never stopped him from surviving. In the Forest of Miir, where all is perpectually dark, mithral and adamantine are often traded with other races who fear them. Enchanted Dark Elven wares and blades are the most dangerous, and most often needed to be avoid. The Drow women rule as superior, as to the Drow custom. Vallyn, not caring for the rules, not caring about the killing, he often thinks of travelling the world, casting shadows of intrigue, chaos, and his very image over them. His interests are to be entertained, not to be set in a small forest, raiding whenever a band of travellers are about... With his trusty blades, enchanted heavily, and his cloaking piwafwi, he sets out as a renegade, upsetting his goddess or not (probably not at all, since he is only a male after all), travelling in the shadows as a mercenary.
    Other: He likes to write in a journal, practice magics, and read. Often times, he's off killing for mercenary work, or just because he doesn't like them. He fights honourably and is very patient.

    Alignment: Lawful Evil
  14. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    sorry there is no forest in the Dark Land
  15. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Alright, I editted it.
  16. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    good your in one more person should do it
  17. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    C'mon People! Join It!
  18. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Do we seriously have to wait for someone else to join? Or will you have a time limit and have it expire? x.x I am dead bored here, man!
  19. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Hold on let me add more contry leaders
  20. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Well... I can't wait to see how this RP turns out ^^'
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