Any of you lovely members been playing this masterpiece of a game? I have for the last month and a bit and god damn I still haven't had enough of it. The multiplayer is fun, the story was interesting and the initial difficulty was delicious. What are your thoughts on this game? If you want to co-op (or PvP) sometime then we should totally exchange PSN names. If you need help on something I could try and help you out too. :D
. . . I love Dark Souls! I've played it onle for a few hours though :( Only because......Ocarina of Time is much better...yes I said it owo
I plan to pick up Dark Souls as well as Demon Souls sometime. If anyone wants to play when I get them, shoot me a pm and we can exchange PSN names.
GAME OF THE YEAR ALL YEARS I am kind of like the primo forum From Software fanboy, Dark Souls in particular. I know all the things all of them. I haven't actually beaten it yet, but only because I'm doing a lot of experimentation with different builds and boss strategies. I want to master the game, not just beat it. Add me (Nouveau_Nova) and let me know if you're stuck somewhere, I can usually have a character to pretty much anywhere up to Anor Londo/Painted World within a day or so. Depends how much trouble Sen's Fortress gives me. Also, favorite weapons? Mine's the Dragonslayer Spear; unfortunately it's hard to use, so I don't get to wield it much. I also like the Lifehunt Scythe, will be workshopping with it soon.
I want to play this but I'm almost scared to considering Demon's Souls has been taking me forever due to difficulty (I often wonder if I have the skills to beat it at all) and I've heard this game is even harder. I know I will ultimately buy it, but not today.
The "Increased difficulty as you die" concept is frustrating, but definitely a challenge. Though I don't have the game, I tried it at a friends, and really enjoyed it.
It's a pretty epic game. Lets just both agree that both games are as awesome as each other. ;o Dark Souls might be a bit hard to connect on, but I'd definitely like to do some co-op sometime. I bought both games a couple of months ago, I have yet to actually play through Demon's Souls yet. xD Only boss I've had trouble with on NG+ was Four Kings, and that was because I beat them early on to become a Darkwraith. That health boost they got really threw off timing. I had three on me near the end and almost became a skewered Undead. ;__; I'd love to do some PvP or just some co-op in general with you sometime though. I'll add you next time I'm on. I'll probably need a little bit of assistance on Sen's Fortress with my all-three-magics character. As for favourite weapon... I have a few. My favourite at the moment is the Great Lord Greatsword, followed by the Lightning Zweihander+5. And the Dragonslayer Bow is up there too, I love knocking enemies off of cliffs and ledges with arrows the size of bloody spears. It's probably because I've been playing a lot but once you get the hang of dodging and blocking enemy attacks, it's a cake walk. It takes a bit, but it does get easier. A good friend of mine and my boyfriend both suggested that I play Dark Souls first. To get used to the general controls, difficulty and for story purposes. I think it's a hit or miss game for a lot of people. Some just can't cope with the steep difficulty curve. It's good to hear that you enjoyed it! :D
GENERAL TIP FOR CO-OP: If you're trying to co-op with a buddy, keep refreshing your soul sign every minute or so until they see it. Goes to a different server each time you lay it down. (It also changes servers naturally over time, but it's a bit quicker if you keep track of it.) Heheh. Yeah, Sen's always gives me trouble. I'll help you if you help me! I've wiped all my files and I'm starting fresh with a Phatty. Let me know what SL you're at when you get there and I'll meet you there. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF THE DARK SIDEEEEE Hah, did they really? I'd say Demon's Souls is easier by a fair margin. From Software actively responded to the players of the last game, adjusting each incarnation of each enemy to make them a little tougher. For example, the first boss is much faster than it's D'sS equivalent, and the next one even more so (and he fights you in a narrower space); and even the standard enemies have more varieties of attacks, most of which have better mobility and tracking. Granted, in Demon's Souls, there were a few bosses who were still a pain even if you had a full party; I've yet to encounter this in Dark Souls. But yeah, for everyone else, the difficulty is nothing to be scared of! It takes practice, strategy, a lot of study on your own limits and your opponents', and most of all finding a style that suits you. You can't rely on stats too much; they're built such that grinding the difficulty away is just not possible, which I'm thankful for. It preserves the challenge, and it means you can technically get away with an SL1 run if you're crafty enough! Co-op also takes the edge off of some more challenging areas, which is why I offer, lol. If anyone's stuck or intimidated, message me and maybe I can give you some hot tips.