Copying your stock is fine but when you smudge it you need to make sure that it doesn't look the same as the rest. The smudging on the right is fine but the smudging on the left contradicts the whole right side along with the pentooling. You The right side has flow while the left side is messy. The rose i understand is black so its naturally dark but you need to add a lightsource source so its easier to tell what it is.
^ I agree Other then that the text is Great ^^ The match good the arrows are a bit off but the lines you added on the bottom corners made it more alive :3
The "L" in Lovely is a bit hard to see, but the major problem with this is that when you use the smudge tol, it will either make the sig look ALOT better or ALOT worse. Try to not repeat the stock next time and use more effects.
It looks allright,but the username looks a little cut off.From the L in your userename.But,other than that,it's great.9.5/10