I know a good percentage of this forum plays some form of DDR. (Dance Dance Revolution) Plz select ur levul. Also, I'm using the cool titles for the levels 'cause yah.
Yaya. I'm standard/heavy. ): If I still played as much as I used to, I'd probably be heavy by now. But sadly I'm not made out of money and no one is ever good enough to play as many games like I do. >: It's really uncool. :I but yah. <3 the game still. edit: ._. say, maybe I can get this moved to Anythingelse. Just delete sonic-lovers post up there first.
What versions of it do you have? First one I got I believe was DDR max, right after it came out. Then came Max 2, extreme, extreme 2, supernova, and supernova 2. My favorite song to do at the moment is Xepher.
I played a demo of Guitar hero, like, a week after I got a real guitar. Since I have no experiance with the real one, I found Guitar hero to be great practice XD I'll only play DDR, however, if it's in a game arcade and I have a spare few quarters. Then I can do "We will rock you" on one version perfectly in hard mode.
I only had Extreme, xD; Yeah, just one. I've played supernova on the actual machine, though. And lol, my favorite song is Xepher, too. |: and I think another one that starts with an 'x'. I forgot its name. I haven't played supernova in probably 5 months. My PS2 was stolen along with everything that came with it minus the pad. So yeah, useless pad. I just usually play at the arcade. Lol, DDR doesn't like you either.
I'm on Light. I have the console version of DDR with the mat and everything since Christmas, but I need to practice more even though I got a lot better.
Aye. I'm the short skinny blonde girl who randomly comes in beats all the DDR nerds at DDR on that song. <3 it. Although most of my favorites other than that remain on the original DDR max that was my first ever DDR. Edits: I feel like playing a song now.
Light, going on standard. I've played this games since DDR max came out on PS2 and I still suck. SHAME D: This is bad for A-kon >.<
Beginner/Light~ I just started playing like, a month ago... But I can still kick any of my friends butts >:
I don't play nearly as much as I used to, but once I start I can usually pick up rather quickly. I'd say I'm at the standard/heavy level. I really need to start doing it more often again. ._.