Birth by Sleep Damnatio Memorie...

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by twilightsbringing, May 1, 2008.

  1. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    This is an idea with no evidence, I just thought it might be interesting to you all.
    Damnatio Memorie literally means to damn someone's memory. In other words, you erase that person from books, pictures, life, etc. It has happened before in Earth's history, especially in Ancient Egypt and Rome/Greece. If someone of the royal family or any family for that matter dishonored or did something to upset everyone, they would have Damnatio Memorie committed upon them. I remember seeing a fresco painting of a family from Ancient Rome where one of the son's faces was etched out. They also did it to King Tutenkamun (sp?) of Ancient Egypt. They erased him from any writings, but left his tomb intact strangely.
    "Damnatio Memorie" is indeed Latin, "damnatio" meaning to damn and "memorie" meaning memory.
    In Kingdom Hearts, if something like that should happen to someone, that person's heart would either collapse or shatter. Now, we know something terrible happens to Ven's heart:
    Terra: I have a friend. Tell me, what did you do to his heart!?!
    If you notice in the KH2 Final Mix secret ending, Xehanort does something to Ven before he freezes him. Black flames engulf him, which I am guessing is whatever hurt Ven's heart. I am not saying that "damnatio memorie" is what Xehanort did but I am talking about the idea of it.
    From the trailer script translated by bittermeats at KHInsider:
    ヴェン「誰だ? あんたに会ったことなんか…」
    Ven: Who are you?  As for having met you…

    Ven seems surprised at having remembered something.

    Xehanort: Seems that you're losing it.

    ゼアノート「しかしそれは永遠の喪失ではない 手に入れるために失ったのだ!」
    Xehanort: However, you haven't lost it permanently. In order to obtain it, give up.

    Xehanort: Now recover everything, and discover the truth!

    The old man releases magic from his hands, Ven's expression becomes confused and fearful.

    Then there's this scene as well which supports this idea:

    Ven stares at the shore as the sun sets.

    He is looking downward with a despondent expression.

    We're "friends", therefore I wanted to ask something. Erase me.

    It's the last scene…

    And perhaps that's the reason why no one remembers Ven. They would have said something when they saw Roxas. I've also been wondering why King Mickey, since he obviously knows who Master Xehanort was, didn't freak out when he met ATW's apprentice, Xehanort, or not even remember VAT at all!

    "Damnatio memorie" is just an idea folks. No theory here.
  2. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I like the idea...but a question...

    How could we know people were erased from history if nobody was around to reveal this.

    Ex: (Destined would like this)

    Pirate Prisoner: The black Pearl? I've heard stories: She's been preying on ships and settlers alike, for near ten years...never leaves any survivors...

    Jack Sparrow: No survivors? Then where do the stories come from I wager?

    *That whole entire thing is probably because jack could have told the stories, and actually some survivors are left after the Black pearl attacks.
  3. twilightsbringing Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 31, 2006
    Well, I should have said ATTEMPTS at damnatio memorie. That would have been more accurate. We still know that people like King Tut existed, but because of his "erasure," we have little information on him.
  4. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008

    This is a good theory. They still try to do this today, this damn the memory thing on people who know to much, or some people who work in secret goverment adjencies who need to be forgotten (like MIB).
    But as for Kingdom HEArts, i think it is really posible, I don't think it'll be called the damn of memories though, more so a diiferent version of that same thing.
    Plus, what clip is the VEn and Xhenhenort talking in? Even if its in japanese, can you give me a link to it or something?