
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Roxas, Mar 12, 2007.

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  1. hahannuh Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 22, 2006
    "Students also take part in seminars - phenomenally confrontational three-day sessions which are calculated to induce what approaches mass hysteria. Participants must swear a vow of silence, shrouding what takes place in secrecy. Many credit these emotionally intense encounters with transforming their lives, whereas others describe them as brutal manipulation."

    omg. OMG. This is absolutely ridiculous. This can't be real, this isn't real. What the hell. What insane parents would send their children there? I'm speechless. Honestly, I can't stand parents who would dump their children into some strangers’ hands to be taken care of and changed. If these parents aren't ready to face the hectic days, constant fights, and exacerbating arguments, they should think twice about having kids. This is the twenty-first century, drugs and sex is everywhere. What do they expect? I mean I argue with my mom 24/7 but she always tells me that she will never give up on me, to abandon your child and expect that some institution will cure your child. If these parents think that these teenagers, who return home, absolutely brainwashed and manipulated and frightened, they have never known true happiness. For a true parent knows what is right for their children and what makes them happy... Absolutely ridiculous.
  2. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    ...what kind of parent would send their own child to place like this?

    This isn't a rehab. It's a prison designed to not even get a damn about children's right and preparing them the goverment wants them to be, not who they want to be.

    The parents shouldn't blame the child, it's themselves they should blame. They failed, and they should accept that, not lie to themselves.

    I hope this place one day gets destroyed or the kids rebel.
  3. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Oh no, theres a Hell on earth. Why are we doing this to eachother. Humans treat eachother so badly.
  4. It's just sick man. How can that jen ken guy sleep at night. If I saw him walking across a road or sumin i'd have him killed. I dont care what the circumstances would be. This needs to be stopped! Whhat kind of sick twisted peron/s couuld and would do this to children/teenagers. What kind of parent would send their child to such a place. Hell on earth man hell on earth... Oh great now I got my laptop wet
  5. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
  6. Britannia Moogle Assistant

    May 16, 2007
    I was in Jamaica.

    Hello, I found this thread after seeing James's name on it. James is my boyfriend, we managed to meet while in Jamaica. He was there for 2.5 years, with no transfers to other facilities. He is actually quite busy, and nothing like what you assume him to be. Both of us were considered rebels in the program system, and that's why we were both in lockdown for so long.

    You can contact me on MSN messenger, conformity_kills@msn.com. I'd be happy to answer any and all your questions. I'm going to give you a bit of personal background right now, so that you know what you're getting into if you want to talk to me.

    I was first sent to Casa by the Sea when I was 14 for a variety of "insubordinate" behavior. I'd already been hospitalized in acute units twice, the first time when I was 13 for self mutilation and then about a year and a half later for an intentional overdose. Casa by the Sea was in Ensenada, Mexico, and was by far the most brainwashing of all the WWASP facilities. You were belittled and emotionally attacked for extremely small things, such as saying "I *got* a consequence" (which is the paper form of punishment, a deduction of points) instead of saying "I *earned* myself a consequence". We were treated like dogs, and the facility was extremely unhygienic. There were also no real medical personel, and there was a lot of "problems with legal paperwork". I was there for 8 months before the facility was shut down. I was then sent to Spring Creek Lodge Academy, where I received no proper attention for my mental problems. After about 9 months, they realized that I'd been cutting myself and starving myself for quite a while, and they sent me to a place called NIBH, which is the North Idaho Behavioral Health clinic. I was there for a little less than a week while they filed the paperwork for me to be sent to Jamaica. I went there for a solid year, which is filled with many very bad memories. I was once put in isolation for 2.5 days because I refused to stop reading a book when my staff told me to... things of that nature. I can't even count how many nights I had to try to fall asleep while hearing my friends screaming in OP, the staff brutalizing them for imagined offenses. It was not a pleasant time, in any sense of the word. I managed to get myself sent back to Spring Creek (which is the Hilton of the programs, as far as food and punishment goes) and was there for another 5 months before my parents finally let me come home. I spent 3 birthdays there, close to 3 years. My parents knew of the abuse allegations that surrounded my schools, but they didn't care. The case reps used social and emotional manipulation to convince my parents that the program was the only way to take care of me. I had to go through all of the seminars twice, and I also had to staff all of them before I could go home (it was the deal I finally managed to get between my parents and I). There is nothing in the world like hearing a humongous room full of screaming teenagers, and nothing like standing in front of a facilitator, knowing that every word you say will be used against you, no matter what it is. You feel trapped and violated, and they try to break you. You guys are right about one thing: what they do is very, very wrong. I'm so grateful to be done with that ordeal, and I will never forgive my family for keeping me there so long. I just got out last November. I think I have more problems now than I did before, PTSD syndrome or something of the like. Before, I was just depressed and confused, had some anger. Now I trust no one, have nightmares every night, get angry over the smallest things. I have trouble maintaining motivation in doing things, because my lack of mood stability makes it hard for me to stay at anything. I do my best to not let **** affect me, but it is hard. Thankfully I'm adapting to life again, and developing the skills I need to make do.

    I hope that this has answered the majority of your questions, but please feel free to contact me if it hasn't. I'll periodically check on this thread to see if anyone responds.
  7. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    i felt physically ill when i read this, those parents need to be tried in court for abuse of their children for allowing them to be sent to that place. i want to kill everyone that works at that place. i have never felt more strongly about anything in my life. and your right about the government, they wont do anything at all unless you got like half the country behind you.

    i feel so sorry for anyone who had to go through this, to think something like this still happens in the modern so called 'civilised' world and people actually know whats going on but arent doing anything about it.

    this makes me soo angry and theres nothing i can do about it:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium

    That is totally ****ed up, man. I cannot believe anyone in the right mind would send their kid there. The people who run that place are messed up.
  9. xoxoroxasxoxo Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 22, 2007
    over the rainbow
    obviously the parents who send them there are paraniod....who in their right mind would do that ****??
  10. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    omg....who in the world would do this?! O_O It's torture!
  11. RoxasNoxas Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    Southern California
    Don't know if this has been posted, but that owner guy is named Jay Kay. Doesn't that sound a little suspicious and fake? Tranquility Bay... that place just sounds creepy.
    Someone should make a movie about it. LOL. Like a horror film. :)

    LOL. And I thought Day Care was bad...
  12. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    NO ONE deserves a treatment like that!.
    And it sounds even more horrible after what Britannia said. It's just so wrong and the parents that actually sends their kids there must have something wrong with thir skull. It's like legal torture.
    If a kid needs help and is out of control it means that the PARENTS have failed to lead the kid the right way.
    It's wrong to send the kids to a torture center like that. If they have problems like that send them to brat camp or something like that at least there you know what is happening. I'd rather die than to go to that torture centre!. H*ll what is wrong with people. The staff there that treated kids so badly should not be allowed to work with kids. Who ever started that horryfying center should be arrested. Excuse me but this sounds like a living HELL!
    Parents that actually keep their kids their after knowing about this should be going there themselves.
    Things like this in a kids life can make the kid more mentally unstable than it already is. This also causes more personal issues. And everyone SHOULD have a right to mena something like Mish said, no matter what cruel guverment you have. That is just human right that unfortunaltely some places on earth lack, which is a total shame.
    That istutusion should be illegal and the people that work there should never ever have worked with human when they treat them that way, it's just horrible that they 'play god' with other peoples life. For all we know these people can have mentally problems themselves.
    I feel sorry for the kids that have to go there and really don't have any problems. Just their parents think so because the kid doesn't have the same meanings as the parents, and they obey the parents some of them gets sent their (yes, stuff like that actually happen to people who just have a free will). I am glad I live in the country I have where I can express myself freely without having to be afraid or not the right to speak out.
    That instutusion is wrong there are other places that are much better and that actually help people that have mental problems.
    Stuff like this makes me appriciate that I am a helthy kid with rights to speak out.
  13. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    thats is sick. its more like torture than 'fixing your life'. and it shows how much the parents care about thier kids. there should be laws about sending kids to that type of place.
  14. Nanaki Broken in six places

    Dec 18, 2006
    At a computer desk.
    **** That *******!!! I feel sooo bad for those poor kids....that place is hell....Like ZOTT said, **** him!!! Damn...just another sick person to hate in this world...it's so sad....
  15. iamaspidermonkey Moogle Assistant

    May 27, 2007
    Wow...just wow. This makes my physically sick.

    There has to be something that can be done. With a will, there's a way. I mean...really, everyone says they want to make a difference but they don't realize that sometimes the hardest thing to do isn't to make a difference, but find a way to make the difference. There has to be someway.

    It all starts with the article, but how will it end? Getting the subject out will be a first priority, and that people will listen to things they'd probably rather ignore and go on with their happy lives.

    I don't mean to sound mean or anything here...but there has to be a way to at least start fixing this.
  16. VI schemer Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 17, 2007
    In your cereal box.
    I'll probably have nightmares myself. I was actually shaking at that horrible place. I would much rather die than go there. I will never take my parents for granted again. That place is... so god-damn ****ed up, I want to erase my memory.
  17. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    I'm confused as to what it's saying.
    Is it saying they go there and get the kids high?
  18. Xeitr The False Image Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 5, 2006
    your tummy
    this better be another ****in banzai cat or ima ****in bring together a ****ing army storm the place break the kids out of their ****ing brainwashing and ****in burn out whatever ****in bank stores theses ****ed up ppls money and then...and then i dont know god im crying now this is ****ed up stupid....mmm there will be retribution for this that anti christ of a "child correctionist" is going to burn in hell oh wait he belongs there even hell would be too good for someone messed up as this
  19. Repliku Chaser

    How horrible. Thank you, Brittania for sharing your experiences with us. I hope you will be alright and understand that at least here we do care about what horrific experiences you've undergone. This seems to be the new way for parents when dosing their children up with Ritalin fails to work. Some children DO have ADD but others did not and it was handed out like candy. This seems to be another fine way of parents dodging the issue of taking care of their children. Especially after I read things about how most of the parents were going through divorces, being rather immature themselves, and just didn't seem with the 'program' of life and the responsibility of taking care of their children.

    I do know of kids that are pretty bad and destructive, as well as self destructive. These kids are not always the result of 'bad parenting' and yes, then parents do need help. However, this place seems to entirely reprogram children and their responses when asked to delve deeper than the programming as to 'why would you have died' shows that they are not allowed to think and rationalize. Instead they are told what to think and that's that. It is no wonder these children are leaving the place and have PTSD. Yes, problem children need help and sometimes they must be taken out of their homes, but I can certainly envision a better way to dealing with this than what these people do.

    I find SERIOUS fault in the fact that the children are treated worse than people who go to rehab though the AA 12 step program is preached and I could condemn the efficiency of how well that works too, considering only around 10 to 12% of these people actually fix up their lives. The brainwashing is horrible and even in drug rehab, people are allowed to converse and interact with one another to some degree and instead of 'attacking' one another, they are encouraged to motivate each other to make it through the task of cleaning up. I would not send an adult to such a program, let alone a kid. How wretched! Jay says that kids are given a choice to adapt and earn the points. I see it more that they are given a choice to do what they are told and to conform to become a tattle-tale, two-faced individual that picks on others for being inferior, while still dealing with oppression and hoping to get out so you do whatever it takes. This is not what I would want my child to be and I'd rather deal with the kid who cuts him/herself, sleeps around or whatever because that crap can be controlled with enough influence. PTSD is something soldiers or rape victims or those who have been through some traumatic experience have. How could a parent think that giving this disorder to a child is helping? Sure, some kids need 'tough love' but they sure don't need this crap. I could go on venting but I think I've said enough and I'm sure no one wants to hear me ramble on some more. I'll go bug my roommate instead. =:)
  20. bahamut Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2007
    In that one place.
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