I think i might actually have it (even though i'm not paranoid). I had plans to go see "L: Change the World" tomorrow, so I have to go to school sick and stuff. I really feel like missing school but my parents won't let me go see the movie then.
you're gonna go to school feeling like crap?! you'd feel like crap at the movies too! XDDD i'd just stay home. :(
I wasn't able to get the tickets, so I'm just waiting for it to come out on DVD, you should too. It's not worth going to school sick, and possibly getting worse.
Lol, I skipped math tonight cause I felt too sick. I'm going to the health center tomorrow, but I'm seriously doubtful that I actually have Swine Flu... I have all they symptoms except one, the fever, and seeing as that's like the most important one, I'm gonna go ahead and say that I have the regular flu. But I still feel like crap, and learning Calculus with a headache did not sound like fun. So I didn't go :P Hehe
I won't skip the movie. I missed the first two and already have them on DVD. I've waited too long for this movie and missed a great oppronuity for tickets for The Last Name. I might as well look stupid and put a face mask on me tomorrow.
*GASP* i'm telling on you! *Runs* yeah.. but seriously don't go, and don't let your parents in on it if you want to go THAT BADLY.
Well what's more important? A movie you can buy a couple months later, or your health? Yeah, I saw the first two in theaters, but so? It's better on DVD because you can pause and rewind for funny parts or parts you like.
Yeah that's true, i'm currently re watching the Last name for like the 30-ish time. XD I want to go to the movie though becuause i want to see and hear people's reactions when they see it. Also, i moved earlier this year to another school and i'm hoping to see some old friends there. We haven't talked for the longest time, and i really miss them.
Really, all it is is a bunch of fangirls going "Awwwwwwww" at every cute L moment. That's all. You aren't missing anything, except for maybe some Cosplayers.
Nooo don't tell on meee!! My parents think I never ever skip class (that's what I tell them heheh)!! Which I don't usually... but it's college so it's not like I'll get in trouble. I just might fail math now cause I won't know what's going on ^_^' Oh well!!
Don't worry, i'm not a little snitch like those sneaky *******s... (Yes i'm referring to bully game for ps2 XDDDD) i'm skipping tommorrow.. just because i rock my world! :D Anyway 'tummer' how do you get to school? if your parents drop you off, and you close enough, walk home. If you ride your bike, go out and watch your parents, as soon as they leave, go back.. And if they leave before you, what's the rush? XDD
I do this too, I always go to school sick, then get worse marks for it because I don't want to fail school Dx