On Saturday (4th of July for those who have forgotten the date) there was an Orange walk - which occurs several times a year - that marched through one of Glasgow's busiest roads. An American said to one of my supervisors at work, "We just saw a parade along (such n' such road).Gosh, we fly thousands of miles n' we see Scots machin' in celebration for American independence. We loved it!" ._.
Let them dream... You won't believe what some Americans say about the 300 Spartans vs the Persians battle in the Hot Gates! They say that someone went with a time machine there, and he had a gun, and because he saw that the Spartans were very few, he started shooting at the Persians, and that's how the Spartans managed to win xDD
xDDDDD There is no other logical explanation. That's nothin' compared to what this one American woman said. She was attendin' a tour in Glasgow n' it included the area where the Battle Of The Bell O' The Brae took place - William Wallace n' his troops chasin' out the English garrison that were stationed there. She said to the tour guide, "You mean Mel Gibson walked up this street?"
And this is why I'm actually proud to be Australian. Wait.....There will be jokes about Austs. now won't there?., goddamnitt!