{Cyborg Soldier: 009}

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Arch, Jun 29, 2011.

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  1. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    θθ7 was struck by the pipe he had previously used. The metal bent around his head barely leaving a mark. His body was highly resistant to damage, which matched his superior strength levels. "Is that all?" he mocked before kicking backwards at 002. 002's abilities allow him to use speed beyond my own, I will have to attack steps ahead of his movement. But first my kick should force him to dodge again. θθ7 began plotting his moves and strategy as he noticed more cyborgs gathering. If all goes well there won't be a need for the other θθ units to appear.
  2. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Screw it!" 004 raised her arms, her hands palms down, opened fire on 007. At this point, she just wanted to blow up this offending cyborg and move on with their endeavors. How easy that would be, she didn't know. If all of them worked together to bring down 007, she thought they had a fair chance of succeeding. But what he had said about being superior to them had her worried -- maybe even scared. Instead of giving any thought at all to her fear and risking it building, she focused her attention on her bullets, watching them fly at 007.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Garxena. You don't need to strike out 0's to make the theta symbol. XD I've been copy/pasting them this whole time.


    θθ7 surprised 002 with his durability. Something like that would have at least knocked 002 down. Though he had planned to dodge the attack by accelerating once more he didn't activate it in time and was sent flying backwards. He rolled over on the snow in pain, feeling like he was hit by a truck. 'This guy's strong! Gah...I can barely move...' He growled lowly and clutched his stomach. 'Should've figured...I've got a fast body but I can't take a hit!' He looked up to watch 004 open fire on the new cyborg. "Keep your distance!" He turned over slightly to see 006 not too far from him. He knew that she shouldn't be around there with her noncombat-based abilities. "Hey there...Mind giving me a hand, zero-zero-six?"
  4. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    OOC: I have the θθ thing on a sticky note so I can copy and paste it :lolface:

    θθ7 was surprised that 002 didn't dodge in time. No matter, his plans quickly altered once he felt the spray of bullets hit him. His durable body deflected it mostly, although his green uniform was being torn apart. The bullets barely did damage but showed signs of marking after multiple hits in the same area. He wasn't immortal, but it would take much more to hurt him. I'll have to hold out until they run out of ammo or... he thought as he started walking towards 004. The bullets continued to bounce off of him and become entangled in the shredded holes in the torso of his uniform as he continued forward. He dared not run as he wasn't designed for speed, especially in these weather conditions. But taking his time gave him more opportunities to be aware and plan ahead. He had enough time before his body would be damaged by bullets. The greater durability made up for his middle class speed and preference to walking.
  5. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    The thick, white snow crunched under the heavy feet of Cyborg 001 as he trudged through the Russian wilds. He was running, as much so as the cover of the snow would allow him to. He wasn’t very fast as Cyborgs went to begin with, maxing out on fifty miles per hour; the snow more than halved that speed, making feel like he was only walking. And normal ones move like this? He asked himself. Even his stamina, which was amongst the best of his companion 00 models, was beginning to feel the wearing of the long march to the shack that he should have just gone to in the first place. He was even starting to think that it would have been easier to just go along with the others than go back to check for trackers; after all, it had taken him a good while to catch up to the others, and not backtracking would have saved him more trouble.

    As of that moment, he was moving in the direction he had pointed the group in, which he had heard would lead them to a safe shelter for the time being. Having gone back to make sure they weren’t being traced or followed, he had encountered something more vicious than he had expected to, and something against which even his resilience had had trouble resisting. As a result, he was left in somewhat rough shape. His uniform had been charred, and scraped away by a new foe, the likes of which he had not even anticipated. A spot on his face had met with a similar fate, and bore a burn mark where contact had been made. Yet he was still alive for some reason, and, other than the cold nipping at him through the tears in his uniform, he was doing well enough to put up some kind of front. But even so, he knew for a fact that had the battle lasted longer, he’d have been a goner.

    On the verge of doubting his choice to stay behind and fend of pursuers, he reminded himself that if he hadn’t done so, they’d have all been found before long, and all of them captured and destroyed. By staying behind, he had bought them more time. Unless… he shook his head. It had been strange to see a foe that could have left him in ashes flee from the battle. Perhaps they had decided that letting him live would allow them to find the other 00 Cyborgs. But the thought lingered in his mind of the others being captured already, and that he would simply be corralled into a trap like a lamb to the slaughter house. The latter option would be better, if either one were to have happened. He’d be able to let them know that they were being tailed. Regardless, the fear of the latter outcome kept him weary, and pushed him onward.

    Without realizing it, the visage of the small shack to which he had sent the others came into view as a black dot in the distance. He could hear the last booms and bangs of a battle that had been waged echo over the glazed landscape. What had transpired? Had they been defeated, and he the last one left to fight for his life? Or had they won, and would they leave him behind when he didn’t show up in time? Against his own beliefs, he moved faster through the snow, a sprint by his standards, and that of his terrain. Eventually, the shack became more than just a black dot in the distance, its rustic structure growing clearer and clearer until 001 could make out the majority of its detail. Of course, the others weren’t there, but a distance away, and thus, he continued passed it, in the hopes of catching up to them before they got too far.​
  6. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    006 cursed under her breath as she watched 002 fall back, squeezing her hands into her fists. She bit down on her lip roughly as she felt the urge to at least 002 and 004, but her lack of fighting abilities prevented her from doing so. She took a few steps back she saw 002 land towards her direction. She quickly ran towards his direction and grabbed his arm gently when he asked for her help. "You okay?" She pulled on his arm as she helped the cyborg up, momentarily averting her attention towards θθ7. As soon as 002 was up, 006 let go of his arm and returned her attention towards him.
  7. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    005 bit her lip, she knew she was the weakest fighter out of all nine of them of them, that was why she'd taken responsibilty of the crate so she was doing something. She knew her stregnths were in other areas yet she still felt so useless. She frowned, there had to be somethig she could do. She looked at the cyborg they were fighting, he had to have a weakness somewhere and maybe she could find out what it was. She stared at him and began scanning him with all her different senses and peeling back layers with her X-ray searching for any kind of weakness.

    OOC: Just thought I should point out I don't know if she'll find anything or what she'll find but I just wanted her to do something.
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: With her powers she'd be able to find the electrical generators on θθ7...though as to whether or not she'd know what they actually are is up to you.


    002 staggered forth a bit once 006 helped him up, keeping his eyes on their new enemy. 'I can't do anything about this guy...' He glanced over at 006 and nodded. "Just took a hard hit but I'll be fine." He took in a deep breath and let go of his stomach.

    OOC: Sorry for the short post. I was waiting on Garxena but she's busy. D8
  9. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: I enjoy striking things!! D< And just for that, I shall continue to be different and strike the zeros! : D lol

    BIC: "The hell...?" 004 stepped backwards, her guns coming to a cease fire. She had expected her efforts to at least put a dent in 007. "Move your *sses and help me!" She yelled at the others, her mind racing to come up with some way to destroy 007. The other cyborgs had better have something better in their systems than she did because her bullets were obviously not to going to be useful.

    OOC: It's short 'cause I've got no creative juices right now.... ><
  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Oh great, now what? 009 thought hearing more sound of fighting, When he got close enough to see what was going on, he saw that 004 and 005 were fighting some green cyborg while 006 was helping 002 up. What was he supposed to do, the only ability he knew how to use was the fact that he could make to portal, but he didn't if he could used it in a fight. At least he knew how to fight. Deciding that if would better to help than do nothing, he soon ran off to help.
  11. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    θθ7 continued towards 004, she was the biggest threat here to him, although she had yet to do anything other than a small percentage of damage she was still the most weaponised of the cyborgs present. As he got closer he picked up his speed into a power walk of sorts before dashing briefly for an attack. He swung his fist at 004, he planned to disable her first due to her long range attacking abilities which where one of his disadvantages.

    OOC: Not really sure what to do. Probably gonna try and keep the fight going till 001 catches up or something so I can pump out the clichés and tropes.
  12. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    007 stood there, quite frozen - not knowing what to do. Her hands tightened to fists as her mind started rambling on ways on how she might be of any help at all. Nothing came to her though. In all the intensity of the whole event, her mind was completely blank - something that was very rare to her. However, suddenly something clicked inside as she watched the mad cyborg continued at 004. Not even her harsh call before could have brought her to a run like what she was on now. She would have thought it out first, but it was like an alarm when on when θθ7 swung his fist at 004. She rushed towards them, pretty unsure of what to do, except that she only knew that she wasn't going to just stand there and do nothing.
  13. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    005 frowned, shee'd found something which was better than nothing. The only problem was she didn't know exactly what that something was, whatever it was it was emitting an awful lot of energy, which meant it was probably important. She opened her mouth to tell the others but stopped, that cyborg wasn't so different from them, what if they had the same weakness? She didn't want θθ7 to hear and us it against them. She had to tell them without θθ7 hearing. She wasn't sure how good his senses were but she didn't want to risk saying it aloud, instead she'd just remembered one her abilities she'd only done once before by accident. She looked at 002 as he seemed to have taken charge and concentrated, 'Hello? Can you hear me? I think I've found a weak spot' She thought before going on to explain what she'd found, just hoping he could hear her.
  14. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    004 raised her arms to take the hit that 007 dealt. She staggered sideways from the force of it; she hadn't fully expected such strength. She thought she heard something her shoulder snap or pop, but she could see no external sign of damage so she ignored it. Quickly, she analyzed her options: if she used her grenades here, would she be risking the safety of the other cyborgs? If she emptied her bullets from her fingers on 007, would it do any good? If she attempted hand-to-hand combat, would she be screwing herself over? She was never a good fist fighter before and didn't expect to magically be now. Grenades it was.
    "Is that all? That was rubbish!" She placed her left hand on her left shoulder and raised her elbow to aim at 007. Her elbow swung down like the lid to a canister. "Let me show you how to really damage someone." Three explosive grenades flew towards 007 and landed in the snow at his feet. 004 was still close enough to her enemy to feel the blast from her grenades, but she hoped far enough away to take no damage from them.
  15. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    The blast had damaged θθ7 and forced him back but still on his feet. The damage wasn't much to his heavily armoured body, but it was still damage. θθ7 knew he had made the right decision targetting 004 first. "I think I'll skip disabling your weapons and just demolish you instead", θθ7 stated popping his knuckles upwards revealing shotgun shells where his knuckles where. He dashed again, this time at his top speed, which for cyborgs was around average. Once close enough to 004 he punched again, this time with his shotgun loaded fist.
  16. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    “Can’t be late.” 001 muttered those words to himself several times as he cut himself a path through the snowy grounds. The battle, which had moved only a short distance from the cabin, had come into a vague yet telling view. Several figures stood watching as another one charged yet another seemed to have been grounded. With the snow falling as thickly as it was, 001 couldn’t make out whether one of the group had managed to subdue and defeat a pursuer, or a pursuer had achieved the same against one of the other 00s. Regardless of what the situation was, he knew he had to get to the fight before it was over, or before it started to move further away from its present location; if he lost them there, and fell behind again, he might as well just stay behind, and labeled lost. In light of this truth, he increased his pace, moving as fast as he could through the ever mounting snowfall.

    Within a minute he had arrived on the scene, standing amongst the others watching as the cyborg he knew to be 004 found herself on the bad end of a violent punch from an unknown assailant. 001 didn’t know who the enemy was, but felt that there was something oddly familiar about him. He shook his head as he felt what emotions he had boil and burn as he watched. Who or what the new enemy was didn’t matter; if they were attacking another 00 unit, then they had to be dealt with, and if no one else was capable of doing the deed, then he had to. He made his move as swiftly and silently as he could. There was no yell, holler, or war cry from his tongue, nor any shout of consul and care for his fellow 00. All there was from him was a jump, lifting him off the ground. He could jump about 140 feet into the air. However, in that instance, he had compromised height in exchange for forward distance, landing just a few feet away from the foe as he finished his swing at 004.

    As 001 landed, he came to a crouching stance. Immediately, he sprung forward in the first maneuver he could think of: a straight, driving tackle from the side, aimed to knock his enemy’s legs out from under him. With the strength of 001, and the hopeful element of surprise, the enemy would fall to the ground, if only for a short period. Even a cyborg could get knocked off their feet, after all.​
  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    002 scratched the back of his head, all of a sudden feeling somewhat helpless. He didn't have the attack power to deal any amount of real damage to this cyborg. He clenched his fists and growled lowly. "Wait...there's a weak spot on this guy?" He said aloud, turning towards 005 when he heard her voice. "Mind sharing what that is zero-zero-fi-" He turned, seeing something move in the corner of his eye that was neither 004 nor θθ7. "Zero-zero-one!" 002 shouted as he grinned. Of all the cyborgs, he knew 001's abilities the best. Super strength, far more durable than the rest of them, and well...more super strength!


    A stranger watched the battle from a distance, unseen to the cyborgs as they were busy paying attention to their new enemy. The man rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "They won't last long."
  18. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    004 moved to dodge 007's strike but took the punch and bullet to her shoulder. She collapsed in the snow, clutching her shoulder. She could take a bullet from afar, but point-blank range is where her limit was. If her shoulder wasn't injured before it sure was now. "D-dammit..." The kind of pain she felt now was different than anything she'd felt before. It wasn't like a paper cut or skinned knee or flu shot; it was just different. There was something like a warning going off in her brain telling her to get up and get away -- fight had changed to flight.
  19. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    As the punch connected to 004, θθ7 felt a powerful force take his legs out from behind him. He was launched backwards over the attacking cyborg and face first into the ground below. His body hit the ground shortly after his face did. The force of this attack was recognisable in his briefing database. 001. They had similar capabilties, although still had different functions. After a few moments on the floor θθ7 managed to get back to his feet. 001 is now his biggest threat and he prepared himself for another attack as he got to his feet.
  20. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    007 stopped as she noticed 001 return to the group. A smile rushed across her face for a moment, until her eyes fixed on 004 sprawled on the snow with her hand clasped onto her damaged shoulder. This reacted to a short and sharp intake of breath with her body going all tense. After a second of that, she quickly rushed to 004's side. Sliding to her knees, her hands ready to aid her comrade. In a slight panic, she began to speak her rambling mind. "A-are you okay? No. No, you're not okay. Of course. Um- oh dear, how do I help you? Oh! I can magnetize bullets away and the such - metals, irons, things that magnetize. I could probably try other things too, like, possibly... uh..." she didn't know anymore. Just nothing. Her eyes kept shifting from the snow, to the rogue cyborg, to 004, to 001, back to 004, to the others, then to 004's shoulder and then back to the snow again.
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