Sadly I don't think many people here will care about this. I'm really excited to see some gameplay footage.
Seems very... what's the word.... appropriate? I mean it sounds like this should happen, that 'a father of cyberpunk' should be willing to be a part of a game in that genre. And I don't just mean like it's obvious a cyberpunk guy works on cyberpunk stuff, but more that he's working on a video game. Makes it seem more genuine and proper, just generally appropriate. And such a rare thing, for someone to have written novels to work on a game. A definite upside. I will have to watch out of this, for sure. Give me the impression of Deus Ex in some respects. Hmmm? Why do you think that?
A multi-thread, nonlinear story designed for mature players , advanced RPG mechanics based on pen and paper RPGs, etc. Not saying there's anything wrong with not liking this sort of thing. I just doubt there is going to be anyone aside from a select few on this forum that would try it and enjoy it.
Oh you mean how much of a niche appeal it's got? I suppose that's true, it may be a game designed mainly for 'veteran' gamers since it sounds like it's sticking to old RPG standards, and being a PG 13 site might mean the mature content is a little boring to younger people. Still, i'll be looking out for this, at least.
The trailer is absolutely stunning. I've never played the Cyberpunk 2020 but I'm interested in what the series is about. 'Coming out - When it's ready' Thought that was priceless. Its good to know they aren't rushing for a deadline.
The trailer is gorgeous and the story seems compelling. I am curious how "advanced RPG mechanics beased on a Pen & Paper RPG System" will work out. I don't mind it being an RPG, I just really hope it's not turn-based (much).
This game seems amazing. I wish I had the proper console to play it, but sadly I do not. I will be on the look out for this however, as it seems interesting enough.
This and this sound like topics or ideas that I would love to see explored. Especially the technology one, from the way it's described here it seems like something I would find relatable to how I think about the issue, or if not still something worthwhile. Other than that I can only say that this sounds interesting. I don't know enough about it or the genre to really think anything other than that.
The concept artwork is amazing and the trailer was just really well done. I love stuff like this and nonlinear stories so I'm really looking forward to it.; everything about this drew me in.
I wonder how the combat will play out for this game. I hate to be "that guy" who compares an RPG to Skyrim, but if the combat is anything like Skyrim...this will be a boring game. Luckily, it doesn't seem likely that we'd have that problem given that this isn't Bethesda. Still, the whole "pen-and-paper" stuff makes me think that this won't have fast paced combat. I hope I'm wrong, but at least if it's turn-based it won't be so bad. Especially if this is a next-gen game(and it seems that it will be). Either way, pretty trailer. 8D