Cutscene Archive Update - Re:Coded

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Hey everyone! Thanks to our staff member Aurangzeb56, we now have the following videos in our Re:Coded collection:

    - All Japanese Boss Battles

    The rest of the Re:Coded scenes will be on their way soon. =]

    We're also in the process of updating our YouTube Channel with the new videos. Once they're all up, the streaming links will be added to the archive page.

    Click here to visit our archive!

    Happy watching, everybody!

    Edit: All YouTube links are now up.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Jan 26, 2011.

    1. Shikou
      awesome! :D
      But I have to ask you all a question even though it might have been answered a lot. How did you all record/rip/get the cutsceens? Did you all use a emulator or something?
    2. Misty
      You'd have to ask Aurangzeb how he does it (he's captured Birth by Sleep and Re:Coded for us so far), but I'm pretty sure he uses an emulator.

      Also, they're all up on YouTube now, and the Watch Now links now all work.
    3. Shikou
      Ah, thanks. I always wonder why the KH 358/2 Days and re:Coded videos looked a bit bright. Thanks for the help. :)
    4. chessplayerjames
      Aurangzeb56 rocks! Thanks for uploading KHBBS and KHRC. I really appreciate it XD
    5. Aurangzeb56
      i record it using an emulator,plugins and etc. :)