Cutscene Archive Update - Kingdom Hearts II

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female

    I'm sure some of you are confused; Kingdom Hearts II came out years ago--we already have videos for it! Well, thanks to the efforts of our staff member mixt, we are now working on providing the Kingdom Hearts community with higher quality versions of those videos.

    The collection is far from complete (though we will keep working at making it so!), and the files are larger than the original videos, so the originals are still accessible by clicking the Cutscene Archive (Low Quality) link, in the Kingdom Hearts II section of our Cutscene Archive.

    To give you an idea of what we mean by 'higher quality', here are some comparison images we're sure will convince you:

    Old Cutscenes:

    New Cutscenes:

    If that's not enough for you, the new videos are also subtitle-free!

    Click HERE to visit the Cutscene Archive, or HERE to go directly to the page with all of the new videos!

    We're in the process of uploading the videos to our YouTube--once they are added, the 'Watch Now' links will be updated accordingly.

    Thanks a lot and have a great day!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Jul 23, 2011.

    1. Luxord22
      I would have liked an update for the BbS part because of Aquas cutscenes, which are still missing in the cutscene archive...
      But well, about subtitiles, they may look a bit disturbing but they are very helpful if English isn´t your mother tongue.
    2. FF Cloud 7
      FF Cloud 7
      Thanks for the new cutscenes, they look great even tho i cant get them get because of my internet -_- .... anyway great job cant wait till more are added.
      on a side note: how did they get recorded?
    3. eRYmRYo
      Or if you have an hearing disability, which is a problem in itself.
    4. Chevalier
      Okay, well...if you just want to watch them. Then you can in here I know it's not the same as downloading them. But if you only wish to watch them, then this should suffice.
    5. Fearless
      I love you all.

      Best thing ever to come back to. <3
    6. Droid
      O.O Thanks guys, the videos I can now create....I don't even.

      The difference is astounding actually.
    7. Iskandar
      I just downloaded one of the files, but is it supposed to be pixalated like that? I mean, there were so many blocks and stuff.
    8. Misty
      Could you take a screencap? I wasn't having a problem like that when I downloaded them.
    9. Sacredlith
      Just downloaded one too and it's a cool quality imo. It's not pixelated, but perhaps the sharpness made it look like that.. you know, sharp. D:
      -or maybe not-
    10. Llave
      I don't mean to kill the moment, and i haven't gone through every one of these new vids, but i did find that the fifth does have 2 skips in it. I dunno if that was an accident, but it's not too important. They still work. Thanks again!!
    11. Invader Jack
      Invader Jack
      YES!!!! Thank-you so much!!! I'll definitely be using these! :D
    12. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      Quick Question: How Did You Remove The Subtitles?
    13. paradii
      Just wondering, I opened up the first clip (Roxas Day 1, Intro) in Sony Vegas 7 and it only came up with the audio. I'm not sure what the problem is because it opens up in Windows Movie Maker and Media Player perfectly fine...I don't know if its something wrong with my Sony Vegas, or the clips aren't compatible...?
    14. demonchick25
      My, my, this is a lovely surprise~

      and now I can start falling in love with KH2 all over again <3
    15. DChiuch
      You inspired me to do my own recording test.


      It's interesting, in the original English version there's no glare, where in the KH2FM version they added a glare from the sun. So subtle of them to change that.
    16. Mixt
      Thank you everyone. This just made my day, which says something when I'm on vacation. :D

      Alright first on the table. I hacked the subtitles out. Go and take a gander over in the Code Vault for how you can do it yourself. And on a related note I would like to thank those active in the Code Vault for helping me out.

      Second, these will look a bit more pixilated but this is because the image is sharper than on our older videos. If you really despise it you will need to soften the image some.

      Third, I AM recording off of KH2:FM. You will notice points such as the end of Day 4 where new scenes are added, and in later videos there will be recolored heartless as well. In the case of these new scenes I would ask those that are simply viewing these to refer to our existing KH2:FM videos since the lack of voices and subtitles on mine make it exceedingly difficult to know what is going on.

      "But wait mixt! You said in other threads that these would be upscaled and that you would include a music-less track." Yes and both are coming. Making a new audio track is about as hard as recording the video, and upscaling leads to some glitches that take some time to work out. I figured you guys would want the updated videos first and foremost and then I could spend time later to give you the music-less audio and then finally give the upscaling process the time it deserves.

      @turntechGodhead: I was planning on releasing the MP4s with the upscaled editions. If you would like them on these I can do that, but I hadn't thought the high compression was necessary on these videos since there are only 400p.

      @DChiuch: That is one of the aforementioned graphical glitches. Assuming you are using PCSX2 an easy fix is to enter software mode and leave it again by pressing F9 twice. It won't solve all of them, but it helps.
    17. FF Cloud 7
      FF Cloud 7
      Ok. Sorry let me re word my question. How did you record it? like you said you recorded it from KH2 FM but how? eg: recorded it with dazzle, pcsx2, other
      sorry for asking but im just curious how it was recorded
      on a side note. I hope you enjoy and have been enjoying your vacation
    18. DChiuch
      Thanks for the tip! It looks to me like it was intentional though, I mean... it actually looks like the sun meant to be causing it rather than a random graphical error... idk for sure, what do you think?

      EDIT: Nope, I had a look and you're right... not meant to be there.
    19. Mixt
      The effect is passive, hence it being there in gameplay as well. The problem here is in layering. In hardware mode PCSX2 renders the lens flare on a higher layer than the buildings so you see it when it should be blocked. That particular glitch is interesting though.
    20. Ikae
      It's a good and bad thing that you took off the clips. Good because with some people having movie maker, subtitles are distracting. But bad because people like me who have Sony Vegas, there are some scenes I use that have no subtitles at the part of the scene, and I need to zoom into the bottom, therefore but cutting away the subtitles, you guys are cutting away from what I want to zoom into from the original clip. Confusing? Yes, but there are mostly pros with having no subtitles.