Cutscene Archive Update - Birth by Sleep

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Hey everyone! Thanks to our staff member Aurangzeb56, we now have the following videos in our Birth by Sleep collection:

    - All Japanese Boss Battles
    - All English Boss Battles
    - All English Cutscenes
    - Most Japanese Cutscenes -- still working on Ven's, but they'll be up in no time!

    We also have the option to stream the videos right from our YouTube channel, thanks to Roxasvsriku! Keep in mind that some of the pages were just put up, so the Watch Now option may not be up for all of them, but it's on it's way.

    Click here to visit our archive!

    Happy watching. :]
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Oct 1, 2010.

    1. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      Thanks, Aurangzeb56!
      These are gonna be useful.
    2. Firechakram
      Yeah, some of the Watch Now buttons are missing.

      And why is The Outside World cutscene and the tutorial portions of the Land of Departure only in Terra's story? They should be included in all the archives.
    3. Misty
      Should they? I'm sorry, I haven't played BBS so I really didn't know on the orders. xD I just put them as Aurangzeb gave them to me. Thanks a bunch, I'll fix that now. :]
    4. Kubo
      Thanks Zeb, I will watch the cutscenes when I have time to see what bbs is all about.
    5. Luna Aqua
      Luna Aqua
      Oh I seen them it was so awsome I so want the game so bad
    6. Firechakram
      One last thing. I think we're missing some 358/2 Days cutscenes. That and the audio problem which apparently cannot be fixed.

      I'd hate to say this, but I think's video archive is better than ours. They have both Japanese and English cutscenes in most of the games and there aren't any quality problems.
    7. Kubo
      Why don't you make a list with the missing cutscenes since you noticed they're missing? Peeps here can put 'em up afterwards.
    8. Misty
      They seem to be okay to me... About the best you'd expect from a DS game. |: The audio is a bit fuzzy but it's not to the extent that it's harming the dialogue.

      Keep in mind that the majority of our cutscenes were recorded in 2005/2006, by someone who stopped coming here in 2007. We've been stuck for a while without anyone to record scenes for us, and we're trying to improve the archive now by hiring Aurangzeb and getting the BBS scenes up. Right now we're up to date (just about) with BBS, and if we have the time and the ability we most certainly will go back and try to improve the scenes we already have.
      If you'd like KH13's videos then by all means, use theirs. :]
    9. Sanya
      Most of their videos say "Coming Soon" when I go there, for both languages.

      We're working on one game at a time, we will probably go back to fixing Days once we finish BBS.
    10. Firechakram
      I got an idea!

      I think I'll take all these cutscenes and edit all of them together in chronological order, kind of like a movie.

      I wonder if Windows Movie Maker is a good editing tool. If not, what is?