Cure for Cancer found?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Valium, Dec 10, 2007.

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  1. Valium Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 11, 2007
    The front row
    This is a old email i got about a man who supposedly found a cure to Cancer like i said its old so bear with me plus i had to get rid of the bits that were irrelivant so i would like to know how you feel about this. Would the Governments of the world hide the cure to caner for Money?

    The NHMRC is supposedly conducting a review of Dr Holt's method of
    cancer treatment Microwave Cancer Therapy.

    The original date for this review to be submitted to the Minister for
    Health was December 21, 2004. It was not submitted. A further date was
    set. Again, the review was not submitted. It has still not been
    Strange when considering Dr. Holt's claim that he could train any
    to apply his therapy in a day. Dr Holt, who is 80 years of age, has
    cured thousands of people of many forms of cancer and closed his
    practice on
    June 30, 2005.
    Because his method of treatment is considered by our government to be

    Chemotherapy (a known killer), is the accepted, orthodox method in
    cancer treatment. Dr, Holt's retirement will be a great loss to his
    patients and to the many thousands who could possibly be cured by his
    clearly successful method; people who will be told by oncologists that
    there is nothing more that can be done for them.
    Have you ever noticed how many appeals there are for cancer research,
    and yet after more than three decades, there is no cure? Ever noticed
    how every cancer cure ultimately gets swept under the carpet?

    Cancer is a multi-billion dollar global industry that will not
    any cure that cannot be manufactured as a patentable drug.
    It's about money. Check it out on the web. It makes very interesting

    Medical history is peppered with similar examples of important
    discoveries, which were ignored and decades later, were acclaimed as a
    wonderful new treatment or preventive measure, with somebody other
    the original pioneer getting the credit. This occurred after
    maybe millions had suffered or died needlessly. I pray that we will
    see this happen again with Dr. John Holt's work.
  2. MARIExBRIARWOOD Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    Hmm.. I found this website that says previous version of Dr. Holt's treatment in the 1980s was unsuccessful. If the government is withholding it for money it will be found out about and people will be very ticked.

    Normally I would say more but for some reason I'm very not very opinionated on this matter.
  3. JLHack7 Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 12, 2007
    Supposedly worked, eh?
    I lost my grandmother to leukemia, my grandfather on the other side of the family has cancer, but he's still alive, and well.
    I have a few friends with cancer, so, if this really DID work, it should be reopened, cancer is deadly, even if a cure doesn't work for everyone, anything helps
  4. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    There are probably many cures for cancer that are kept a secret for the money. I lost an uncle to cancer, and I know more could've been done to help him, but it wasn't. So IMO, the medical world is a lie.
  5. OrginizationXIII Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 16, 2007
    ...parent's basment.
    I read somewhere that they found a wonder drug somewhere in South America that supposedly is 10 times better then chemo-therapy.
    It was pretty much a lie
    The email probably is made just to get "Dr." Holt some free publicity
  6. Number13Roxas King's Apprentice

    May 11, 2007
    Why do you care?
    30 years of research trying desperately to cure a virus that acts as a excessive cell producer has lead only to Chemo, it is both believable and unbelievable at the same time.
  7. Jadentheman Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 31, 2007
    None of your business
    This can be believable especially with the messed up Health care system the U.S. has.
  8. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    After watching I Am Legend, things like these scare me. :sweatdrop:
  9. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    My dad almost died of cancer....
    I hope they find a cure soon, a lot of people have died v.v
  10. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    If they have a RELIABLE cure out there, they need to get it out there. It should NOT be about the money; these are Human LIVES, and they're throwing them away.

    One of my best friend's sister has cancer; and it turned into Leukemia. I'm so worried for her; and the other people in the world going through that.
  11. Kairi9020 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 22, 2007
    In a house, in a country, on a world. Where else?
    There are probably cures for cancer, but money is an issue. Not many people realize that we are wasting precious time on begging for money. I'm saying it's bad to donate, but the people who are looking for cures should seriously look for cures. Money shouldn't be stopping them, they should just go for it. Sadly, money is stopping them and many people are dying. I'm not even sure how much the goverment is giving them but it seems like they are not getting enough. Doesn't some of the taxes go towards people trying to cure this diease?
    I might not have had someone who has cancer but I do know someone who might. Me. I'm not sure of it though. But according to the signs...There is a possibilty I might have Leukemia. I'm not looking for anyone sympathy, what I guess I'm looking for emotionally and mentally as many other is a cure for cancer.
  12. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007
    I was thinking the same thing.....

    Personally though, I really don't think a cure for cancer will ever be found. With all the different kinds out there....I mean sure its a possibility but still.

    And if finding a cure is just about money, then how low have we stooped to? People would rather have money than saving other people?

    This is all just my opinion though.
  13. Caetlin Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 17, 2007
    No, they should keep it away, and not because of a Hollywood movie based off an excellent book.

    Simply put, a cure to cancer can cure millions. This will be one more person reaping the world's decreasing resources. People don't seem to realize that diseases are here to kill us in natural ways. We need to die, or the world will overpopulate. Cancer is a prominent killer and should remain that way, just like AIDS. We need these diseases to control the population or we'll be living on the moon in 20 years.
  14. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Very interesting, but your font color was annoying to read.
  15. kingdom945 Banned

    May 20, 2007
    Jeromeykins will always be my darrellcake. &lt;3
    1. and how did he cure them...?

    2. do I think the government would hide this cure for money? Well, if they found it [which, possibly they might have], uh, I'm sure they'd try their best to hide it. sooner or later it would get out, so no worries. it's rather sad that they would hide it though... My Grandmother died of cancer. I cried for a long time. it'd be highly upsetting to find out that they had it and hid it. I'm sure to all families that have seen their loved ones pass on because of cancer, have had loved ones survive cancer, or have loved ones currently ill with cancer, would be heartbroken, or angry, because this is one of those things that could change the world, one person at a time....
  16. stripy4 Traverse Town Homebody

    But then, are you saying vaccinatations and the like should be stopped? When we get ill, we should just curl up and die?

    My gran had been diaganosed with bowel cancer. Do you think it would be wrong to cure her? Do you think it is wrong for people to try and fight? Have you ever thought of the pain and suffering that these diseases bring? Should we have let the black plague, smallpox and other diseases rampage though the world? And if there was a bird flu epidemic, is it wrong to try and create a vaccination or a cure? It is the same with cancer. And look at all those small kids with lukemia.

    Is it wrong to cure them?

    I don't think so.
  17. *Sora* Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 25, 2006
    Attack Helicopter
    I really doubt a complete cure for cancer, or for the record, any major disease will ever be found. Cancer spreads and mutates way too fast for it to ever be possible. Cancer has been cured before, but all it does is mutate and move to another location, and you need a new cure. :/ There will always be ways to help fight, and -treat- disease, but I honestly doubt with things like cancer, which break the boundaries and spread throughout all cells, a final cure will be found.

    Lost my dad to cancer, btw.
  18. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    well, there's no silver bullet yet to cure cancer but it CAN be treated if caught early enough
  19. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Chances are we've found just another dead end hole to dump research money into. Most cancer studies hold very little in terms of control for treatment, particularly because cancer can be rather unpredictable. For the treatment to be "considered" a viable cure, researchers test within a 95% certainty. Essentially they have a 5% error margin. It may not seem like a lot of room to get something wrong but think of how many studies have found that too much of one thing can cause cancer and then come back out saying that not enough of that same thing can cause cancer. That, and research and medical facilities tend to do as much as they can within "the law" to acquire grants for further research. In most cases as soon as a sample has yielded a 95% certainty they make the results public without considering other retests in the odd chance that they sampled from that 5% area of error. This error, for example, could be the off chance that the people taking the treatment were actually in remission. there are certainly viable treatments that can stave off malignancy, but nothing to stop it dead in the tracks.
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