Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Crumpet, Jan 26, 2009.
Can I please turn you ito a dinosaur?
ITO stands for In The Orange I thought you would of known that
why would you want to turn me into a dinosaur? o__O
coz you would be a sexy dinosaur
you just want me a dinosaur instead of a kitteh because you hate playing sushi D:
>.> <.< yeah but if you were a dinosaur, you could just eat me with one bite
it depends on what dinosaur she'd be turned into.
we'll turn her into a DinoRAWR, that way she'll give us hugs
wow, i thought this thread was dead o_o ... i'm not gonna comment.. I don't want banned :/
-sexy deep voice sings- Oh yeah :'D <3
That actually looks like my sister o_o and have you seen a pic of me? xDD
that's so hawt :'D but i gotta go to school now ;_; see you guys when i get home ByeBye Lovies <333
Oh, I'm late . ._. o_______o