From Yahoo news This must be the most heartbreaking thing I have read since the James Bulger case. I would love to know the thoughts of the evil kids parents on this ****ing disgraceful attack. What should be done with the kids? Poor girl must be wondering why she is working so hard to stay alive in such an evil world.And the poor parents.....
Send those boys to juvi. They'll learn because I did. It would work esecially well since they will be disobediant and the guards there will beat you if you don't listen.
Is it too late for an abortion? >_> I seriously believe that people should have to get a licence to have children, it should be a privilege that has to be earned not a right.
I hope that young girl will be alright. What angers me the most is that the culprits were only ten and seven. Are their hearts really so cruel or did they just find it humorous? I thought children were supposed to be innocent. Now I just find them scary. Or were they encouraged by their parents? Either way, twisted thoughts motivated this shameful attack.
This is why parents need to start spanking their kids again. I mean, my mom broke 4 wooden spoons and bent one metal one over my backside as a kid, and now I wouldn't hurt a fly. Those kids (the attackers) probably come from a family where they get their way at all times, if they scream loud enough, and have never had a hand raised against them their entire lives. It's really pathetic to see kids raised like that.
It's amazing to me how much children learn from their parents. They didn't learn this on their own, something they heard on the radio or from music or saw on TV or their parents caused this. I'm glad the girl is alright, she has enough to deal with at such a young age, but I hope the mom can keep a better eye on her daughter since this doesn't seem to be the first time this happened. I hope the kids get more then a slap on the wrist.