~Crossover Cove~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Droid, Jan 6, 2012.

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  1. Droid Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2011

    Seto was still unsure of this Bushy character, but before he could ask him anything Iron man came up behind him. "Why if it isn't Tony Stark, the honor is mine. It's good to see a fellow "person who has an egregious amount of cash" guy around." He saw the girl who appeared to have some questions and nodded his head.

    Nearby the giant Card game based Zeppelin was hurdling back toward Japan, after picking up Moka and Zasalamel, due to plot connivance we assume they all got in the blimp after Zasalamel agreed to come.


    Down in the uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunderworld Hades was sitting at his chess-like-board, pondering what to do. Looking around the world he saw that it was being threatened by a out of this world forces, "The games are about to begin my friends!" He remembered that nobody was there, due to Pain and Panic being down a pitt somewhere. "This bites..I need to get in on some of this action." He poofed and reappeared on the Death Star, "Now this looks like powerful piece of machinery right here, and look, the conveniently colored the firing button red." Hades pushed the button and pulled random levers for the hell of it, at the moment the enormous station started sending alarms all about as the mega laser charged. The on duty officers began panicking in a frenzy and did there best to lower the laser output as to not destroy the planet, but a large beam was firied nonetheless. The green beam flew down into earth and obliterated a section of Japan, near the section Bushy, Kaiba, and company were in, but not close enough to hurt them. "Whoops..."
  2. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    "What the fuck?" said Carrie as Snow literally disappeared... Turning to Hermine she said, "Did you just see Snow disappear or was it just me?"
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Ichigo saw fang vanish before him, what ahd happened, he did not know, but no one had taken ehr liek before, perhaps someone or something decided to give her a chance to redemm her herself or such before coming back to the others.

    OOC: short post is short I know.
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    "What the hell just happened?" Kyo shouted. "Snow was right here a second ago!!!!!!!" Hermione gripped Serah's crystal around her neck, and looked around for Snow. 'Where did you go?' She thought to herself, Ankh, the twins, and Setsuna were also in surprise at Snow's sudden disappearance.


    Fang looked at her hand and thought back to Ichigo told her before she appeared, she and the other chose their own path when they were cursed to become the l'Cie servants of Pusle Fal'Cie, Anima, but what Ichigo told her also rang true, Snow, Lighting, Sazh, Hope, Vanille, and herself deserved to the right to live, free from control of the fal'Cie, but she still feared the rest of them becoming Cie'th.
  5. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    OOC: Sorry in advance if I miss somebody out. Trying to do a good job with the big part here.

    Except not Jail for now.

    "Eeeeeeh?!" Vivio exclaimed, shocked at what Iron Man had said. "No, no, I only said they looked like them! Their hair colours are completely wrong, they're not them at all!"
    "...so, you know the originals, do you?" Dearche said, suddenly interested.
    "What is your name? And what allegience do you hold with the originals?"

    "Eh... my name... it's Vivio Takamachi, Nanoha-mama and Fate-mama are my... well, mamas." she said, realising that she'd explained herself before finishing.
    Dearche looked utterly speechless for a moment, as Stern stepped forward.
    "My name is Stern, the Destructor. This is Levi the Slasher, and Load Dearche, our king." she introduced, before posing her question.
    "If you will excuse me for pointing out; you appear older than the originals."

    "I do...?" she responde, before it clicked. "Oh, right, I don't really look like this! I'm actually only ten!"
    "Point is still valid."

    Suddenly, explosions.



    Reinforce responded with shock as Fang simply vanished before them all.
    "Could that have been... Bushy?" she asked, rhetorically. Perhaps it was, but somehow she felt something else was behind it...



    "Man, are we glad to see you again!" Sazh said, patting Snow and Hope both on the shoulder, grinning with his incredibly shiny teeth.
    As if in agreement, the little Chocobo chick popped out of his afro, chirping happily as it flew over and landed on Vanille's shoulder.

    "Hope... I'm glad you're alright." Lightning managed, before looking around for some sign of anything, anyone, that might have been able to do this.
    And suddenly her gaze was caught. It was far from what she was expecting. As approaching the group now, was a young girl, visibly only slightly older than Vanille, with pink hair... identical to Lightning's.

    "Ragnarok." she spoke, with a voice that confirmed what Lightning's eyes had already told her.
    It was Serah.
    "Come Day of Wrath, O Pulse l'Cie. Embrace thy fate, thine home to burn. That fallen souls might hear our plea... To hasten the Divine's return."
    She stopped, and looked across at all of them in turn, uttering the last words of her bizarre poem.
    "O Piteous Wanderer, Ragnarok. Make of this day a brave epoch. Awaken the divine. Ragnarok."
    As Snow, and the rest of them, gazed in shock, she spoke again, this time with her own words.
    "I was waiting. For you to open your eyes. All the time I was asleep, I knew what was happening." She embraced her fiancée, Snow, as she finished, stating;
    "I kept trying to think of a way to save Cocoon - together."
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    Snow wasn't sure what to do, his fiancee suddenly appeared and spoke of Ragnaork, but he did the only thing he could think of, he wrapped his arms around Serah's body and said, "What can we do to save Cocoon, together?" He sounded distant, Fang and Vanille seemed to notice, Vanille shouted at Snow, "Snow, what 'bout Hermione and the others?!!!!" "Snow, come out of it!!!!!" Fang shouted, Snow had a distant look in his eye as he stood where he was, hugging his fiancee.
  7. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    "'Success' would be an understatement, but indeed it has," Davros responded to the camera. "And as you have overheard, it seems that there will be an invasion happening sometime soon. I have reason to believe that it will be on a global scale, for who would be so small-minded to spend so much of their time and effort focusing on capturing a single, simple city or village on this small planet?" he conjectured. Then there was a massive explosion nearby. "And it seems to have begun. Have you finished with the calculations yet, Supreme Dalek?"

    Yoshimitsu took note of the simultaneous disappearances, but made no fuss over it like everyone else. All he knew was that an unseen, all-powerful force was behind it. Most likely a reality warper of sorts.
  8. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    Stepping out of the embrace, Serah smiled. At once, Snow would recognise it wasn't quite the smile she usually gave him.
    Something was off.
    "There are no gods with miracles to save us, no matter where you look. That's why we have to call one." she smirked, just for a split-second, before returning to normal, and clasping Snow's hands.
    "Destroy Orphan, aboard the Death Star coming here. We'll save the world!"

    "Stop it!" Lightning yelled, about to reach for her Blazefire saber... but unable to take it. This was her sister... this was Serah.
    "You can't do that. You love me too much." Serah... taunted? She gave an odd look, then continued. "You do... don't you Claire?"
    "Easy now." Sazh said, stepping forward. "Listen, we're all shooting for the same goal here, ain't we?"
    At once, a bright light engulfed Serah... and she was Serah no more.

    In her place, stood a man, somewhat elderly. A white robe covering him from head to toe.
    "And the result of that... is this."

    "Dysley!" she growled, finally drawing her saber.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    Snow shook his head, realizing that wasn't his Serah, he groaned at the illusion, making two fists. "How dare you use her image!!" He shouted, running to the man and sending a punch to him. Fang and Vanille pulled out their weapons and attacked as well.
  10. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    As Snow bounced off of a large shield that he had projected, Dysley chuckled to himself at the reaction. He had known that Villiers would try to punch him again.
    "You betray your fal'Cie to chase after dreams and shadows. The world you claimed to wish to protect now faces the end of days, with no hope of salvation." he taunted, still grinning like the massive troll he was.

    "I didn't think fal'Cie had the means?"
    "Oh, it won't be fal'Cie that destroy this world. For centuries Cocoon has provided generously for it's human inhabitants' every want and need. Coddled them, one might even say. The result being; their deep-seated fear and hatred of change, and all things alien. Fed, nurtured, and ready to detonate at the slightest spark. The seeds of destructions take root, even now."
    "What did you do to Cocoon?" Lightning growled, raising her saber, but not being so hasty as to attack just yet, as the others had done.
    "I brought them with me to this reality, taking Palpatine's place as Emperor, and converting the billions of lives that lived within Cocoon into citizens of my battlestation. And now I have launched a full scale invasion against Earth, even with all it's heroes gathered."
    He chuckled again, assuming that they would catch on.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    Snow made a groan, with Dysley was saying, Snow now seemed to understand why everyone he had met in SkyCity were now there. He thought back to Eiji, Ankh, Ichigo, Kyo, Lockon and Lyle, Setsuna, Carrie, and lastly Hermione. Vanille was thinking the same thing, as was Fang, but she was thinking Vantias and Xion. Snow made a fist, and shouted, "We will stop the invasion from even happening and prevent you from becoming Emperor!" "To quote the words of a shingami I was talking to be before you thought of being us together, everyone has a right to live, that includes the people on Earth." Fang said, resting her spear on her shoulder, Vanille shouted, "No suffering, for anyone!!!"
  12. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    Laughing once again, the Primarch-turned-Emperor began to pace slightly, wandering back and forth on the top of this massive tower.
    "And what if you did? Grievous and Vader would continue regardless if you were to stop me, and the Death Star would still be destroyed. Of course, at the range it is currently at, such destruction would cause half of the Earth's crust to be anihilated along with it, giving all the more lives as sacrifice to awaken the Goddess Etro."

    "Naw... that's-- that's crazy talk. All those people..." Sazh muttered, hanging his head for a moment. He simply couldn't believe how many deaths they were talking.
    "You're going to use the heroes of this world to take it out?"
    Laughing loudly this time, Dysley grinned.
    "Perhaps. Or perhaps I'll start a civil war within the Empire and have the fear-addled sheep slaughter themselves first. Either way; the end is at hand."
    "But what of yourselves?" he asked, catching them off guard. "Will you enjoy the festivities beside me? Or perhaps..."
    As he spoke, he rose into the air, a white, mechanical owl-like being joining with him in a burst of light.
    When the light dimmed, it was no longer Dysley, but the form of the fal'Cie, Barthandelus, that stood before them, thought somewhat different in appearance from last time.

  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    Snow cracked his knuckles and grinned, Fang twirled her spear and smiled, Vanille changed to Ravager and smiled. Snow made the first move and attacked Barthedelus, Fang cast Ruin on his new form while Vanille cast Blizzard, Thunder, Aero, and Water on him. "Time to show this brute not to mess with us anymore," Fang said, smirking. Snow nodded and smiled, "There's a certain someone waiting for me to take her to a party. I don't want to be late for that date." "I'm coming, too!" Vanille joked with them.


    While Hermione was looking for Snow and Fang, she suddenly felt faint and collapsed. Kyo found her and tried to wake her up, she did wake up, but not in Kyo's arms. She woke up, floating in mid air and transparent, wearing a simple white night grown with her Time-Turner and Serah's crystal around her neck. Hermione looked around in concern when she saw some familiar figures in the distance on top of a tower in the middle of a desert. Floating toward them, she smiled as she had found Snow, Fang, and Vanille, not recongizing the others, she figured they must be their companions. She stayed where she was, watching them fight against a strange figure.

    OOC: Hopefully this isn't breaking any rules, but Hermione is in the same area as Team l'Cie as a spirit because of Serah's crystal.
  14. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England
    The Dessert.

    Hope was a tiny bit scared, ok, not a tiny bit... he was his usual scared.
    But nonetheless he changed into his Medic role and prepared to cast healing spells, such as cura, on his companions.

    Sky City - Scar's group.
    A lamp suddenly appeared at Scar's feet. It was black, and urge him to rub it.

    Gotham City - Joker's bunker.
    "Change of plans!" Joker suddenly said, then he turned to the other's. "The party is on hold, because we need to get to Sky City. Vanitas!"
    Vanitas sighed in a 'whatever' like motion and summoned a Corridor of Darkness.
    Roxas was the first through and appeared right next to Ichigo. "Hey there, long time no see."

    Acherus - Above the Desert.
    Acherus was heading towards Gotham, but had crossed above a desert. A desert with a skyscraper on it. Several life-signs appeared on the Board. "They appear to be fighting." "Yes... but what... Go on without me! I need to take a detour." Before the Ebon Blade could ask what he was doing, he mounted his deathcharger and rode right out of the necropolis. He landed and, dismounting his deathcharger, drew his two runeblades from his back.
  15. Droid Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2011

    It would appear at this point that Scar's pleas for order would not be answered, his spell he cast from Tome being completely ineffectual. To top it off Fang disappeared, a giant shockwave was felt coming from the direction of Japan, and Sky City itself was on the verge of full scale invasion by the Empire. "OH, but what's this?" Scar noticed that lamp had inexplicably landed at his feet...arms...paws..thumbs, and beckoned for him to rub it. "Someone is begging me to rub up on them, it's just another afternoon for Scar." ...... "Ahem, Reinforce, do you have any idea where this lamp came from. It looks questionable to me."
    Sebastian snapped out his daze in Grell arms, who had been fanning him with his chainsaw for the past few minutes, "Oh good darling you're awake, I was worried about you for moment<3" Sebastian's face twitched and snapped in all places as he leapt to his feet and dusted off his tailcoat, he cleare his throat, "Master, the muppet."
    Scar remembered Yoda, who had been standing there holding his lightsaber with drool running out of his mouth for the past 20 minutes. "Oh yeah, well he hasn't agreed to a treaty so we'll just leave him be for the moment. He'll hopefully awaken before the temple is destroyed by the invasion."


    Across the city Grievous continued the attack on Sky City from his perch in the AT-AT, obliterating anything in his path as the tanks and chicken walkers scanned through the debris for any Jedi. "That blasted Jedi will feel my wrath when I get ahold of him, we should have just blow up this miserable spit of land." As the Gneral was coughing and looking at the readouts Hades poofed into the vehicle, "Sup General G, names Hades, lord of the dead, hey how ya doin?" Grievous spun around and tripped over his cape due to the sudden intruder, he ignited one of his sabers and screamed at Hades, "Who the hell are you?! How did you get in here?!" Hades chuckled at that, "Lord of the dead, bucko. Get it?" He assured Grievous that he meant no harm, and was simply observing what was transpiring around the world.
    "So you're a bored god and decided to pester my invasion...Have you caused any other trouble?" The shockwave from Japan was felt and shook the AT-AT, it being an extremely unbalanced vehicle to start with the shock was compounded. Hades held back a grin, "Define trouble."


    The bridge of the Star Destroyer Mustang, Thoma, and Natsu were invading was a rather busy spot at the moment, the current Commander not getting any outside help from Lord Vader or Grievous. He continued to try and lead an effort to capture the intruders when he noticed that someone had been trying to break into the room for quite awhile. The Commander walked over to the door and listen carefully to hear who was on the other side. "9995...9996...9997..9998..9-9-9-9." The door flung upon and the Commander almost tripped over backwards, "YES, it is I who is supreme ruler of DOORS!" The man who walked into the room laughed manically as the Commander ran over to the mic to report another intruder. "Excuse me victim what is your name?" The Commander was at a loss for words and simply replied, "Steve.."
    A few moments later the window that had just been repaired from the last time someone jumped out was broken again when the Commander leapt out into space, the window was closed quickly by an airlock, "Eat me, don't forget to write." The man walked over to the mic and turned it on himself, "Greetings mind salves this is your new Captain speaking, Melvin. Anyone who is named Steve please report to the outside of the ship, have a great day."
  16. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England
    The Lamp then seemed to talk...
    "Scar its me, you imbecile!"
    The voice was oddly familiar.
    "Now rub my lamp to I can be free!"
  17. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    Inside Castle Doomstadt, the leader of the country of Latveria, Dr. Victor Von Doom, watched on a monitor the impending attack from the Empire's Death Star. This angered Doom. "If anyone is going to be the ruler of this planet, it will be Doom!" He yelled, slamming hist fist into the arm of his throne. "Doombots! Ready the Flying Fortress! This "Empire" must and WILL be stopped!" He ordered as he stood. Without a word the horde of Dr. Doom lookalikes ran off to do as they were ordered. Before Doom himself went to the Flying Fortress, he went to the dungeon, where he kept his latest prisoner. He reached the floor where the prisoner was being held, took a lantern and went to his cell. "Today is your lucky day, boy. Doom has given you the chance to prove yourself by assisting in fending off this foolish empire that threatens my planet!" Doom took a key from the hooks next to the cell and unlocked the door. "This way." He ordered as he began to walk to the hangar holding his Flying Fortress.

    OOC: Luke is the one who is in the cell. You're up, Aragorns!
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Ichigo's eyes widened considerbly, why? well, he did have teh power to sense other people's spirit energy and well, let's say EMprie striking and above and all that stuff did surprise him and you know what he said in response of this? "You have got to be kidding." He groaned, what was mroe worse was he can't exactly well, kill humans, sure, beating them down was enough by there was perhaps many to count.

    Eiji looked at the strange talking lamp...Scar did seem to have the urge to rub it. "It's not a Greeed is it?" he asked Ankh, well, his friend was a disembodied arm and lived for 800 years, well technically sealed away in a coffin with the other Greeed until he broke the seal by mere accident.
  19. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England
    The boy looked up, the boy's blue eye's almost piercing the mask that Doom wore.
    "You're planet? Yeah, right." However, he got out of the cell and followed Doom to the Flying Fortress.
    Luke whistles.
    "That's a pretty neat fortress you got there, Doom." The boy then smiles and adds "oh and my name is Luke, call me that. Not boy." Luke Castellan, being a demigod, prefered to be called by name. "This is all pretty impressive, but if you want my help, you're gonna need to try harder than that." He smirked, and then looked about. The world would be in Kronos's hands anyway, wether Doom conquored it or not, Kronos would get it. Then the world could be re-shaped, started anew, with Kronos as it's ruler... perhaps Doom would be an asset the cause... for now, at least.
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    ~Sky City~

    Quickly changing back into their regular clothes, Harry, Ron, Kisa, and Illya, along with Berserker, entered the Corridor of Darkness. Kisa held Harry's hand a bit tightly as did Illya while they walked. A bit scared, Ron stayed close to his friend and looked around, scared, Harry looked toward and coming out in the temple. Harry and Ron gasped when they saw Hermione unconscious in Kyo's arms, Ron was going to run to her, but Harry stopped him, asking, "I thought you and her weren't friends?" "Ah!" "Especially when you thought her cat ate Scabbers?" "Uh...." "And we found out that Scabber was just lost, and wasn't a rat at all?" "But...."

    Ignoring the new arrivals, Ankh looked at Eiji and said, "There's no way that is a Greeed."

    ~The Desert~

    Snow changed into a Ravager, joining Vanille and Fang. Together, Snow and Vanille cast Blizzard, Water, Thunder, and Aero on Barthandelus while Fang cast Ruin on him, then pyshically attacked him. "We will show you that we control our own paths, big boy!" Fang shouted, Snow and Vanille smiled at each other and nodded, continuing their attacks.

    OOC: I had recently watched the 1997 version of Roger and Hammerstein's Cinderella, that's where Ron's little squeaks come from.
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