~Crossover Cove~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Droid, Jan 6, 2012.

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  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Staring at the large building in front of him, Train looked around for ant hints on where he was. Sadly, the only thing he found was complete nothingess aside the castle. Weird place to set up shop. The brown haired man thought as he ventured into the castle. There wwas only one way to find out where he was at and it wasn't standing around here.


    Allen took a good look around to see where he was. He saw nothing that looked that looked familer too him and there were no akuma nearby. If there were, his cursed eye would've picked up on the exact location on it. Suddenly his wing companion Timcampy, who it's original master entrusted it to him, flew off after some green vehicle soared above them. "Timcampy, wait! You might get eaten by a cat." The boy shouted as he ran after his master's keepsake.
  2. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Up above on one of the highest skyscrapers in the huge city sat the huge man that went by the name Iskander. Dressed in a white T-shirt, a pair of blue jeans and a pair of black shoes, Iskander sat on the edge of the rooftop. With a big grin on his face he glanced out city covered by the night sky. “Ah seems like I’ve been brought to a strange world but hmmm who or what brought me back?” Iskander wondered as he crossed his arms in thought

    “That is something I wish to know myself” said a calm but arrogant voice. Golden dust started to form together and appearing to the side of Iskander was the blond haired man named Gilgamesh. “The mongrel that dares to bring me here without a valid reason shall suffer the king’s punishment” Gilgamesh said standing with his arms crossed obviously annoyed. The golden king stood dressed in a white shirt and wore a pair of black pants, adorned on his arm and neck was golden jewelry fit for a king such as himself.

    “ohoh? King of Heroes? I never thought to see you here. What brings you here?” Iskander said raising and eyebrow as he turned and faced the king of heroes

    “hmph I should be asking you that question King of Conquers” Gilgamesh said calmly glancing over at Iskander with his crimson red eyes.

    Iskander’s eyes widened but then immediately let out a joy filled laughter “Bwahahaha still the same as ever Archer” Iskander said and glanced back out at the city. “heh I have no reason upon why I stand before you nor where we stand but the blood of the conqueror boils in excitement?” Iskander said with a excited grin. “Oi Archer what are your thoughts about this?” Isander said turning attention back at Gilgamesh

    “hmph the mere thought of being brought here without my permission only angers me” Gilgamesh said and suddenly narrowed his eyes as a smile crept across his face “But I shall disregard this. This world may prove worthy of my interest” Gilgamesh said closing his eyes as his body faded away into dust.

    Upon the disappearance of Gilgamesh, Iskander stood up and crossed his arms as he gazed back at the city. He grinned in anticipation of what was yet to come
  3. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England

    Roxas looked up behind the Doctor.
    "Get inside... now..." The Doctor looked behind him and saw something... which looked like it had blue hair, odd thing was it was in the air. Before the Doctor could say anything Roxas had shoved him inside the house and closed the door, he then locked it.
    The Doctor finally got to ask "What was that?" Roxas looks at him, "I... I don't know, but I've seen her here and there, I don't know who she is--" The Doctor interrupted him "Wait wait, its a she? How do you know that?" Roxas just stared at him like the answer was obvious.
    "Right, yes, carry on." Roxas was about to continue when he noticed something wrong... no one was inside, usually by now the mother of the house would've come and asked what was going on and then given the Doctor something to eat, but so far, no one had shown up.
    "Somethings wrong..." The Doctor then looked around "is it?" "Yes" Roxas said sharply.
    Roxas then went into the kitchen, the Doctor followed. The kitchen was unhinhabited... which went on to point out that something is deffinately wrong, because the kitchen would be inhabited at this time, usually by the person cooking dinner, but no one was there. Roxas then hurried upstairs, the Doctor instinctly followed, and they found a note on a door. "This is my room's door..."
    "Oh, is it? Well better read that note!" Roxas took it off the door and read aloud " 'We've gone shopping, didn't want to disturb you, there's cake in the fridge if you want anything, will be back around ten-ish. ' " The Doctor gave the note a quick read over.
    "You know what this means, Roxas?" Roxas shook his head "it means... we have the whole place to ourselves!"

    OOC: I've decided the Doctor's speech shall be in bold whilst Roxas's will remain normal, just thought I'd give it a mention.
  4. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    (Set few months after ending of Lilo & Stitch, meaning no anime stitch yet. 'sides, looks like the anime stinks XD)
    [​IMG](And Reuben)
    Tears...Sadness flew through the clouds. He knew what he had to do. Stitch was in his red hover cart, with tears flowing through his eyes. And next to him was Experiment 625, now called Reuben. "Hey, c'mon kid, pull yourself together. It was your idea to do this in the first place." And how right he was, as Stitch's body was shaking with regret. But he couldn't back down now. After all, news of bigger bad things are happening, and Stitch was determined to help stop them. His head went in to a trance, Reuben not noticing as he fell in to sleep holding his teddy bear. Flashbacks filled Stitch's mind...
    "Stitch....Sorry. Stitch must go." Lilo was as depressed as Stitch was.
    "Stitch, please promise me you'll be okay. And please come back soon!" Lilo couldn't help herself but jump and give Stitch a big hug. Stitch's ears were down, usually meaning sadness, before his arms wrapped around Lilo. "Ohana means...Family. Family means," And together they said,
    "Nobody gets left behind...Or forgotten..." Stitch said to himself, not paying attention to what was going to happen in the next second or too.
    "That also means to WATCH THE ROAD!" Reuben snapped Stitch back in to road-ality. He saw that he was going to crash in to a b--A building..? In the sky? It can't be. Nonetheless, Stitch attempted a barrel roll to avoid crashing, which half-worked. The right wing was taken out, before the ship was flying down to earth..or flying earth, with both of Stitch and Reuben screaming. The ship crashed a few meters away from a strange blue...rat? Porcupine? They weren't going to get the chance to think, because all went black.

    "Please be safe, Stitch..." "Stitch will, Lilo. Stitch...Stitch loves..."
  5. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Tifa looked at the man, crossing her eyes. "What do you want?" said Tifa suspiciously. Something wasn't right about this guy-she just couldn't figure out what...
  6. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    Sonic was snapped back to the world of the...awake when a loud crash woke him up. He pulled himself from the floor, his vision blurry. "Oh, man...What hit me?" He said as he surveyed the area. He saw his ship, damaged from the impact, and next to him another ship with two small animals inside. His vision still hadn't returned yet, so all he could see inside was a blue unconscious blob next to a yellow unconscious blob. "Oh, no...Not again..." He said, mistaking the blobs for his younger self along with Tails' younger self. He looked away to try and survey the area more, as his vision had just about returned. It was a large temple-like room, but nobody but Sonic and the two creatures in the ship were inside by the looks of it. After a few minutes, Sonic could finally see clearly again so he decided to take another look at the other ship. He could see that it was very likely that the two had nothing to do with Tails or himself. "Whew, what a relief. I'd have hated to go through THAT again." He said, taking a seat by his ship.
  7. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    [​IMG](And Reuben)
    Reuben woke up, holding his head. "Uuh! Feel like I'm gonna puke. Eating egg sandwiches ain't a good idea before riding a hover kart with--" He turned to see his cousin unconscious. "Stitch! Yo, dude, you alright?" He rushed over, shaking him to see if he was alright, ignoring the awoken hedgehog. Stitch woke up, but unfortunately......
    "Oww, my heaaad!" He said, paw to his forehead. "Where...where am I? Who am I?" He asked, looking around, confused before seeing Reuben, giving out a frightened shriek. Reuben put his paws to his ears. "Oh c'mon, amnesia? Really?" He sighed, before saying, "I am your friend, and you ain't no different than I am, Stitch!" Stitch immediately calmed down, seeming to remember something. "...Me...Stitch? You....Reuben?" "That was fast..." Both of them turned to see Sonic, before they both yelled. After their yells, Reuben asked, "What kind of experiment are you?"
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    Lockon maintained his speed as Dynames approached the station. Haro kept a lookout from its container for anything following them. Entering the city, Lockon managed to hide Dynames in a alleyway. Grabbing Haro, Lockon left the cockpit and quickly changed into his civilian clothes, putting Haro in a large bag to hide him. "Activate external camouflage." He said, putting his hand to his ear. As he spoke, the GN particles quickly spread around Dynames and its disappeared from view. Then Lockon began to walk around, exploring the city for awhile before coming upon a large temple. Gripping his bag, Lockon walked to the temple and entered it, looking around.
  9. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    Sonic jumped at the little yellow...thing's voice. He wasn't expecting it to be so deep. "Experiment? I'm not an experiment of anything! Well, unless you count the Werehog ordeal as an experiment...Anyway, My name's Sonic. The Hedgehog. What exactly are you two supposed to be?" Sonic asked, pointing at the two.
  10. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    "I'm sensing a plot twist. We both are experiments, or 'cousins'. I'm Reuben, experiment 625 and the blue guy's Stitch, experiment 626. We're both from Hawaii and took a trip to fight crime before Mr. Driver took his eyes off the road and here we are, only problem is, HE'S GOT AMNESIA!" Reuben yelled out of frustration, before Stitch cocked his head. "Am...nesia...Hawaii...Stitch remembering!" He scratched his head, before randomly out of the blue, saying, "I'm fluffy!" And then smiling. "So what're you doing here, 'Sonic'?"
  11. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    Sonic pointed to his damaged ship, "Well, I had a bit of a mishap with my ship and ended up here." He said, walking over to Stitch and Reuben's ship. "Wow, nice looking ship. Tails would be all geeked out over this thing." He said, looking at the ships foreign interior. "So...You guys have any idea where we are?"
  12. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    "What do I look like, a building checker?" He went over to the broken hover cart and made about 10 sandwiches, before holding them with one hand and pulling out a peanut-butter sandwich and holding it out for Sonic. "Sandwich? I can make any. That's one of my many powers when I was created."
  13. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    Sonic held his hand up, showing he declined the offer, "Nah, I'm more of a Chili Dog kinda hedgehog." He said. He turned away from the aliens and held his hands up to his mouth in preparation to yell. "HELLOOOOO! Anyone there? HELLOOOOOOO!!" He yelled, hoping for a response. "Man, I hope this isn't some kind of trap...Again..."
  14. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    An orange haired young man wearing a black kimono with white socks and normal straw sandals and over-sized cleaver that was wrapped in bandages stood outside of what seemed a building floating in the clouds as he took in his surroundings, this man was Ichigo Kurosaki, a Subsitute Shinigami (yeah going japanese cause i can!) and his eyes narrowed at the buidling he ended up at, he somehow came here from a unexpected dangai rip and spoke "Where...am I?" He asked himself confused.


    Eiji Hino found himself in front of a strange castle the honestly looked like a playhouse, he was investigating a strange presence due to his abilities of the Purple Core Medals within his body, it wasn't a Yummy or a Greeed either but before he could stop and run from a rip in whatever it was called, he ended up here. "May as well go and ask where I am." He said with a smile and placed both hands on teh doors and pushed them apart and walked inside the same doors closing behind him as his eyes turned violent for a few seconds, something was strange in thsi castle and the Core Medals inside of him were negating the desire of the Castle that seemed o want something.

    "Anybody here?" He asked out loud.
  15. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011

    Marluxia smirked at her question of what he wanted. "What i desire, is the only real goal a nobody con strive towards. I want a heart." He explained to her before turning in the direction of the sounds his other "Guests" were making "So, more have arrive. It would seem these hallowed halls are getting some company these days..."
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    Somehow, Vanille managed to get a ride up into the station in the sky. When she had gotten off her ride, Vanille looked around and shouted, "Hey!!!! Is anybody here?!" She sighed after hearing her echo and took out into a run, hoping to find someone. She wanted to find that strange green flying machine from earlier and maybe meet with its pilot. But she had no idea where to find it or where it was, Vanille just smiled and continued to run through the city.
  17. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    Reuben sighed at Sonic's yell, before saying, "Who's going to be here? Might as well leave before a trap DOES spring. I can fix both our carts so we can scram. That sound good?" Suddenly Stitch's head filled with more memories. "Stitch memory coming back fast...Missing memories! Stitch is confused." Reuben turned his head to Stitch, before sighing.
  18. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    Sonic scratched his head. Something told him that leaving wasn't a good idea, but he wasn't sure. "Uh, sure, go ahead, Reuby. My friend Tails would appreciate it." He replied.

    (OOC: Yoda better get here fast...)
  19. Droid Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2011
    Scar ignored the feeble attempt at breaking the fourth wall, "Very well, Deadpool, prepare yourself for the coming chaos."
    Sebastian was hard at work transforming Scar's desolate den into a lair Alfred would be proud of. "The accommodations are prepared my Lord, with this new system in place we'll be able to track enemy movements all around the world. Furthermore it has come to my attention that we're going to need more than hyenas if we plan on taking over the world, might I suggest we employ the help of the heartless?"
    "The heartless...perfect, but we'll need more than ordinary heartless, we need the heartless of the strongest hearts on the planet. The best place to find such hearts would be sky city. Deadpool, I've got an assignment for you."A grin crept onto Scar's face.
  20. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    This was it; the thinnest part of the atmosphere. She was still having no trouble breathing even at this high altitude, but that was going to do nothing to help her break through and reach the city that drifted higher still above her. Silently, she changed her weapon's form into it's ranged mode, resembling a spear.
    "Luciferion, please don't dampen the recoil this time; I would like to use it." she said to her in-hand partner as she spun around and began charging the fiery-orange energy at Luciferion's tip, preparing to shoot.
    "Blast Fire." she stated calmly, the energy pulsing outwards from her staff in a stream of nova-coloured fire like that of stars, which pushed her through the atmosphere as she had expected, though not much further, leaving her free to approach the sky-based city where Yoda should be.
    "Thank you, Luciferion." she said quietly, as she landed on an East-side docking port, surprising more that a few engineers as she did so.
    Obviously they had never seen a girl who looked no more than nine years old exit the atmosphere under her own power before. Strange.


    "Whaaat?!" the girl yelled in disappointment as the two figures ran inside, "That's no fair!"
    She sighed and sat down cross-legged -- in mid-air -- and rest her head on one hand, definitely unimpressed at their actions.
    "That's so rude! I only wanted to talk to them!" she complained again, showing no signs of coming down from her bizarre sitting position.
    It was then that she noticed that the older-looking one had left his blue box behind. Her eyes lit up as she realized that she would be able to see what it was without being bothered, and she headed down to take a look at it, grinning with excitement. She wondered if it was some kind of weapon, or if there was candy hidden inside. She wasn't partial to which.
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