~Crossover Cove: OOC Thread 2.0~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Droid, Jun 24, 2012.

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  1. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    No. Mine has an evil crow cap. And according to the rules, if it is in a different universe entirely, I can claim him.
  2. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    The rules state that the owner of the original character has to agree with it before it's allowed. If Heartless says no, it's a no. The same goes for anyone looking to have duplicate characters of any kind. It's simply not fair to take a copy of a character already in Cove without their permission.
  3. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Well, fine. I will respect the decisions and eliminate him from my list.

    In the mean time, I am going to bring in my first OC, is it alright if I just use his CS from the RP he is from?
  4. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    He's from a different RP? Fair enough. We'd much rather you used the character sheet on the first page, and specify what medium you're attaching him to on there, honestly.
  5. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    It is a bit complicated but I guess I could try[DOUBLEPOST=1349569741][/DOUBLEPOST]Username: Myst
    Name: Kai

    From: Naruto: Silver Bell of the Hidden Sound
    Kai is a member of the organisation that is trying to duplicate the motives of the Akatsuki. He loves the nature of light and respects those who are of a pure heart and conscious.

    Justu Abilities:
    Blind Transforms light particles to become much brighter, temporarily blinding the enemy (Think of Solar Flare from DBZ)
    Light Prism Main trapping ability. Traps opponent into a prism preventing them from leaving without be cut sliced by the rays of light. Kai cannot move when performing this ability or else the prism will fade.
    Light Beams Main brute attack. Creates beams of light through hands (like lightsabers). Act as swords. Cannot use hands whatsoever during this strategy.
    Spectrum Duplicate A clone and escape. Creates a duplicate of ones self by transforming light particles into various colors taking the shape of ones self.
    Light Darts Only distance move. Creates Light from finger tips and shoots them at target. Poor accuracy.
    Last Light Kai's last chance move. Uses the power of light radiation to go to the extreme and destroy all skins cells with a 100 meters radius. This completely destroys the user when executed.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    LOL character from an rp I created. ^^
  7. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Username: Nagisa Adelheid
    Character of Choice: Crowe Broust
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Super Robot Wars Z2
    Additional Info: A former member of the Britannian Union's Firebug Squad, Crowe Broust is saddled with a million dollars in debt, causing him to agree to be the test pilot for the anti-Dimensional Beast mecha Brasta as a way to work the sum off.
    The main goal of Firebug was to start minor rebellions in various countries for Britannia that would be crushed by its main military. However, during one mission in Esther Elhaas's hometown, a Dimension Energy Crystal experiment went haywire, causing its destruction. Firebug was sent in to "clean up the mess", but Crowe took pity on her and rescued Esther and deserted Firebug.

    Username: Nagisa Adelheid
    Character of Choice: Esther Elhas
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Super Robot Wars Z2
    Additional Info: A young woman who initially accosts Crowe, Esther demands he eliminate the Dimensional Beasts (in particular, a white one dubbed "Moby Dick"). She later revealed her family was killed several years back by Moby. Esther is now working as a Dimensional Monster Buster for Traiya, piloting the Brasta Es, an improved model of the Brasta, Brasta-ES.

    Username: Nagisa Adelheid
    Character of Choice: Ribbons Almark
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Mobile Suit 00 Gundam
    Additional Info: Ribbons is the original Gundam Meister of GN-000 0 Gundam. In his early days, Ribbons had faithfully followed Aeolia's Plan as Celestial Being’s Gundam Meister. According to the official files, combat-type Innovades, like Ribbons, fundamentally believe they are better than humans because of their advanced abilities. As a proud Innovade, who can also access up to Level 7 information from Veda, Ribbons wished to follow each step of the plan and knew every part of it. However, as an Innovade too, his life is forever bound to serving humanity according to Aeolia's Plan. During his service, Ribbons had learned of many contradictions within human nature, and, even though he did not understand them to an extent, he lost faith in mankind as a whole. Ribbons could not stand serving the "inferior" humans, and he eventually detested the reason for his existence because of it. With this, Ribbons was painfully made aware of the contradiction between his believed superiority and his destiny to serve humanity. With this in mind, he betrayed Celestial Being, leaving them and begining his own plans. Four years later, Ribbons was essentially in control of the Earth as a whole, using his group A-Laws.

    Username: Nagisa Adelheid
    Character of Choice: Hiling Care
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Mobile Suit 00 Gundam
    Additional Info: Hiling was the genetic twin of Ribbons Almark but they were very different personality-wise. Hiling had a very teen-like personality as she was known to be immature, impatient, and over confident. She was extrememly loyal to Ribbons, possibly due to their genetic make-up or she highly respected the man. She was shown to be also very jealous of her twin's interest in other people and she often sought praise from him as a result. Hiling was narcissistic and selfish in nature as she enjoyed hurting other people and had very little regard for her fallen kin. Although she had the one of worst personalities, Hiling made up for it by being fanatically loyal to the Innovators. She pilots a custom Garrazo.

    Username: Nagisa Adelheid
    Character of Choice: Graham Aker/Mister Bushido
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Mobile Suit 00 Gundam
    Additional Info: Graham overall is a career soldier, always looking for the next challenge. He's fearless, confident, prideful, stubborn, honorable, a romantic, and later a devout believer in Bushido (ancient Japanese samurai philosophy and martial arts). Being one of the best MS pilots on Earth, he became bored with life as there was little to challenge his talents. After the appearance of Celestial Being and squaring off with the Gundams, he self-admitted that their appearance gave him a reason to live again and it became his obsession to defeat Celestial Being with the pride of a Flag Fighter. As such, he stubbornly piloted all Flag mobile suits without considering the GN-X series. Currently pilots the Susanowo.

    Username: Nagisa Adelheid
    Character of Choice: Gaioh, King of Destruction
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Super Robot Wars Z2
    Additional Info: A godlike being from another dimension, Gaioh lives only for battle. His power borders on catastrophic levels, being higher than even he knows. He is capable of creating Dimensional Beasts from those that he has defeated, and judging by just how many he has at his disposal, he has defeated a massive number of opponents. His goals, as well as those that serve by his side, are completely unknown.
  8. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    I just love him that much :3[DOUBLEPOST=1349582505][/DOUBLEPOST]So going to get hell from this.


    Antauri (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go)
    Sparx (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go)
  9. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Just want to let people who are waiting on me know that I'll be only able to post in the RP after tomorrow.
    Sorry for any inconvenience.
  10. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Username: HeartlessOfLight
    Character of Choice: Hades
    Picture(optional): [​IMG]
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Kid Icarus: Uprising
    Additional Info: Hades is a being of pure evil, whose arrogance and power makes him brush off any matter as nothing important, often acting carefree and speaking in a playfully dull tone that is filled with sarcasm and cruelty. He has no regard for life and views souls simply as mindless play things for him to manipulate with no sympathy, using them as his puppets and manipulating their memories, hearts and forms to suit his own needs, not caring at all about their existence, even eating them for fun despite how much damage this causes to the balance. His view on the cycle of life is even more skewed and twisted, seeing no difference between consuming a soul and their rebirth and casting the balance aside like nothing. Despite all his malicious tendencies, he does have a genuine sense of humor and enjoys telling jokes and making puns at even the most odd or inappropriate of times. He also held no grudge against Pit after the later killed him and destroyed his body, and even complimented his abilities, albeit still throwing a few nasty remarks in his direction.

    Username: HeartlessOfLight
    Character of Choice: Akuma
    Picture(optional): [​IMG]
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Street Fighter Series
    Additional Info: Akuma is a cold and extremely powerful warrior whose sole purpose of existance is to hone his fighting skills by battling and destroying strong foes. He rarely displays any sign of emotions (aside from occasional bursts of anger) and almost never smiles. He takes his trainings very seriously (and deals brutally with those who dare interrupt him, as seen in his SF3: the Third Strike ending) and likes to occasionally test himself against worthy rivals (Gen, Oro...). In combat, Akuma almost never resorts to his true strength since he is yet to find an opponent who is to withstand the full extent of his powers.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Username: Aerith G.
    Character of Choice: James Potter

    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Harry Potter
    Additional Info: James is Harry's father and former student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Aside from his eyes, James is nearly identical to his son in appearance, who inherited his ever messy raven black hair. He was 'Prongs' in the Marauders, due to his stag Animagus.

    Username: Aerith G.
    Character of Choice: Sirius Black

    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Harry Potter
    Additional Info: James's right hand man from their school days, Sirius is Harry's godfather and closest person he considers family apart of the abusive Dursleys. When his parents died, Sirius let Hagrid borrow his flying motorcycle to deliver his godson to the Dursleys for safekeeping. Sirius spent twelve years in Azkaban prison for becoming wrongly accused for killing people. In the Marauders, Sirius is known as 'Padfoot', because of his dog Animagus.

    Username: Aerith G.
    Character of Choice: Remus Lupin

    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Harry Potter
    Additional Info: The trio's third year Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Remus was a close friend to James in their school years despite being a werewolf. He taught Harry how to make a Patronus in his third year to defend himself from the Dementors that were patrolling the school. Because of his status as a werewolf, Remus was known as Moony in the Marauders.

    Username: Aerith G.
    Character of Choice: Bartz Klauser

    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Final Fantasy V/Dissidia & Dissidia 012
    Additional Info: Representative of Final Fantasy V, Bartz is a adventurous young man who carries a feather of his pet chocobo, Boco. His main ability is being able to minic the abilities and weapons of his comrades, creating his own unique style in battle. However, he spends most of the time, running away from battle.
  12. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Did anyone ever take Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk? I just checked the lists and didn't find him, but I just wanna be sure before I do any hasty reserving.
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    I believe Krown had him, but Krown hasn't posted in forever. So I think he's open.
  14. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    That's what I thought, but I wanted to be sure. Thanks, Aerith.

    Anyway, reserving:

    Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk
  15. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Somebody did. You.
    When Krown stopped posting and gave me his characters, you told me you'd be willing to play Spider-Man and The Hulk for me. You've had them both since then.
  16. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Oh...I only remember Spidey. But okay then, if you say so.[DOUBLEPOST=1349726397][/DOUBLEPOST]Gots me one more comic-book related reserve.


    Stan Lee

    His colors are red and white because Marvel.
  17. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    Mei (Pokémon Black 2 and White 2)

    Also, HeartlessOfLight is reserving;

    Kyohei (Pokémon Black 2 and White 2)

    We reserve the right to change their names to the English versions or not yet. We're undecided.
  18. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Alright, so I just uploaded a portion of the Pony themes. I did have more, (much more in fact), but something happened to the video files of most of the other themes, leaving me with the four that are being uploaded now. I will get to re-doing the missing MLP characters after the next theme set. Apologies to those who's characters weren't featured.
  19. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    So... Kamina kissed Yoko... He's going to die.

    It's cool man. At leats ya got Vinyl, so I'm happy.

    So what's the next theme set going to be, HoL? Or have you not decided yet?
  20. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Addendum; the next set of tracks to be uploaded with be themes of mecha and mecha-related series. This ranges from Gundam to Code Geass and everything between, so let Heartless know your themes when you like.
    Due to the large number of mecha characters in Cove right now, some themes might not go up for a while, but don't worry; they WILL go up.
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