HEJ GUYS FOR ANYONE WHO HAS THIS GAME, CAN SOMEONE HELP ME. i just had the cutscene where aeris is protected by angeal copycat thing, now im stuck dont know what i have to do next anyone that can help me?
Yeah... Closed because this game isn't even out yet. unless you're from the future...are you? Reopened Seems he has the Japanese version. Next time though ask nicely!
thanx kitty! and sorry for the way i asked, dont like it when people say im lying when im not. again thanx now i hope that other people have the game as well so they can help me with it
Sorry, can't help you. But since this is here, is there any word yet on if and when it's coming to the States.
damn no one that can help me with it, well if there´s anyone who isnt as far as me i can always help you out (like kitty said its off topic, but it is confirmed that the game is being released outside japan when is not confirmed)
yeah couldnt find any thing, well ive got a link about a guide only the guy making the guide isnt as far as me (at least the guide isnt as far as me) and there isnt a link to contact him so i thought i might try here)
I dont wanna make new thread, so i post in here. Is Crisis Core coming in Europe? I am asking this, because i want it so badly.
After that, I think it is the part where you have to help Aerith collect wood to make her flower cart. Just run around Midgar and you should find the wood. (I think there are three pieces total but I can't remember for sure). I hope this helps if you have not already gotten past this section of the game. Edit: Just looked at the date this thread was created. You have probably already done this by now.