I was told to use his site www.keepvid.com you put the url from a youtube video in the bar at the top of the page and click download then get the high quality mp4 link
The storyline was good though, but i agree, it was way too easy to beat....took me one week after i bought the game.
pfft.. you have to be kiddin' me. Seriously, the gameplay is good, and I was stuck on that annoying Sephiroth battle for ages. On topic: Yeah dude, you should use silenttweak.net. Its reliable :3
If you've got a program like Sony Vegas, you can play mp4 files, but, othewrwise, you need to download a converter. And, I don't know whether it's just me, but Sony Vegas seemed to make the video go all weird, and just showed static instead of the video, even though it played fine on my iPod.
If you want to play MP4 files get the program that was originally made to play them [Quicktime] You can also play FLVs in Quicktime. Just search it up on apple.com or google.com and download it.
http://bluelaguna.net/movies/crisis-core-final-fantasy-vii/fmvs.php You can download every single cutscene from the game on this site... Hope that helps...!