this happened in a creche in belgium.A guy in his mid-thirties wearing black and white face paint tricked his way into the creche by ringing the door bell and they assumed he was a clown or something.The guy got in the door and took out his knife and went to stab random children.18 of them werre under the age of 3.The first casualty was a women working there who saw him as he took out the blade and went in front of the blade to protect the child and she died.After this the workers made a line of the workers to protect the kids but he slashed his way through and started killing the children at random.As far as i know he managed to kill more three of the kids and i think he killed some of the staff also. What kind of sick twisted maelstrom of insanity could do such so a thing to innocent people like that.Killing three year olds and the people protecting them.I think the woman who went in front of the blade to protect the child should be honored for what she did.There are precious few people who would so easily jump in front of a blade for another human being.It wouldn't so much be the fact of selfishness but they wouldn't be able to process the fact that someone is about to die in front of them. What are your thoughts?
I saw this a while ago but didn't bother posting it because it will just be deleted xD But yeah, it was 2 infants and the nurse who were killed. 13 injured. BBC news story here. Apparently the town in which it happened normally have very low crime rates and is quite nice. But these things tend to be completely random. His face was completely white with blackened eyes and he escaped on a bicycle but was arrested in a local supermarket. It will be interesting to hear what the motive was. Also, nursing is a caring profession and it was her job to protect the children (although, not usually from a knife wielding lunatic). It was certainly a feat of extraordinary heroism
I can just imagine the interragation. He's probable has a split personality disorder where he says it was gillian who did it and todd helped him.This is one of the wierdest cases i've ever heard.This guy seems to have the brain of an 8 year old.
He killed two infants and one staff member, though several other infants are still in critical condition. Among his possessions were another knife and an axe, and an address of another creche. The killer was a mental patient who received home treatment from what I've heard. Apparently, he's been quite a pain during his interrogation, always laughing and shite. ****ing Belgians...And they're all like that, mind you.
Hey now, I have an uncle in Belgium. He's a perfectly nice guy. (He's actually American by birth, but still...)
The information I gave you yesterday was wrong (not my fault, I heard it on the news). He had more weapons with him still, wore a kevlar vest and didn't have one other creche address with him but four of them. The killer's 20 years old and his name is Kim De Gelder. He's described by the neighbourhood as being quiet and reserved. He's also rumoured (although it's pretty much confirmed) to be a fan of "bizarre" movies, but I don't know what kind of movies they mean.
This was one of the few news that actually had me in tears. I can't even imagine what kind of a sick b*stard could do something like that. And from what I've heard, he wasn't a mental patient after all. God, I'm so disgusted by this...
Wow.... This is disturbing and saddening... The guy must be some sorta nut-job, probably is by both the way he went about it and who the attacks were aimed at.
The sad thing is, people like this are completely convinced they are doing the right thing, and that they are sane. This made me cry, because all those kids, and the people trying to protect them, its just wrong. Some people are soo sick!
I have not heard about this yet...But it's very sick and wrong to kill children out of the blue like that. It's so werid how things like this happen all the time all over the world.
I do feel bad for the nurses that died....and the children, those were some brave nurses. but it would be really interesting to know his motives. Its something I cannot comprehend.
This sickened me. Although from what I heard of the story it suggested his face-paint was based on the joker from the Dark Knight. This is an example of bad things begatting further bad things. The Joker was a horrid character as was the actor and it has inspired such horrendous deeds as this
Actually, that was a rumour that has been proven false some days ago. He wasn't even wearing any face paint at the time of the crime (but he had some in his back pack); he just seems to have a naturally pale face.
How exactly was Heath Ledger a "horrible character"? I had heard from the BBC report that he had some sort of face paint on, guess they got it wrong. Any news on a motive?
Not yet actually. There is some chance that Kim De Gelder is schizophrenic, so even if there was a motive there is still a chance that we wouldn't understand it.
Again we have another case of a nutter who can't seem to sort things out in his head. What is the purpose of killing kids!? The mere thought of this person doing the things he did makes me sick! I hope there is a special place in Hell for his sort.