Creatures Created For War

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Peace and War, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    It was an Age of Darkness, where only the creatures of the despair were able to survive. On one day in this world, in the deepest part of the kingdom of the darkness, in the heart of its leader, a light shone upon the world, creating the creatures of the light named the Lightwalkers and a fuse of lightness named the Twilights.
    Now a war between these forces has begun, who will win?

    Ok, you can choose the sides of Darklings, Lightwalkers and Twilights. Whoever wants to be the leaders just type it down, but you have to get there first. We also have minions on each side that are specific to each character. Each minion can be controlled by that character but can be killed.

    I am restricting it to 5 people to each side because it can get to crowded and can lose the story completely.

    Here are the rules:
    No Godmodding stuff e.g. can’t die, has power over people, etc.
    No killing other characters, unless they allow it.
    Can have relationships but keep it in order.
    I’ll allow Yaoi and Yuri but only if you follow the above rule.
    Can not be a neutral character.

    And here’s the template:

    User: (Your username.)
    Name: (Don’t make me explain it.)
    Gender: (Male or Female.)
    Side: (Darklings, Lightwalkers or Twilights.)
    Weapon: (Description of weapon and if it is anyway special.)
    Abilities: (Magic, runs fast, can fly, etc.)
    Appearance: (Clothes and facial features.)
    Minion: (Description of Minion you control. Make it up.)
    Info: (What your history is, personality, etc.)

    Here's my character:

    Name: Kyvarn
    Gender: Male
    Side: Darkness
    Weapon: Hook swords
    Abilities: Is blind, Can feel the vibrations un the air and ground.
    Appearance: Purple hair with red streaks to his elbows, Blindfold round his eyes, wears a long red cape and wears pitch black armour.
    Minion: Infantry units that have hook swords attached on each arm and wear similar armour to Kyvarn
    Info: A man who uses the Darkness to find his lost love, who was taken into a blinding light and never seen since. His anger and hatred of the light has driven him to become a merciless monster, which will stop at nothing to crush anything that is of the Light.


    (Yiazmat) James Hitori (Leader)

    (Peace-and-War) Kyvarn (Leader)
    (true darkness) Ren

    (Larxene~Miss Antenne2~) Morrowind Medli (Leader)
    (naminestwinsister) Reena
    (Rikus#1fangirl) Natalie
  2. Yiazmat Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 2, 2007
    Root Town, fabled capitol

    User: Yiazmat
    Name: James Hitori (Leader)
    Gender: Male
    Side: Lightwalker
    Weapon: Aldebaraan, a high-powered, super-accurate rifle
    Abilities: Shooting, low-altitude glides.
    Appearance: White hair, wears a black T-shirt and tan shorts.
    Minion: Ryo Tsubaki, devoted retainer. Expert with a sword and is loyal to James exclusively.
    Info: A famous sharpshooter who began life when the Light shone, he is difficult to best in a fight. He does only what he needs to in order to turn the tide of the war.
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Your in and welcome. We will start when we have some more members.
  4. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    User: Larxene~Miss Antenne2~
    Name: Morrowind Medli (Leader)
    Gender: Female
    Side: Twilight
    Weapon: Large crossbow
    Abilities: Fire, Ice, Light, Dark, Lighting, wind arrow. A.K.A Mixing magic with arrows
    Appearance: Morrowind's Appearance
    Minion: A gaint constricter with dragon wings, mini legs & arms, and Beety red eyes. I might draw what it looks like and put it in here. I call it "Skar"
    Info: Morrowind seems like a typical archer, but get her annoyed, you might be a pile of ashes within minutes. She isn't too enthusastic, nor active. But she still will get a motivation to kill things. She is shy, and if you say on her good side, you might get the chance to witness her being nice. She's a bit grouchy, but is actually shy.
  5. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    User: true darkness
    Name: Ren
    Gender: Female
    Side: darkness
    Weapon: 10 long black knives and two black swords, when you throw the knives they almost go faster than the eye can see.
    Abilities: able to control fire, water and of course darkness
    Appearance: raven black hair, silvery coloured eyes; she wears a coal black dress with a long coat.
    Minion: rather wolf like creature, it is very clever with it's prey, it takes it down at the prey's weakness moment.
    Info: the old teenage girl has been known to kill since a young age, many people want to know why she was created but Ren doesn't knpw herself, she has been told in a dream that if she goes to war then she will the answer.
  6. Yiazmat Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 2, 2007
    Root Town, fabled capitol

    Finally, some other members :lol:
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ and true darkness are in. Anyone can start whenever they like.
    Also since their are diferrent Castles or fortresses from each force put something like 'Meanwhile in the Castle of _____' or something like that.
  8. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    User: naminestwinsister
    Name: reena
    Gender: female
    Side: twilights
    Weapon: the weapon is a laser arrow shooter that attaches onto the hand
    Abilities: can fly and runs fast
    Appearance: has blue hair and wears a pink shirt and yellow trousers
    Minion: its name is otacu he has firy red hair with an orange shirt and blue jeans and his weapon he has a bow and arrow (for some reason i am obsessed with arrows today)otacu is a cat like creature that acts like a cat has fur and a tale but wears clothes and he can stand on his hind legs with no trouble
    Info: she is a bit stupid but quite aggressive she is a infamous arrow shooter and very rarely misses her targets there are odds of her missing targets of around 100 to 10
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Welcome naminestwinsister, your in, start if you like.
    To anyone else who wants to join could we have less projectile weapons.
  10. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    OOC: if anyone doesn't mind i'm going to start.

    Ren walked down the endless dark street with a wolf like creature by her side. the young girl's eyes gleamed in the darkness. Her minon stopped and sniffed the air, it looked at Ren then walked into ally. Ren smirked and followed it slowly as she looked at the signposts.
  11. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    *she walked down the twilit street with her minion at her side but decided she would wait for five minutes because she thought she heard footsteps
  12. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    her minion stopped and growled, Ren looked up and saw something coming from a distance. Quickly she grabbed the minion and hide behind a wall.
  13. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Kyvarn appeard from the shadows beside Ren. "Who is that I hear?" Kyvarn whispered.
  14. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    Ren looked at him, with her head tilted to oneside, then she shook her head and bowed, "unknown..." She answered.
  15. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Kyvarn listened for a moment "Their are two of them, it seems they have stopped, can you tell if it is friend or foe?" He whisperd.
  16. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    Ren closed her eyes, she re-opened them and said "i think they are foe."
  17. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Kyvarn listened again "Wait, I know this one, she is part of the Twilights, at the moment we have a treaty stating that we can not attack each others force unless provoked, we do not need another international affair. We should leave soon."
  18. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    Ren's minion whined, she looked down at it and shook her head, "no blood this time, my friend." She said, she looked back at the man beside her, her silvery eyes staring at him, "what is your name?" she asked politely.
  19. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    He smiled and said "My name is Kyvarn, leader of the Darkling Kingdom, we command the power of darkness and shun the light, you seem of capable ability would you be willing to join?" He looked at her to show her his eyes that had scars that took the image of black eyes.
  20. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    Ren saw her minion bow, "my name is Ren, and as you can see this is one of my minions." Ren said and pulled her hood up but her silvery eyes was still visable. "i will join, leader." She said and bowed again.