Birth by Sleep Create the next enemy's emblem (group effort, artists needed)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by Pezz, Feb 28, 2009.

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  1. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    I'm not sure I like it either. any suggestions?

    Nice! Now we need to work out a better color scheme.
  2. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Cool, but why only a door?

    Let's have it be used for everything possible. Like the Nobody symbol.

    Boss weapons, symbols dotting the walls, room shapes, etc etc.
  3. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    As you can see by my signature I have recolored the Desoul emblem. here is a larger look.

    Desoul emblem 6.jpg

    What does everyone think?
  4. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Looks like an evil plant lol,
    Still looks gr8 tho.

    For the heartless it was red and black i think,
    for the nobosies it was mostly white.

    Should Desouls have a combination of the 2?
  5. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    well, black is symbolic for heartless and white are symbolic for Nobodies. I personally think that we should stay away from those colors. red could be used, except red has become somewhat symbolic for unbirths. However, unbirths main color is blue, so I suppose red is still up for grabs. when you make a sequel to a game, there are certain things that should stay consistent. In kingdom hearts, the color of the enemy is one of those things. We also want to make the different emblems distinguishable. using colors that were previously used, could ultimately end up confusing the player.

    We are still working with the desoul's colors. purple will probably be a definite, and out of the color choices we have left, green seems to go well with purple. but every thing is still up for debate.
  6. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    It looks excellent, but the bottom part looks a bit dark to me. It could either be a lighter color, or slightly thinner. I am ready to accept it as it is though.

    It DOES look like a plant, but that's not a problem. The Nobody emblem looks like some... quite disturbing things, depending on how oyu look at it... and if our emblem looks like a plant, we could play with this idea, and have real plants with that shape. Tht could grow on the Desoul world.
  7. thecoder180 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 22, 2009
    I think i got one......

    Maybe combining the heartless,nobody, and unbirth emblems??

    yes i no it wont help much...
  8. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    lol, well at least I know other people read this. so you are suggesting that we should redo the emblem, or see what other designs we can think up?
  9. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Actually, it's an interesting idea. A bit too late now that our Desoul Emblem is nearing completion, but...

    Your idea could work for a creature that hasn't lost anything, but instead gained something. Heart, Body, Soul + something. I'm thinking Brexen could use this for his Triad idea.
    Brexen, you reading this?
  10. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    He comes a goes :p

    Excellent idea! as for the color, I try to get myself to work on a few more color designs tomorrow.

    Edit: Okay here's one of them.

    Desoul emblem 8.jpg

    I don't think I like it much....

    I thought to try a few more designs. here's what I come up with:

    Desoul emblem9 copy.jpg Desoul emblem10.jpg Desoul emblem13.jpg Desoul emblem14.jpg

    The are like one or two more, but they are similar in design to the heart that is melting. I couldn't post them because the max is five pictures a post.
  11. zillagod Moogle Assistant

    Mar 28, 2009
    Hey everyone, I'm new to these forums but I read up on the Desouls you guys created and I would like to give my interpretation on them and thier emblem, if I may.


    The Emblem, I know it is not symetrical but you get the idea, and it might could use a different color scheme but I think it is simple, yet can identify the Desouls well enough.

  12. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    O.O damn. I think the desoul drawing looks really good! The emblem looks good too, but we may want to toy some more with the color scheme and design. these things take more than one try. What does everyone else think?
  13. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    I agree with pez, i think that we should sorta combine pezzs current emblem with this one and see wut comes out :P
  14. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    - For Pezz's Emblems, the third one you suggested is really the best. It's far simpler than the rest, is somewhat vertical like the other emblems... the two turning spikes are perfect, but the part between them (that... bag thing), need to be reworked.

    - For zillagod's Emblem, I see the connection with your Post on the other Thread. The blue aura. And I gotta say, it looks awesome. If we incorporate this idea in this whole project, and give Desouls auras, it will be perfect.

    - Finally, for Kme92's idea, I agree. And, inspired by all 3 of you, I suggest that we try mixing Pezz's third suggestion with zillagod's Emblem.
    What I have in mind is that third Emblem of Pezz, with the bottom part a bit more complex, and with some sort of aura around the Heart (or the whole Emblem).

    - As for the Desoul, it kinda reminds me off... Deoxys. A bit funny that both your posts, zillagod, made me think of a Pokemon :)
    It looks cool, and, just like Pezz' first drawing, has that "candle" thing of its head.
    Is it a flying creature? Looks a bit like a ghost.
  15. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    yikes. I'm having trouble thinking of how to combine the two. any ideas her zillagod?
  16. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    The symbol for the desoul should represent the name, so a fading soul emblem.
    Dunno if that helps Pezz lol

    EDIT - my pc s been quadruplin post,
    extremely sry for that >_<
  17. zillagod Moogle Assistant

    Mar 28, 2009
    Well let me have some time and I might be able to incorporate both together it will be tricky to really keep it simple though if I use to many things, all the designs I have seen have great merits. Picking things from both will definately be a challenge. I'll see what I can come up with.
  18. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    lolz, can you post it? I would like to see it! :)

    great! I'll leave it to you! i may make a few drawings of my own if i have suggestions. :)
  19. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    the candle is symbolic of the desouls. thats why we included it. I would like to try and find a way to keep the candle. but if it must go then it must go. lets see what zillagod comes up with.
  20. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    so you mixed the two of them together?
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