Create a Boss

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by TwilghtRoxas, Apr 14, 2007.

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  1. HeadBodyMaster Destiny Islands Resident

    May 1, 2007
    Head Body Land
    :eek: OMG! jesus is the son of God, you know.

    Name: Jaden Yuki
    Difficulty: Holy Guacamole over critical so much that it's crazy!!!!!!
    EXP: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
    HP:17 bars
    Wind Feather: Summons Elemantal Hero Avian and Avian shoots feathers at you.
    Fireball: Summons Elemental hero Burstinatrix and she shoots a fireball at you.
    Sparkle: Summons Elemantal Hero Sparkman and Sparkman shoots light rays of lightning at you.
    Rock Smash: Summons Elemental Hero Clayman and he shoots boulders out of the ground like Lexaeus.
    Bubbly madness: Summons Elemantal Hero Bubbleman and he shoots bubbles at you.
    Card Paper Cut: He attacks you with a huge card and it gives you a bad paper cut that drains health from you slowly for 10 seconds.

    What you get: Elemental Hero Avian summon: When summoned, he comes out of his card and grabs Sora's hand and flies holding onto Sora. Limit: Wind Supermadness: Attacks: X: Aero; Square: Wind Feather; triangle: Superfandazzlemazing Wind super attack: O: Aerial Dodge
  2. Thir13en King's Apprentice


    HP: 3
    Defense: 1234567890x10 to the fiftyith power
    Exp: Dude, try getting him down one...
    Keyblade obtained: Bob's chili

    (inspired by friend Bobby who makes one hell of a chili thing)
  3. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Organizatin XII unknown member
    Found:Traverse Town KH1(portal in Merlin's House, which takes the three to the place where Xemnas fight in KH2 took place.)
    HP:50 health bars
    Fight with Donald and Goofy
    Reward:Drive command added(obtained master form) obain KH2FM secret ending
    Attacks:Charges up weapon, if too close to boss, Sora dies instantly
    Fills room with flames,which Sora must cast Blizzard several times to put out flames
    Summons all organization XII members which Sora,Donald and Goofy must defeat to continue the battle
    casts spell which brings Hp down to 1(magic is disabled during this attack)
    command menu mix-up
    Captures Sora(play as Donald and Goofy and save Sora)
    Chases after Sora, which if too close, boss performs aerial finish
    Fires continuous lasers
    Places shied around itself, which only magic can disable
  4. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Aqua and Ven
    Found:Land of Dragons(checkpoint)
    Fight with Donald,Goofy or Mulan
    Reward:Infinite Jump, summom ES
    HP:Aqua:25 Ven:25
    Attacks: Both charge at Sora and if too close, preforms combo attacks
    Brings Sora and allies MP to 0 and HP to 1
    When both HP down to 1 health bar, keyblade is taken away. Sora must then use magic for the rest of the battle
    Creates whirlwinds
    Command menu mix-up
    Hypnotize allies to heal boss and attack Sora(perform combo and Aqua to end attack)
    Ven charges weapon and if too close, kills Sora instantly
    Fires Lightning Bolts
    Wraps charm around Sora which Bosses to heal everytime Sora attacks(attack lasts 1 minute)
    Creates meteor storm
    Note:Summons can be used, but no drives
    Abilities Gaurd Break,Aerial Finish and Explosion cannot be used
  5. Arctic Rush Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 27, 2007
    The Station of Calling
    This boss is only available in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix.
    Boss name:Xemnas and Ansem
    Found at:Proof of Existence after defeating all Organization 13 members.
    Difficulty: Dude, this is like 1000 Sephiroths. Well, it makes you throw your controller at your neighbor..
    Bonus Level:Combo Boost
    New Keyblade:Nevermore
    Weapons:Xemnas double laser swords Ansem Heartless Guardian
    Attacks: Drain Life, Darkness Field, Basic Attack, Summon nobodys and heartless
  6. AkuseruVIII Banned

    Apr 4, 2007
    Where do YOU live huh? Huh? HUH?

    Found:Beasts Castle, Bridge

    Fight With: No others only Summons and Drives

    Difficulty:Experts will be broken

    Exp:A lot

    Reward:Dragon Arms (Highest Defense and Element Block),
    Stone Soul (Keyblade) Effect-Hyper Drive(Increases All Stats In Drive froms)
    Weapon: Stone Soul(Big Stone Sword Roughly hewn from a boulder tapers to a point)


    Attacks:Wild Strike (Well that's what it is), Godly Hammer(You get it), Strike Raid, Sonic Blade, Ars Arcanum, Ragnarok, Ender(He Hits Really Really Hard A Bunch of Times), Paradise(Changes Battlegrounds Periodically), Chivalry(The Big One)
    Invulnerable(Nulls all Offense Increasing Items and Weapons), Invincible(Nulls all Offensive Magic), Combo Break(Can't Use Finishing Abilities), Interrupt(Allows Damage to be Done in Limits), Counterguard

    Reaction Commands: Break(Destroys Stone Soul, Temporarily Weakens Him), Block(Ender), Dodge Roll(Godly Hammer), Strike Raid(Paradise), Ars Arcanum(Wild Strike), Sonic Blade(Ars Arcanum), Ragnarok(Strike Raid), Duel(Chivalry)(Timed Sequence Decides on How Much Damage if Any is Done), The End(Only Way to Win, Performed In Combination With Duel Or During Ender Or Paradise)
  7. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Great Chihuahua OverLord
    Found:Twilight Town(Yensid's Castle)
    Reward:Allies get infinite MP, Ultima Form
    Fight with Donald,Goofy and Mickey(for this fight only)
    HP:75 health bars
    Attacks: Summons several Twilight Thorns
    Note:Items Command is disabled during the fight
    Fires many fiery spears
    Charges quickly with sword
    Brings HP to 1 at any time
    Creates many clones. If the real thing is not found in 30 seconds, Sora dies instantly
    Creates clones of allies, if the real thing is attacked, allies die instantly
    Creates shield which only limits can destroy
    Note:Drives can be used, but no summons
  8. SlvrmanX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 27, 2007
    Changes Every 2000 Years
    Name: Shadow Rabbit
    Level: 99
    Found: Radiant Garden, Cave of Rememberance
    Rewards: Megalixer, Nobody-Form, Firagun Bangle, Cosmic Belt
    Party Members: Donald, Goofy
    Non-Party Members: Cloud, Tifa
    HP: 3600 (18 HP bars)
    Strength: 315
    Magic: 300

    Desription: Wears a black cloak with a red "X" on it's chest. Rabbit ears poke through the hood of the cloak which covers Shadow Rabbit's face. Has red and black metallic shoes.
    Weapon: Scythe x2

    Attacks: Dark Charge- Charges towards Sora with one scythe.
    Dark Blast- Shoots balls of Dark energy at Sora
    Cyclone Blades- Spins and flies around like a bullet with both
    scythes spinning.
    Final Slash- Red energy erupts around Shadow Rabbit. (Can
    damage Sora) Shadow Rabbit than charges at Sora
    and performs 13-hit combo. If hit by all slashes, Sora's
    MP will be depleted.
    Final Spell- Blue energy erupts around Shadow Rabbit. (Will drain
    Sora's MP if he's hit by it) Shadow Rabbit than appears
    in the center of the battlefield and shoots out two ` continuous beams of elemental energy. He than starts ` rotating and the beams do as well.
    Rage Awakened- Darkness erupts around Shadow Rabbit. (Will
    bring Sora down to 1 HP if he's hit by it) Shadow ' Rabbit than floats up into the sky and the party
    is transported to a pocket dimension where 4
    stone towers rise from the ground and begin
    shooting lightning at Sora while Shadow Rabbit
    sends meteors at him.
    Shocking Counter- Shadow Rabbit will hold up his scythes in front
    of him in a guard stance. If attacked when like
    this, he will teleport above his attacker and
    shoot lightning at them. If attack hits Sora,
    regular damage is done. If attack hits party
    member, that party member is KO'ed.
    Distraction- Summons Heartless and Nobodies and sends them
    after party members. One-on-One battle with Sora
    begins. (Will use when down to 6 HP bars)
    Note: Cannot use Summons. Mickey can be used.
  9. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    Found:Appears when you die
    Rewards:Kingdom hearts 3-13
    Party members:You
    Hp:17 HP bars

    Description:The creator of all living things wields a bigass pencil.

    Attacks:Erase:Erases out of existence
    Fan girl squad:A tidal wave of fan girls attack you

    Clone:Can can make 10 Critical mode Roxas,s

    Pencil swipe:Nomura swipes his pencil attacking anything in range making a line on anything it touches.

    Reaction command "Lawsuit"

    Nomura sues you for assaulting him using OJ Simpson,s lawyer. You must press the triangle button once every nanosecond to yell out the word objection and win the lawsuit.This will kill Nomura for good if you press it faster then a nanosecond meaning no Kingdom hearts III so don't press it to fast.
  10. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Twilight Serpent
    Found:Hollow Bastion,Great Maw
    HP:25 health bars
    Fight with Donald and Goofy
    Charges at Sora and if too close, bites and injects venom, which slowly brings down HP during the fight
    Whips with tail
    Fires both fireballs and ice crystals
    Smashes tail on ground, creating shockwave
    Grabs Sora with tail, use reaction command "Rescue" to have Donald and Goofy save Sora, or else Sora is killed off instantly
    No Drives can be used, but Summons can be used
    Only Kingdom Key,Mage's Staff, and Knight's Shield can be used during the fight
  11. Kadaj Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 12, 2007
    Sector 5 Slums-Church
    You guys are deep. Here's mine.

    Name: Donxoby (nobody with an x)
    Hp: 3200
    Exp.: 2500
    Attcks: Can use Xaldin's lances, Axel's Chimra's and Zexion's agility
    Defence: Weak to water attacks
    Appearance: A mixture between the Twilight Town Roxas boss, Sora's shadow and a huge cat lion... thing

    That'd be a funny looking boss
  12. Rey Alejandro Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 8, 2007
    You don't want to know...
    Naruto and Sasuke
    Bars:10 for Naruto, 10 bars for Sasuke
    Difficulty:Really Really Really Hard. Like so hard, you won't live to beat it. They are so very hard. I can barely begin to say how hrad.
    Attacks: Naruto-Shadow Clone Jutsu, Naruto Uzumaki Barrage, Summoning Gamabunta, Ransengan(if you only follow the american dub, then it sould be coming up soon), Nine-Tailed Fox mode. Sasuke: Fire Style: Phoeix Flower Jutsu., Barrage of Lions, Sharingan Copy technique, Chidori, Curse seal mode.
    Location: New World-Konohagakure(Village hidden in the leaves).
    Rewards: Naruto as Party member, Konoha Keyblade.

    New Boss: The Living Keyblade!!!!
    Bars: Schfifty-Five!!!
    Difficulty:That depends. Have you ever fought a giant living key before?
    Attacks:Same as all keyblade master's attacks.
    Location:Place where Secret Endings to KH2/FM+ happen.
    Rewards:Giant Keyblade. Limits are strengthened tenfold. Also whatever dream weapon you chose for the fight.
    See, what happened is that Sora ended up in a strange place after falling asleep(like always). He reached for his keyblade when it wasn't there. He saw the three things that he chose at the beginning of KH1: The Dream Sword/Shield/Staff. Depending on which one you chose if how much power you have. Staff increases Limit and Reaction command power. Sword deals more damage. Shield Helps protect you. After he picked one up, All the Keyblades formed One Giant BODY!!! At the head was the Kingdom Key. Kill it to get it back, plus the dream weapon you chose.
  13. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006




    Death to Heart & Twilight's Fury

    Area:NEW AREA: Destroyed village

    Raging points
    Double blaze
    Twilight Thorn summoning
    Darkside summoning

    Reaction commands:
    Seal break-darkside & twilight summonings

    New area: Destroyed village
    Dark past keyblade
    New area: Dark & Twilight Sea
  14. Rey Alejandro Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 8, 2007
    You don't want to know...
  15. Keyblade_of_Nobody Moogle Assistant

    Apr 8, 2007
    Castle Oblivion
    Here's mine (might have to come in as multiple posts):

    Keyblade Collector (Split into mulitple "Phases")

    Phase I
    HP: 8 bars
    EXP: 3000
    Difficulty: Medium
    Location: Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden (where you fight the 1000 Heartless, after that event)
    Weapons: Two Kingdom Keys
    Keyblade Slash: Self-explanatory
    Keyblade Tornado: Spins around with Keyblades extended outwards
    Keyblade Armadillo: Rolls in midair, Keyblades swinging vertically
    Aura of The Key: Much like Riku's Dark Aura attack in KH: CoM
    Rewards: MP Max Increased
    Drive Gauge Max Increased
    Elixir x2

    Phase II
    HP: 10 bars
    EXP: 5000
    Difficulty: Medium
    Location: Christmas Town
    Weapons: Two Desicive Pumpkins
    Attacks: Same as before, plus
    Keyblade Gun: Similar to the "Shoot" Command in Sora's Wisdom Form
    Double Strike Raid: Strike Raid w/ two Keyblades
    Rewards: Goofy HP Increased
    Donald HP Increased
    Donald MP Increased

    Phase III
    HP: 10 bars
    EXP: 5500
    Difficulty: Hard
    Location: Space Paranoids
    Weapons: Photon Debugger and Monochrome
    Attacks: Same as before, plus
    Locking the Door: Makes Driving temporarily unavailable
    Rewards: Drive Gauge Max Increased

    Phase IV (the Final Phase)
    HP: 15 bars
    EXP: 20000
    Difficulty: Supreme
    Location: Twilight Town
    Weapons: Fenrir and Sleeping Lion
    Attacks: Same as before, plus...
    Keyblade Armageddon: A very fast, very powerful and very rutheless combo attack.
    Memories of Darkness: Summons a silhouette of a Disney villain. All have but two bars of health
    Releasing The Heart: K.C. gains a black aura temporarily. One hit from K.C. in this state is an automatic kill.
    Rewards: All stats increased
    Heart's Resolve Keyblade
  16. Rey Alejandro Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 8, 2007
    You don't want to know...
    The Mirror:Roxas
    HP:5000 first time, 10000 second time
    Difficulty: Easy first time, Hard second time
    Attacks:All of Roxas's attacks as he is in game's start in Twilight Town first time, All of organization Roxas's attacks the second time
    Rewards:Unlimited use of Oblivion and Oathkeeper the first time, Ability to change control to Roxas the second time.
    The Deal: The first time around, right after you beat Axel the second time, instead of finishing your time as Roxas, Go to the place where you fought Anti-Roxas(the waterfall in Sunset station. A cutscene will start where instead of Anti-Roxas walking out of the mirror, Roxas will walk into it. He enters a world where everything is reversed. Hayner is his Worst Enemy, and Seifer is his Best friend. He starts Running to the mansion, But slams into something right before he gets there. He sees a dark version of himself. It Walks up to him. Roxas pulls out his Keyblades, and, almost as if it was a mirror image, it pulls out the exact same kb's. During the fight, it will copy your exact moves and reaction commands. Win or lose, A cutscene will play showing Roxas getting knocked out and waking up on the first day. But, if you won, he wil have his memories from the week before, and for all fights you use Oblivion and Oathkeeper instead of Kingdom Key. If you lost, the 6 days will just replay like normal.
    Second Time: After obtaining Wisdom Form, A new world will appear On the map. When you enter it, There will be four chambers. One will be lit up, while trying to enter the others will result in you hitting a wall of mirrors. Going into the lit up one will play a cutscene where Sora Walks thorugh a door, and Roxas walks out. He walks into the reverse Twilight town from before, and Fights Mirror Roxas. After you win, a new ability appears in the magic menu: Roxas. When executed, instead of staying Sora, you change to Roxas. You can use this ability anytime.
  17. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Chicken King
    HP: 75 health bars
    Found- Wonderland KH1, portal in Queen's Castle(takes trio to Altar of Naught, where battle is fought.)
    Fight with Donald and Goofy
    Reward:Infinite munny, KH2FM comes in english
    Attacks: Throws ninja blades
    Summons black orbs which follow Sora and slowly bring down his HP
    Summons Dusks and Beserkers
    swings ceptre
    fires massive comets with ceptre
    creates shield around itself, which only Summons can destroy
    when HP is down to 10 health bars, Chicken King flies out of the battle arena. Use long-ranged attacks and defeat him
    Creates card puzzle. If puzzle is not solved, a party member disappears for a while until 2 HP bars is taken down
    Takes away Curaga spell for a limited time when Boss had 1 HP bar left
    creates thunderstorm
  18. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Riku Replica
    Found:Traverse Town(portal in accessory shop, which takes Sora Donald and Goofy to Castle Oblivion)
    Reward:50 mystery goos, 50 gale
    HP:6000 hp
    Fight with either Donald or Goofy(only 1 ally can be chosen)
    performs strike raid
    performs ragnanork
    casts spell that causes HP to drain quickly(if Sora casts Curaga, more HP is taken down)
    Namine appears as a shield for RR, if Namine is attacked, Sora is KOed
    Note:With the exception of Donald, magic has no effect on the boss
    begins to cast spell. If spell is not stopped, one MP is used to heal the boss
  19. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    Name: Sasuke

    HP: 4500 = 20 Hp bars

    Difficulty: Overdrive

    EXP: 89,000

    Weapon: Windmill Shurrikan,Kunias

    Area: Summit-Land of dragons

    Lions barrage
    CurseMark mode

    AP boost
    Jutsu Keyblade

    Note:Beat normal and return to area after to fight curs mark sasuke
  20. Rey Alejandro Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 8, 2007
    You don't want to know...
    The Mirror: Mickey
    Health:Same as Mirror Roxas
    The Deal:1st. time: After the first time you go Mickey, you die. Instead of going back to Sora, you stay as Mickey and get transported to Mirror Disney Castle. You fight your way to the Hall of the Cornerstone, and see real Minnie being held by Mirror Mickey. You fight him, and he retreats to Mirror Timeless River. He Teams up with Mirror Pete, and you have to fight them both. After you beat them, you go back to being Sora, and you have to fight that boss all over again. 2nd. Time: You are traveling to a new world, a world of mirrors. There will be 4 chambers. 3 will be blocked, and one will be opened. You go into the opened one, and you transform into Mickey. You go to Mirror Cornerstone of Light, and see Mirror Mickey. You fight him, and you get a new ability: Mickey. After using, you will turn to Mickey. to change back, use ability:sora.
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