So is anyone looking forward to seeing this movie? I think it looks really good. Me and my dad really want to see it. And hopefully tonight we'll be going to see it. Unfortunately my little brother is as well, and he does not need any more violance. Anyways, what are your opinions on this movie?
Haven't seen it yet... will prolly go with my cousin and a couple of buds in a week or so. We'd go to captain America but it's not coming here soon. At least we'll see the hot chick from Tron, so it's not all bad that Captain America isn't out ; d
I saw it advertise today while I and my friend was waiting for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to play. It does look interesting, I don't think it's came out here in the UK. At first I my attitude "Meh...Cliche?" for some unknown reason at the beginning of the trailer but as it got on, I sorta got sucked in. I may go see it if I can convince anybody to come with me to the cinema.
Not really interested to be honest. I watched the trailer a few hours ago and i can't say i'm impressed. Sci fi Western? Well it will surely be something to be written down in cinema history books, even as a minor thing but i am not really into it, plus ign gave it a high ranking so it must be pretty..., i don't know stereotypical Hollywood film based on special effects to draw attention? I might watch it when it comes on DVD just for Harrison Ford.
I want to see it! Weird paring, the chance to be really good or really bad, the actor I'm partially named after(Harrison Ford will make this movie), have to see it at some point. When you first look at the name you just think of some old lame movie, but after seeing the commercials and media I'm seeing this look like a really original, interesting movie. A western and a sci-fi, what more could you ask for?
I just saw it, and it was epically epic awesome. I loved it. They didn't seem to waste any time, and the acting seemed really good.
I really wanted to see Midnight in Paris, but since I'm at my aunt's this weekend (and no one in my family likes Woody Allen), I was dragged into seeing the worst film about cowboys and aliens ever made. Yes, I know that kid's going to use the knife at the end. Please stop beating me on the head with that. How is it Ella could survive a fire, but couldn't survive the explosion at the end? It suffers from how astoundingly generic it is. It's odd to describe a film about cowboys and aliens that way, but it is. It was so painfully predictable, you could even predict the dialogue, point for point. I can see this being conceived as something a lot more fun if it was made in the 80's era, though.
man, you should become a critic as a living. She did say that she didn't think she had enough energy to heal her body, so she used up the rest of the energy she could use to heal the first time. And I don't think anyone is going to survive from being the centerpoint of an explosion