Could there be another planet with life forms like us living on a planet far away?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Xephos, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    I was first talking to my younger bro, POH when he mentioned about light years. I thought for a moment before remembering teh galaxy is endless and light years away from each other. I tought then, "Could there be more than just Earth that has humans living on it? Or otherlife forms we have never seen in our lives............" I always thought on this years ago when I forgot all about it. Today, POH reminded me of it and I want an explanation on what you think about this.

    My Explanation, there could be another planet full of life forms we have never seen.

    New Question:

    Do you think we'll still live after a theory from scientists say that there will be a comet that will destroy earth?
  2. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    there was already a HUGE discussion abt this a while back... and in times like this.. the ol' copy and paste meathod works best. ^_^

    the universe is a ginormous plc... so anything is possible.. you never know whats out there and what new thing, either good or bad we will find... but its always got the chance and possibilities that what we consider fiction here can be very real and alive somewhere out there. the existance of many universe shows that there are things out there that we still havent found.. so if only one tiny star from the milky way held a planet w/ life, then whats not to say that from the other billions of universe out there, that there is at least one more planet that holds life.
  3. mcFabulous27 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 29, 2008
    Although we're almost certain there's absolutely no life on the other planets in our solar systems, scientists are starting to believe that there may be life on some of their moons.
    Either way, even it's probable that there's life somewhere out there, actually coming into contact with it is a whole different story. For one thing, said planets are incredibly far away - several light years, several hundred light years, even millions away - and it's still common belief that it's impossible to travel faster than the speed of light. Think of it this way; in a hypothetical situation, let's say there's a colony one hundred light years away from us. We would be, no matter what, at least one hundred years away from contact with them. It would be like sending a postcard to a friend on the other side of the world, except on a much large scale.
  4. JorrellVsRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 14, 2008
    If there was we wouldn't really know fo sure... it takes time for light to get from one place to another in space...

    so if im all the way in a diffrent galaxy and i was looking through an EXTREME UBER TELESCOPE i would probly see the Earth being made... or Dinosaurs
  5. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
    I really think that there's other life forms ot there somewhere. I mean think about it,if the universe is infinite,how can we be the only living creatures?
  6. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    This is the way I view it. This universe we live in is massive. We're a minuscule fraction of it. There is no possible way that this microscopic speck of dust we live on is the only place in the universe that has life on it. But as far as others contacting or attempting to contact us I'm not a big believer in that.
  7. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    I do think there is life on other worlds~

    It just doesn't make sense that we're the only ones...
  8. I'd have to agree, I do believe there are other life forms in other planets, after all, space, as everyone says, is infinite, we cannot be the only organisms in such a vacuum. So yes, I do believe in aliens. Whether the suppose sightings are true or not, I do not know, but I do think that one of them have to be at least factual. Eh, I'm not sure, I just get the feeling that they have been here...

    Oh well, let's just stick to the fact that there are other life forms somewhere out there.
  9. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Alright people, since I got this far a new question appeared. Check out the first post now.
  10. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    response to the new question: I really dont know...i heard the asteroid would strike in 2036 or 2029. Im in my 30's by those dates, or close to them. I really hope the meteor doesnt strike.
  11. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    I believe that there are other life forms out there. We just don't know about yet.

    And there are many theories about how the world will end. Just wait, and that day will come. And we shall all know. :3

    *makes me cry, knowing I said that . . .*
  12. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    From a scientific stand point you would basically need the same conditions as we have here, firstly you would need the 4 basic components of life being Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen and you would need a planet that is a ideal distance from a every generating energy source ie the sun. And to have these exact conditions when talking about humans I find to just be close to improbable.

    Now as for do I believe I don't think so. I don't know if the galaxy supports life other than here mostly because of these things you need to sustain life. And what is different about our area is that seeing as our sun is a star, and a fairly small one at that, many stars have nothing revolving around them as a form of solar system or any planetary system.

    So no I don't buy into that whole there is other life out there, not at all.
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    In a Galaxy far,far away there are other life forms..^^

    and too many theory's about the world ending and such,I wouldnt worry about it since so many people say different things.
  14. Shadow Banned

    Oct 2, 2006
    Walking on Pins and Needles.
    There could be, but who knows where their civilization would be at, they could be way behind, way ahead, or exactly on track, who knows.

    From an opposite standpoint, what if there are things that live off different things than what we live on, on Earth. For example, maybe, far away, instead of water, they drink Mercury.

    It's a vast universe, almost anything can happen.
  15. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    I know a joke does'nt go well in Intelligent Discussion, but...
    If it’s true that our species is alone in the universe, then I’d have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.
  16. Gcube Moogle Assistant

    Oct 20, 2007
    With a galaxy larger than you can imagine, and that just being one of billions of galaxies in our universe, chances are good in my opinion that there is life out there, we just havn't found them. We are finding more extrasolar planets all the time and some of those are in the goldilocks zone (distance from sun in which is it niether too hot nor to cold). While what extrasolar planets we have found so far have mostly been gas giants, they could have moons that could possibly sustain life. Eventualy I think we will find life out in the vast expanses of our universe, it just might take awhile.
  17. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    I always thought it would be cool if there were aliens somewhere on another planet.

    However it's not possible because Earth is the only planet that has air and atmosphere to support life.

    Mars actually used to have an atmosphere. However it disappeared a long time ago.

    Some scientists believe that if the Martian Atmosphere had not disappeared it COULD have become another Earth.
  18. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007

    Read: There. Are. More. Solar. Systems.

    Scientists have discovered over 250 other planets outside this solar system. One of which most likely can sustain life, according to computer models.

    Not only that, but Mars is not the only possible safe haven for life. There are the moons Titan and Europa, and the upper atmosphere of Venus.

    Our generation's knowledge of science is dwindling, and it needs to be changed. NOW.
  19. {feel.the.wrath} Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 19, 2008
    4 am forever.
    I'm sure there are, but if we will ever contact them is another story. The universe goes on and on and on and on so chances are there are other forms of life somewhere within it.
  20. kowae7 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 13, 2008
    Somewhere only I know
    Theoretically nearly anything's possible in this universe.

    For life to exist on a planet, the planet has to be in the Goldilocks Zone where the average suface temperature of the planet isn't too high or too low. Then it needs to have a magnetosphere to protect itself from the radioactive particles bombarding it from the star. An atmosphere for the organisms to breath oxygen. But most importantly, a source of water.

    There have been more than 250 exoplanets that have been found and none of them support life, most of them are larger than Jupiter and they're either a gas giant or a brown dwarf.

    Using the Drake's Equation the possibility of having another form of life in this galaxy is extremely low and finding them and contacting is even lower.

    I'd like to believe that life exist elsewhere because it's hard to believe that we are alone in this universe.