specifically someone who knows more about internet connectivity and what is what and why is why and things like that. (I'm not completely dumb about the matter, I just don't know the answer to this specific question) Why is it that while my internet seems to be going about average speed for what I can expect from it (20.86mbps down) lately videos (namely YouTube videos) will either not start or pause every 30 seconds to load? This started happening about last week and I don't understand why because I have never had this problem before. I used to be able to not worry about it at all. I figure since everything else seems to be running fine, it may just be a problem with YouTube, but I'm not sure and would like another opinion. didn't really think this quick question warranted a topic in the tech section.
I have the same problem with you tube, though not just since last week. Not sure why (nor that the explanation is always the same), but refreshing the page usually solves it. I noticed it happens a lot more often on my PS3 than on my ad-blocked computer, maybe the ads occasionally bug the whole thing ? *shrugs*
I remember hearing that some internet service providers throttle your internet speed when you're streaming videos. Does it only happen with Youtube or are other streaming websites slow to load as well?
It's the worst on YouTube, but it is there on some other websites. And like I said this only started happening recently, and I didn't change providers or anything.
Yeah I read something about that : My provider is Orange, but the article doesn' t say if that particular issue is permanent or sporadic so I can' t tell if my problem is the one mentioned there or something else entirely.
I find this only really happens when I have uTorrent open--once I close it YouTube works fine. But it could be any number of things.
you know, I think that actually may have fixed it. I've had it open recently and I closed it about an hour ago and haven't had any problems. yet.
Yeah it's really weird, even if I'm not downloading or seeding anything, for some reason, uTorrent impedes all my YouTube videos. I can find no explanation for it. ( THREE YEARS OF CISCO CLASSES HAVE CLEARLY SERVED ME WELL )
The question is ... why the hell would you keep uTorrent oppened (i.e. eating up RAM and CPU procesing time) if you' re not doing anything with it. >_> Never had that problem myself, I just lowered uTorrent' s download speed so that it doesn' t slow youtube down too much, et voila.
I usually don't but you know how when you hit the X it'll go into the tray? I forget I have this setting turned on and it ends up just sitting there... lol this could be easily rectified by just changing the setting buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut It's strange though, I don't think it's an issue of bandwidth, because when uTorrent should, in theory, be totally offline (not downloading or seeding), it's interfering with network traffic.
Well uTorrent sends and receives a few information non-stop, whether you' re actually up/downloading something or not. Clients information, stuff like that. I might be wrong but I think it even calls dibs on a set portion of your bandwith, whether it needs all of it at the moment or not. Also, depending on your hardware and settings, you might have trouble establishing connexions with different clients at the same time. Youtube and uTorrent was no problem for me, but uTorrent and eMule at the same time was a big no-no.