Cosmetic Surgery

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Catch the Rain, Nov 8, 2007.

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  1. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I have been thinking about this a lot lately, but I wonder, is cosmetic surgery something that should only be for when you seriously need it? I.E burns victims etc etc. Is it wrong forsuperficial reasons, say for example, someone who really hates their appearance, should they go through with it?

    Does psychological suffering count as an acceptable reason to have it done? Or should it always only be for purely medical reasons?

    I always used to think that having it done for superficial reasons was shallow, but now I am not so sure.

    Comments? Thoughts? What's your opinion?
  2. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Hah, funny..We had a debate about Cosmetic & Plastic surgeries in school a few weeks ago.

    Anyway, IMO cosmetic surgery should be for people who only need it. I've seen people get really obssesed with their looks after they change one simple thing, then they start changing their whole face. People say that sometimes cosmetic surgery can also be just for an ego boost. I don't know how to answer to that one.
    And for someone who hates their appearence, well it depends if the person is actually hidious. The person might just see themselves hidious, when they might be beautiful, that's kinda of an obsession. Sure I know what kind of society we live in, the kind where everyone should be a model. But should all girls really look alike, like barbie dolls? Might as well allow cloning.
  3. Repliku Chaser

    I believe that I wouldn't bother with cosmetic surgery myself unless I needed to, but really, I don't feel I have any rights to tell someone else what he or she can do with his/her body at age 18 and older. I may find some of it terribly unneeded and fake, while other things such as laser hair removal, breast reduction surgery, removal of scars, removal of burn scars etc, I can understand why it is done. These help many people feel better about themselves and also let them be accepted more by society and not ridiculed.

    I have yet to understand the other things like breast implants, other silicon implants such as in the legs etc for muscular appearance and jobs on a nose etc. However, even if I consider it rather ugly and unneeded, unwarranted on myself, I am reluctant to say that no one should have the opportunity to do it. A person's body, to me, is a vessel. It's what you physically get around in and it's yours to do with whatever you want to. If you want to hinder it, make it ugly, make it look like someone else, paint yourself with tattoos etc, I believe it is your right. The same goes for gender changes, though I do agree with the precautions set forth and that psychologically the persons wanting to do gender changes should be examined to make sure it's -really- what they want. After all, the person will be sterile and it's a big choice to want to be on hormones etc for the rest of your life.

    I would worry making it illegal would also make it illegal sooner or later to do tattoos or piercings anywhere other than ears etc. People try their hardest to make sure men and women can only do 'so much' to themselves in the work place and in some cases that's as strict as making it a national law, even if it's just being able to grow your hair past your collar or dying it an 'unnatural' color. I don't like the extreme makeovers but due to the reasons mentioned, I would not make them something for 'specific' people and taken 'off the shelf' for normal people. That's being selective and already insurance is selective enough on what people can have for themselves as to what it considers 'cosmetic' or not. Removing it utterly from people's rights just seems bad to me.
  4. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007
    I'm not really for sure on this. I know that I would never get it for myself...But I think that if you didn't like your appearance that much, then it'd be okay. But when you start getting obsessed and changing I mean one thing on your appearance, but ten? I don't really like hearing that people do that. But thats just my opinion.
  5. Wabba Twilight Town Denizen

    May 7, 2007
    It can also be qualified as sociological, not so much psycological.
    Yes, a person makes the decision to get cosmetic surgery to make themselves feel better. However, it is society that makes that person define perfection. The social norms and expectation is the reason why cosmetic surgery is so sucessfull. Even though there are clients who are not there to make themselves fit the societies definition of attractive, as you said burn victims, there are not enough to make it the widespread successful profession that it is today.
  6. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Simply put, as long as it's a voalitional choice, I won't argue anyone's reasons or intention to get cosmetic surgery, whether that reason is because they need it, or because of some other less life-endangering reason.

    It's money out of their own pockets; if tax payers money was somehow used to pay for these procedures then maybe I'd have a problem, but otherwise... slice and dice away. Just don't end up like Michael Jackson or Jocelyn Wildenstein.
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