Well, being home alone with nothing to eat except for these I had no option but to try my hand at "cooking." All in all I'd say it went pretty well, no damage, no problems. They look fine but I haven't tried them yet.
You have to buy four different things and each comes with a separate code, you then have to enter those codes into a drawing and maybe you'll win one free Iron Man 3 ticket, but you probably wont.
Yeah, I figured there was probably a catch somewhere. Or four. Never heard of egg rolls before. Judging from the logo it' s suposedly asian, some sort of chicken-filled tortilla ?
Basically, except they come in different types and have more vegetables in them than anything. I honestly can't even taste the chicken. I can only taste onions, carrots, and the spices. They're pretty good.
I don't know if putting frozen food on a pan and shoving it in the oven counts as cooking, but congrats nonetheless. P:
I wouldn't say it does but this is the closest I've gotten without working with someone else. Except grilled cheese which I made once a while ago.