Idk if there's a thread like this but does anyone cook and bake before? I make desserts im the best one in my town i can make cake pies cookies and more too. cooking make some mac n cheese Does anyone else Cook and Bake?
But of course. I love to do both but I'm more of a baker than anything. I actually just finished my first mester of both. Everyone loves my desserts. They say I'm the best ever. Though I think I could use a bit more work. My reason for loving baking more is that it's precise. You must follow the recipes and if you make a mistake, you've failed. I love that. Also, I love sweets. They're so wonderful and you get to use fruit more which is such a sweet natural sugar. Of course, cooking you can be more creative. There's always new things to try and tons of flavors to mix. Millions of things are out there to create new recipes. As to what I can make, my list is far too long from the classes I had so I really rather not list them but I'm in love with Pastry Cream. I can't wait to learn all I can and become great.
Don't know any one in my family who doesn't XD I like to cook/bake when something is bugging me, or when ever I am bored or hungry of course.
don't we all? ^^'''''' i just noww how to make normal food nothin' fancy....^^'''' though i do know how to make shushi! :=D:
I love baking. Especially cakes. For Spongebob day I once baked a 'Spongecake Roundpants', that was awesome XD. That, and probably my favourite cake is as follows: Three layers of sponge cake On the first layer, spread strawberry jam. Cut out the other two layers so that they are like an 'O'. Keep one of the cutouts for later, you'll need it. Stick the two 'O's together with butter cream (Is it called that in English? *goes to look up* Ah, yes it is.) Put them on the layer with the strawberry jam. Fill the 'O's with strawberries and fill in strawberry flavoured jelly so that they don't fall out when you cut the cake. Cover with the cutout. Icing on top, arrange yet more strawberries. Om nom nom. (Do I appear slightly obsessed with strawberries? XD)
From time to time I get the oppurtunity...Usually I really haven't the time or money to cook or bake though :\...never had the oppurtunity to make anything more than some little fairy cakes :\ though I do like cooking/baking im always too busy
I learned how to make sushi. It was pretty easy but I messed mines up because I had used my friends dull knife to cut them. Mine worked better.
I love to bake, and recently I've gotten into cake decorating. This is my latest work for Father's Day. Spoiler I think cake decorating is fun, and I love to bake cakes, and all kinds of them.
Cooking helps me relieve my stress of a hard day. :) I enjoy baking brownies or cookies for the kids I babysit. :D
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard And they are like: it's better than yours Damn right it's better than yours! I could teach you but I have to charge Just kidding. I'm learning, but I'm a slow learner. Figured it'd be useful for when I move out.
The most cooking I ever do is apple crisp. I've made muffins from scratch before though and that was sort of fun. I also know how to make these amazing Jewish cookies because of a project that I did for religion once. Quite recently I've made Oreo Fluff, and while it's not neccesarily cooking, it's one of my favorite recipes to make.
I love making bread, it's so therapitic and relaxing. It also tastes amazing and ends up being cheaper than buying it. SO what if it take 5-6 hours, I don't care. One of my favourite teachers of all time left my school yesterday to go to Prague (long story), and i made her a loaf of bread as a parting gift.