Controversial content in Disney media.

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Gelatinous Ghost, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. Gelatinous Ghost Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 8, 2010
    New York
    I am quite surprised there isn't a topic on this already. As I have gotten older, it has come to my attention that there are many images and messages associated with various Disney media that a child would not understand. Perhaps it is slightly crude humor, maybe an image that could be seen as something inappropriate, i.e. the original cover art on the first VHS release of "The Little Mermaid." Some of these messages could simply be misconstrued accidents that were never intended to be perceived as controversial. However, some, such as a couple still frames of a topless woman in a background window in a VHS release of "The Rescuers" are undeniably and purposely placed. So, what are your thoughts? Why would these things occur in a media form clearly aimed at children? Share some known controversial Disney material you have heard of, or feel free to explain why it is all just a coincidence. This is more for my curiosity than anything. Thanks for your feedback in advance. ​
  2. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    I'm not sure about in the discussion forum, but there have been threads on this.

    The Rescuer's isn't really a fair example here. First, that image is there for what? Three frames? Second it was put there by a disgruntled employee and they simply didn't catch it in time. The film was recalled three days after it's first release, and replaced with one where they removed it.

    Most of the others I could see as being accidental and people just looking for something to be wrong.

    The one thing I've seen Disney put out that I haven't been able to really justify is the original Night on Bald mountain scene where they had spirits that were naked fly in front of the camera. They were drawn in so it was very likely a team to put it in there to begin with, and I feel editors had to of noticed it. But it still got released, and with a G rating to boot.
  3. Gelatinous Ghost Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 8, 2010
    New York
    Don't misunderstand. I agree that most of these controversial matters are the result of people purposefully looking for them. I was going to reference Night on Bald Mountain next, but you took care of that for me. I am just cultivating various opinions on one subject. ​
  4. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    Disney has at times inserted content as something of a parental bonus, something that the parents can find some joy in while watching the movie with their kids. Some of these things are more intentional, such as the more recent Pixar films, but there are these so called controversial cases such as the examples mentioned, but these aren't things kids are going to pick up upon such as the "Little Mermaid" thing, and it's hardly a corrupting influence if they do find it, it's simply a moment of awkwardness.

    Honestly, outside of these examples, I'm hardly thinking of anything that caused a major controversy, and these ones have explanations of employees just having some fun or the case of Bald Mountain, and it's just some animated nipples, it's not like it's anything pornographic offensive or 'corrupting'.
  5. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    These "controversies" are quite pathetic, just passing scandals. When I read this thread's title I was thinking of something among the lines of Aladdin, where all the characters are ethnic, except for Aladdin and Jasmine who look white. Or maybe Pinocchio, the scariest rated-G movie ever made, with it's smoking, tobacco using, turning themselves into jackasses little boys.

    About Fantasia, there was already a controversy involving a scene with a racist stereotype, it was removed in 1960. Read here.
  6. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    More or less all Disney movies have sexual inuendos or jokes/lines that can be interpreted as sexual. I quite enjoy it myself, because as a child, you don't understand it, which happens to be the point. It's actually one of the things I enjoy about Disney, you can re-watch them when you are older and have another experience watching it.
  7. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    I honestly don't think too much about those controversial bits. At the most extreme, they're there because someone on the animation staff decided they wanted to spite the big guys on time. Other times, I'd wager that it winds up being an unintentional insert, a coincidence that it would be found there. Psychology has shown that people can do things without being consciously aware that they are in fact doing them.
  8. NemesisPrime Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 4, 2011
    The World That Never Was
    Personally, I think people just go too in-depth and over analise everything, making connections that don't exist.

    If it's intentional, little bonus for the adults.

    If not, does it matter? It's Disney, it's not going to corrupt the young ones.
  9. February Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 2, 2010
    Pizza land
    The only true Disney subliminal message, is the Rescuers down under, and the Little Mermaid poster. The Little Mermaid poster was not done on purpose, the artist was in a rush to finish the artwork for the Little Mermaid's movie release. And the pornographic picture in the Rescuers was left by a disgruntled artist, and all was found and removed by Disney later on.

    Night on Bald mountain has a good religious message in it because Chernabog is defeated by the light and the church bells, so it's not like Disney is evil or anything. The naked women in Bald mountain are succubus's, which makes the whole musical story a little more realistic, and suitable for adults as well as children.

    Walt Disney didn't aim for children, he aimed for adults as well, because he mentions in one of his quotes, that he made his movies for all generations, for the young and the old. That's why there's adult stuff like succubus's in the movies, because Disney movies weren't just made for children entertainment.

    The biggest example of this would be Walt's first movie, Snow White. Children were so frighted of the scene where Snow gets lost in the forest that children kept peeing their pants, and the seats had to be cleaned every session the movie was screened.

    About Sunflower in Fantasia, I liked her the best out of all the centaurs.The other centaurs were so shallow, rude, lazy and cruel and Sunflower was so kind, hardworking, beautiful and cheerful. The ''white skinned '' centaurs made me want to stab them with knives, because they were so narcissistic.

    The only I guess evil thing I find about Disney is how they make most of their most scariest movies G- rated. Snow White, Dumbo, and Pinocchio should be rated at least PG, because of how nightmare fuelish they can be towards children, and they're not really suitable for young children and toddlers.

    You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway.- Quote Disney.
  10. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Hunchback of Notre Dame anyone? Listen to Hellfire from the soundtrack and then tell me this movie is for children. Actually, Frollo remains one of my favorite characters because of his flaws. Frollo, a man of the church(of quite a high standing no less) feels lust(which is a Deadly Sin) for the gypsy Esmeralda.

    I don't know if this is me looking into things to much but in The Lion King when Scar is singing Be Prepared, the Hyenas appear to be goose stepping. A reference to Nazi Germany or mere coincidence? It starts around 4:11 in the video.
  11. NemesisPrime Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 4, 2011
    The World That Never Was
    Just look at Pink Elephants On Parade. Now that was a shat your pants moment right there.