Digital Art Constructive Coments or shut up!

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by nozomi, Aug 29, 2009.

  1. nozomi Moogle Assistant

    Aug 29, 2009
    lol Well maybe my introduction to this thread was a little harsh but I really hate it when I post my work somewhere and all people say is "oh thats beautiful" or "I wish I had your talent."

    Well duh! Of course I like my work or I wouldn't have posted it here. Trust me I enjoy compliments as much as the next betch in line but what I'm looking for is for people to tell me honestly what they think and tell me at least one thing I could do that would have made it better wether it be technique or just the overall clarity of the picture. Trust me I'm a big girl I can take a few punches. :)

    Ok well the first thing I'm going to post here is probably my most recent sig and avitar set.

    Sig: [​IMG]

    Avi: [​IMG]
  2. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I actually like these. I like the colors you used, they're really pretty. And the "Disappear" font. Very nice. On the avatar, however, I would suggest moving the butterfly. it goes off of the frame which makes it look a bit odd but...If that's what you wanted it to do, it looks great.

    xD I like them.​
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I like the simple theme, but apart from that, there are two things I'm going to comment on, as anything else I'd say would be "this is good" and you've specifically said you don't want that.

    1. You spelt disappear wrong.
    2. There is inconsistency with the butterflies. The ones that overlap the border in the signature are transparent, meaning they change colour as they overlap into the outside. The ones in the avatar are opaque, meaning they remain the same colour. You may want to change on of those two.
  4. i <3 poptarts Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 27, 2008
    Earth. Or Mars..
    This is really nice I love the colouring!!

    - Disappear is spelled wrong
    - I don't love the font you used
    - The blue butterfly on the sig is is multicoloured

    But great job it's really nice!
  5. Rissy Queen of the Clouds

    Jul 16, 2008
    in the Sky
    It looks kinda rushed, and the saturation is really off-set. Her hair looks white. But as others said, it looks nice. Disappear is spelled wrong, and the font in your avatar is barely legable.
    The colors disappear into her.
  6. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    Well if you want criticism, we have lots of that.

    Too bright, put in a more range of colors. Interesting simplistic look you are going for, but it's just mediocre to be honest. A render, colors, brushes, text is fine. But if you want to progress as an artist, I suggest looking through compositions, smudge, filters, lighting, depth. I like the way you made the butterflies out of the tag, nice thing you put. The obvious wrongs have been stated already...about 3 times, so I won't state them again. The colors are interesting, I suggest you put up more work so some of the critique can be judged based on your overall style and level of graphics you have went up to.
  7. nozomi Moogle Assistant

    Aug 29, 2009
    Hey sorry I've been away for a while. Anyway I changed up the other signature a little bit. I still think this one is a bit bright so I'm working on yet another version. I may or may not post it here later:


    I also have a completely different signature and Avi. They are my most recent work.


    Lets play a lovegame kiddies!