ok so I keep having this problem while trying to open firefox, when I open and close firefox a certain num. of times and then try to re-open firefox again it tells me that firefox is not responding. is this a common issue and does anyone else experience this same issue? I would like to know if this is fixable and if it is could someone tell me how to fix it. thanks for any help!^ ^
sry but I'm actually a total noob when it comes to this, what exactly is the task manager and where do I find it?
Press ctrl+alt+delete. Click on "Task Manager". Scroll through the lists until you see anything that looks like it might be Firefox related, select it and hit 'end task'.
Maybe try uninstalling it and reinstalling it. It never worked for me so I switched to google chrome.
If you go for an alternate browser, allow me to suggest Opera. It has more bells and whistles than Chrome, no ties to Google, and none of the bloat of Firefox. I love it, but it might not be for everyone.
When I look at the Task Manager, right now, it tells me that Firefox.exe is using 120 000 Ko. That' s a big number for Firefox, it means I' ve spent a lot of time using it and watched many web pages and videos (especially videos, they take a lot of memory space). Consequently, when I' ll try and close Firefox it will take some time to really shut down. If I try to run it again immediately Windows will tell me that Firefox is still running, even though I can' t see it in the Task Manager anymore. It' s not a bug, it' s normal, I don' t think changing your browser would change that fact. Also, if I try to watch many videos without closing Firefox and opening it again every now and then I may experience some streaming download lag in the long run: Firefox "remembers" everything you watch, so the more web pages or videos you watch the more Firefox consumes memory.