Constant Depression ._.

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Sexy Sheva, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    okay, i've handled my other problem, my smoking habit... I haven't had one in a few days now, and it's not so bad.. *twitches*

    Okay, onto my next, Help Thread.. Constant Depression. I can't seem to find happiness anywhere. Only in my dreams. I sleep alot lately, so that i can dream, because it's the only place where i truly feel that depression cannot pull me further down into the darkness.

    Everytime i get the tiniest bit happy, something always has to pull me back down. no matter if it's a bad comment, or what... I cry at night, and I don't know why. I listen to soft piano music, to try and calm me down, but i still cry, and i don't know why.

    My parents know nothing of this constant depression. They've got enough to worry about (my sister, and my brother) so sometimes i pretend i'm at my happiest, just to keep them from knowing that under that fake smile, is a face of pain and sadness.

    This also, this not a thread, to help target some member's who don't like me. For instance, if one person who doesn't like me read's this, then know's i can get hurt easily with a comment, then tough luck, because i'm so used to being hurt, that i don't care anymore, but i don't know anyone who would wanna hurt me...

    I've tried alot of things to get back into any sort of happiness i can. I try drawing, but i get put down about that from KH-V and real life. I draw because it makes me HAPPY, and i don't CARE if I "copy" a drawing, it makes me happy... but when someone tells me they could care less about it like from here or school, i rip them up. I really do. I rip up the things that make me happy because i can't stand to look at something someone could care less about...
    I love to sing, but my dad bitches when i start to sing. (no it doesn't mean i'm bad, i actually think i'm quite good ._. ) but on the other hand, my sister sings, and he won't say anything to her...
    so i don't get it
    I love to write, but all i write about is depression, because i can't get one happy thought into my head!

    maybe i'm meant for depression, i don't know. it's been like this for months, and i'm getting tired of always being like this...

    so, any advice?
    <3 i'll love everyone who has any advice.
  2. Xe54 Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 19, 2007
    New York City, NY
    *puts on John Madden mask*

    Ok, what I would like to do in this situation is play video games (mainly rpg games) as much as possible because they provide a great escape from reality. And when you're looking for an escape nothing works better than sitting in front of a screen for really long periods of time. It also keeps offence at bay, as long as you keep your defence at a steady pace.

    I hope that helps.
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    You know, it's kind of weird for me, but this is how I get out of depressing moods since I'm going through a swing of depression as well. I exercise. Like, sometimes I just go on a nice quiet walk, and it helps me think about other things and the fresh air can clear my mind. But if you can't go out that much, just dance. You don't have to dance perfectly though. XD

    Just go in your room, turn your favorite music on, and dance to your heart's content. Usually helps me forget about myself for a while. :D

    Also, keeping a journal really helps me too. Like if I have thoughts on my mind that I don't want to share with anybody else, I jot it down in my journal. It's just you, and the pen and paper. And this also helps me get some deep thoughts to paper as well. It surprisingly helps.

    And don't worry about being constantly happy ALL the time. We're teenagers, we go through mood swings. Just think that all this teenager drama will end soon. XD Just face another day with a smile, even though it's really hard. It gets your spirit up, and try not to listen to people who want to bring you down. You are you and that's cool.

    Hope that helps. 8)

    P.S. I wanna see those drawings. XD
  4. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    i used to do that, until i beat the games i got, or i can't beat certain ones.

    i actually love to dance. But i dislocated my knee, dancing to Soulja Boy ._.
    so i can't dance anymore...
  5. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    My life in a nutshell.
  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Eesh, that sucks that you dislocated your knee... o.O

    Anywho, the journal idea and the constant exersise you can do and that you love would be my best options to help you through your depression. Or if you just need to lay some steam off of people, PM and I'll listen and try to help if you want me to. :D
  7. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    sucks don't it?

    i hate exercise , but i keep a journal already,

  8. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    the best thing that ive find that helps me is listening to music and writing my feelings on paper. that usually helps when you can hear something that makes you feel better and when you can SEE your emotions on paper. if you have a good friend or someone important to you that you trust and its just hard to talk to them, you can then show them what you wrote on your paper and that can clear up a few things. if all else fails you can always speak with people online on places like this... which is good because most wont be too judgemental. whatever works for you in particular, i hope you find something and be happy because everyone deserves it. :D
  9. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    i listen to music constantly. Most of it is just sad evanescence and linkin park stuff
  10. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Listen to Dragonforce. The lyrics don't really matter, but it's so fast-paced that you won't be able to feel sad.

    Also, most of the classic rock I have (the real stuff - Beatles, Jethtro Tull, Frank Zappa, etc) are pretty upbeat, and pretty hard to feel sad about.
  11. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    My advice: Literally find a big open space, like a field or something, and run full pelt across it. Sure this only seems to work for me, but I'm absolutely knackered when I finally make it, and I just collapse laughing for some reason. Maybe it's the endorphins... I don't know why and I don't particularly care, but just do something... different, perhaps a bit mad even. That always gets me out of my funk. Even just yelling insults at nothing or screaming out loud can help (at least in my experience) Just make sure no-one's around to hear it!

    I know this sorta sounds crazy, and that's cause... well it is. Just do something so stupid you can't help but laugh at yourself. If you like to draw, then draw. Screw what others think of it, as long as it makes you happy. If your dad *****es at you for singing, well, just refrain for now.

    And in the end, if none of this works, feel free to blame me. Hope you can get out of this funk soon :D
  12. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Sarah you can pull out of it, i did it and so can you.First off tell your parents.They'd want to know besides feeling guilty later that they didn't know and didn't help.

    Try doing the GYM to combat your depression.I've been doing it and it's done nothing but help.You have clinical depression by the look of things where your stomach is just so low it causes you to think of the unthinkable.
  13. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    ok, this time I have a lot of experience in this area. so, first thing first. Don't keep it a secret from your parents! That is worse possible thing you can do for yourself and it only makes things worse. I know this from experience! talk to you parents about your depression. It will make the load you are carrying a tad less heavy. plus depression will only get in the way of trying to stop smoking. so talk to people. Odds are, your parents love you, so they would be glad to help you. trust me with this one.
  14. jettie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 5, 2008
    i know how this one feels.

    but doing something that makes u happy is teh best. even if u dun care about it anymore because teh depression doese that. jsut start it up again and do what u like.

    agreeing with everyone else that writing down how u feel even if to ur self only helps u at least let ur feelings more known to ur self and not jstu jumbled in ur head

    wether it is rigth or not distract ur self. like through exercise or being with true friends. doesn't mean u have to tell em or nessissarley dun have to tell them.

    maybe try to find out the thing that caused u to be depressed. wether u can fix it or not. identifying it is a key part to feeling like u used to.
  15. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    Nessie! [​IMG]

    You have to know what is making you feel depressed before you can resolve it. Go over the aspects in your life, see what things don't seem right and what are downright sh*tty.
    Everything gets better, even if it has to get a little worse first. <3