
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Dreadnought, Dec 20, 2007.

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  1. Dreadnought Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 3, 2007
    No idea......
    Hey who here loves government conspiracies? Yah I know you all love it.....
    Anywho lets talk about...... Roswell!!! Do you believe aliens landed and
    the government covered it up? Or do you believe that the goverment
    used aliens as a cover up for more GHASTLY things?
  2. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I believe aliens exist, yes, but ones that came in contact with us? Not likely. lol

    I do love government conspiracies though. I read about them in such glorious events as JFK's assassination and 9/11. D: Oh well.
  3. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    I'm not sure what can be said about Roswell. I mean, if it happened, all the evidence is at Area 51, but no one knows if that place exists. However, I believe that there is a conspiracy in the government to take away our rights and do what they want with us. But I am just very distrusting of the Feds, so that might just be me.
  4. Dreadnought Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 3, 2007
    No idea......
    Your talking about one world order...... One person controls everything...
  5. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    More like a small group of a dominant men.

    I don't mean to sound sexist, either.
  6. no-reality_allowed ¢ℓαιяνσуαηт ℓσνєкιℓℓ

    Actually there is a base called Area 51 in southern Nevada used to test new military aircraft :3
  7. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Well, Roswell is a touchy subject. Some people will say that it was just a hot air balloon and thatAre 51's just a myth, and other will go with the story and say that it was an alien freighter that was sent to Area 51.

    I've been wondering about it for many years, and to this day, I'm still trying to form an opinion. It might be illogical, but there's definetly something going on, alien or not.
  8. Shadow Keyblade Newbie Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 9, 2007
    Actualy you mean the New World Order this is a conspiracy mainly I've been doing a lot of research on it on You Tube and found a lot of interesting stuff mainly like the New World Order is in actualy all the videos I have saw on it on You Tube connected with the Illuminatti Secret Group more and more vids on it are about that plus the All Seeing Eye that damn thing is everywhere you go even in movie posters
  9. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    How do I properly spam?

    Anyway conspiracies in my eyes are all half truths and lies people made up cause they had nothing better to do but blame our government for something. When was the last time any of these things proven true?
  10. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    When was the last time they were PROVEN to be false? and who would investigate them anyway? It wouldn't be taken seriously unless done by proper authorities xD and that is the problem :3 why would officials want to help expose each other?

    I think that yes there are events and occurences that the government hide from us, I think there are things that we are not fully informed about. Maybe not so big as alien existence or planned terrorist attacks, but I find it very unlikely that the government inform the people about every single thing an have never attempted to hide anything away.

    Hmmm also, people blame the government for **** loads anyway, poor education and health etc, so why would they lie and make something completely up when they could easily be able to ***** and be taken more seriously by sticking with known faults?
  11. MARIExBRIARWOOD Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    I couldn't say for sure what Area 51 is hiding. I know that once upon a long time ago you used to climb up on this hill that overlooks parts of it, but now if you drive to the base of it military pull up on the top and tell you to turn around.

    Its hard to tell what the government wants to hide from its citizens versus what they want to hide from possible terrorists and whatnot. I'm not saying the government is peachy keen or whatever, but until someone can prove to me that the government does or does not conspire against its won citizens I do remain ignorant as does everybody else. I won't say the government is evil until I hear/see it myself with valid proof. Its always easier to explain and prove something wrong than to prove that it is right, though. We have lots of clues and mysteries surrounding and going against the government, but what do they have for us to show that we can trust them?
  12. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    That is true. But it's like a court case. The prosecution needs to present credible evidence before it can do anything. But seeing as you said most of these people aren't credible that's a hard thing to do.

    And of course the government doesn't tell us everything. If they did everybody would be in a constant state of fear. And sometimes there are things that must not be let out to the public.

    And I do believe there's something else out there that would have a similar thought process to us or just some sort of intelligent life. And this is just my opinion but if these "aliens" are as smart as believed by some then they probably would have decided that people on Earth will run themselves out. And in doing nothing to us they would save time and energy. Therefore it would make no sense for them to ever come to Earth.
  13. Dreadnought Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 3, 2007
    No idea......
    I don't think that aliens landed in Roswell...... I personally think it was a Nazi saucer that was spying on Area 51....
    Because the Nazis invented a flying saucer..... And they were probably trying to get the instructions needed
    to make a nuclear bomb and restart world war 2 all over again..... Hitler with a nuclear bomb (shudders)....
    The Nazi saucers look pretty cool in the pictures they took....
  14. Solid Snake Kept you waiting, huh?

    May 21, 2007
    I think Aleins are real
    but as far as Roswell and Area 51...
    I think there used for Experiments , nuff said
  15. Repliku Chaser

    Conspiracy theories seem to go too far and extreme really. I believe that the government has lied and covered up things from the public, and well, some politicians (such as Hillary) have gotten away with too much because they use other things to get public support, tearing away from the real deals at hand.

    I do think we have serious issues with the Federal banking done and all that and that there was a huge scandal involved but not enough people bothered to do anything back in the Depression. I do know of cases that involved politicians and corporations that get off quite easy for things.

    As for whether Area 51 houses alien tech and such, I really do not know. I believe there is a strong possibility there is alien life out there but whether it would bother to come and deal with humans who can't even get a decent space program going and get a ship out of our solar system, ...what use are we? Even if aliens could come here from light years away they'd be so much more technologically advanced than we are and we'd look stupid to them. I don't really know whether to discredit the theories surrounding Area 51 or not. For now I just leave that open as unknown.

    As for the Illuminate stuff, I don't really buy that much. Also, there are other groups such as the Free Masons that have gotten a lot of slack for 'conspiracies' and yet they really don't seem to be doing anything that wrong as they are accused of. Of course, being as secretive as they are, it merits that people will gain suspicions.

    So in the end, I think that without the ability to properly investigate claims of conspiracies, we can only pay attention and do so much as we wait to learn truths. There are some really rotten conspiracy theories out there and I don't give them anything more than a nod of the head, acknowledging I've heard them, until I can see living proof. I do check into some of them, and know some are quite true but the worst ones usually don't seem to be. However, I also think that some of the worst rumors are distractions from the ones that are actually out in our faces that no one is doing anything about, even if the stories are covered in actual news reports.
  16. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Why they do it is simple enough


    And they get Power , through control.
    Control over everyone and everything. Over people, over lives over the course of history. In some ways it’s obvious, such as healthcare, education, currency, etc. But have some subtle things like, satellites, cameras, microphones, TV stations (what they record) and so on.

    I mean one thing that makes it obvious that people are trying to be controlled is stuff in school, like a lesson I have named 'Citizenship'. Where we learn about how to keep inside the law and 'help' make our country a better place to live in. Complete Cr@p if you ask me.

    And the reason for all the shadowy business is because the Government fears its very people.
    It all ready knows that if they want money form people than they need to do it silently, through taxes. Because if the government just forced people into giving away their money, people would riot and revolt and the Government wouldn't be in control of the people anymore.

    People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.

    I'd recommend a film to watch concerned on a fictional version of England's near future, where the government rule's through aggression and fear, called 'V for Vendetta' I would REALLY recommend it for anyone who likes some amazing action and an excellent storyline, sorry if I am advertising it too much, but really, watch it and don't let the start fool you, its GOOD!
    At least wikipedia it...
    Last of my spam...
    Alright last of my spam
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