Birth by Sleep Console issue

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by princessmidnight, Oct 24, 2007.

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  1. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    You can have different tastes, I argued your usage of 'outgrow'

    To consider it 'outgrowing' them is idiotic, because if you 'outgrew' something because you're such a big mature adult, then why are you playing video games at all? If you turn up your nose and scoff at something calling it 'kiddy' or 'lol datz not matuerz', then you don't deserve to be playing video games, because here's the secret: video games are for children. Every single 'mature' game you play is being played by hundreds of thousands of 10 year olds who are getting the same "teeheee, I'm so mature, this game makes me feel like an adult because that guys head blew off' kick out of it as you are
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Where did you get the idea that video games are -for children-? If that was the case, games would not have ratings on them that are suggesting many are inappropriate for children. MANY adults play video games. MANY adults play computer games. The market is clearly not just meant for children and never was intended to be so. It was marked for a large range of audiences and many people enjoy them.

    Many kids play higher rated games but many adults play the games that are more geared for kids. It doesn't mean a thing. To say you outgrew something implies it's not your cup of tea anymore. Scenes in the video games don't equate to what you relate to anymore and it's not just 'cute' anymore or 'fun to shoot things' anymore etc. The person's tastes changed. This -does- happen to people not with just video games but with clothing, furniture of their rooms, computers, sports etc.
  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Guys. This is a KH thread? LOL

    Answertothethreadmaker: I don't know what to tell you. If you feel like it, you could download the ROM (which will most likely come out as soon as the game does). Then buy a PC controller-thing (forget what it was called) and play it with that. I know I for one am doing that, just because it's a massive waste of 250 bucks to buy a PSP when I could just go out and buy a Wii + SSBB instead.

    Anyway, yeah, that's my suggestion. Unless your computer is really bad, I really, really, really, really suggest it.

    Otherwise, if you prefer to have that 100% official feel of KH:BBS with the PSP, then get a PSP instead. :) The only thing is that if you really don't think it's worth it since you know KHBBS is all you'll play, then maybe getting it isn't such a good idea. Save your parents the money. :P Unless of course, on top of that, you do feel it's worth it.

    Good luck choosing. o_o
  4. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    I think it's funny that Repliku is stating my own opinion to me
  5. DjC Chaser

    buying a psp is not a waste of 200 not 250 dolars. it is capable for sooooooooooooooooooooooo many things if u buy a psp u wont regret it. and wii sucks i sold mine the next day after i got it. but in alittle bit im gonna go buy a ps3 :)
  6. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    The Wii didn't satisfy you after 1 day of owning it? WHAT A SHOCK! Glad you gave it such an opportunity after spending $250 on it, and then sold it for, what, half that?

    No one would be stupid enough to do that, ergo, you never owned one and you're simply trolling your opinions through a story.
  7. AsianB Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a dream
    Well there will be one day that they release psp emulation like psx, but I will get a psp since there are many good games on it
  8. DjC Chaser

    whats ur problem?!?! yes i did own one and sold it to my friend for $200. and i can even tell u ALL the features it had. and who are u to say that i didnt own a wii
  9. xekushi Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 27, 2007
    some place else
    muffin seems very biaest and sounds like a stubborn child and i throw full support behind Repliku. After all the average gamer these days is in their mid 20s. Growing out of games is possible cause you just look at it differenly from the way to used.
  10. Mukuro Moogle Assistant

    Oct 27, 2007
    Do I hear someone saying the PSP is a waste of money? no it isn't. I've always thought it was good to have one......
  11. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    On a multiple of times Nomura says that he wants to bring it to a multiple of consoles so theres a chance.
  12. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    I can tell you all the features of a PS3, does that mean I own one? No, that means I have access to the fantastical thing call 'the internet', or that I have atleast a meager understanding of current events in gaming culture

    The fact of the matter is, your opinion is extremely biased, because from what you've said, it sounds like you 'bought' the Wii with the very INTENTION of not liking it. You never even gave it a chance if you 'sold it the day after you got it', because anyone who isn't a complete idiot wouldn't toss away a console after the first day unless they never wanted to own it in the first place.

    Chances are you fabricated this entire story, you most likely played the console at your friends house and didn't like it, so you made up a story of how it was you who owned it, and then you say you 'sold it to your friend' after the first day because 'it was just so bad', so that you can force your opinion through a story to make it more believable
  13. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  14. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    He already stated that he sold it for $50 less than it took him to buy it

    I would think that an intelligent person such as yourself, especially a Sony fan, would be aware that selling any console is never a 'very good idea'. You don't buy a console for what it delivers the very second you buy it, otherwise no one would ever buy consoles within their first year of existence, you buy a console for the 5+ years worth of games that will be available for it
  15. DjC Chaser

  16. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  17. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    DjC sounds very familiair. Let's see, where have I heard this before? OH YEAH! It was the launch of the Playstation 2, now what happened at the PS2's launch again? I remember! The PS2 had no games available for it, the PS2 had one of the largest reported return rates of any console because people weren't satisfied with how little the PS2 satisfied them in the first year it launched.

    Now what does this sound like? Why, it sounds just like DjC. And what happened? The PS2 started getting a ton of great games over a year after it's launch, and suddenly every single person that complained of the PS2 not delivering on the hype, they had to go out and buy the PS2 a second time so that they could play all the great games available for it.

    Patience paid off for those who held on to the PS2, and the ones who cried foul about the PS2 not satisfying them had to go out and buy the console again as they were too foolish to realize that even if you''re not satisfied at the moment, holding on to the console guarantees you 5+ years of games that will available on the console if you just calm your balls down and wait
  18. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    You guys, thats not the issue here >.>

    Get back on topic.
  19. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
  20. DjC Chaser

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