Connecticut Elementary School shooting

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Llave, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    I agree 100%! When I was visiting my family in the Middle East this past summer, every single f***in' day I hear about massacres happening in Syria, with the big majority of the victims being women and children. Believe me, I get distraught over stuff happening there all the time, just as much as I am distraught over what happened here at home.
  2. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Tequila pretty much said what I've been thinking the whole day. It's a terrible event that happened. There is no justification for what the kid did. However, it happens over and over around the world, but only in places like America does it get such coverage. It doesn't make it any less terrible, but it shows you what other people have been going through for too long.

    What I'm interested about is, what will people do about it?
  3. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    They' re all still alive though, all yours are dead.

    Source :

    I know gun control is not an easy problem to solve (black market yaddy yaddy yadda) but why your country wants to cling to its guns so badly is beyond me.

    Ditto, I wonder what kind of "meaningful action" Obama had in mind.
  4. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    There's all these talks about gun control over there, from what I've heard, due to this horrendous case. You just know its too late when violence like this enters the gates of elementary school kids. Having a sister around that age myself I feel sickened that there are relatives out there like the mother and father that are never going to tuck their kids into bed again, never going to see that excited look on their faces when they unravel their christmas presents...

    Its so sickening, what happened with the shootings. Its even more sickening how crap like this happens all over the world, every day, under our noses.

    On other news... I heard Fox News targeted the wrong Ryan Larza, just because he had that name and just happened to live in Conneticut. Published his details and photo all over the news. Good god, I know anger blinds you... but... check the evidence before pointing a lot of angry and upset parents and individuals to a "culprit."
  5. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Are you feeling alright ? xD
  6. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    If I was to take in every case of massacres around the world, i would either be numb to them all and not care or I would be so depressed and saddened enough to just go and die.

    But more relevant I think is how in a country, like America, who have strict laws on security, health and safety, yet these school shootings are so common that psychologists have a profile on the beginnings of one occuring. To have a psychological work up means there have been enough incidents to create one, it's that common. Heck, I hear shootouts/bomb threats/etc in America at least 3 times a year. That's madness for a country that doesn't have (well as far as we can prove/tell) a corrupt government tha exploits its citizen's safety and well being. Even if you combined Canada and Europe, it still happens less than half as much as the USA.

    The gun culture is the problem. Compared to other countires that have a long way to go to stop massacres like this with greater laws in place, America should already be there.
  7. Loriah Banned

    Nov 25, 2012
    Snooze Land
    If I ever saw something like that again, I'd go up to the government and tell them to do something about it. Maybe add extra security on the school grounds, maybe? :/
  8. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    My point, however, was that people are still going to commit violent acts. I am in complete favor of much heavier gun control. I was just trying to present the other side.
  9. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Oh sure, I wasn' t denying that. But then I don' t think the main difference between Europe and the US is gun control per say. We can buy guns in my country too, but very few people actually want one. Good luck teaching Americans not to want their good ol' phallic toy. Not that it should discourage you to tighten up controls of course, it' s not like it could make things worse.
  10. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    I'm British, from the Great Britannia, so of course I've hardly watched any fox news on my end.
    Heard it's pretty bad though. D:
  11. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    It's not the country, just the majority.
    Also, It's an amendment (Second, IIRC), And there's another amendment protecting that amendment . At least,I'm pretty sure.

    That's beside the point, I was in English we were taking our test and our teacher told us that it occurred and we got into a discussion, Even if they did make guns illegal, Which very doubtfully would happen, It's not like people would give their guns up (If you're confused about what I mean, I mean not every person is going to hand their gun to a police officer when they come knocking on the door) , It's probably too late to ban guns, Especially since you can make a gun. We also talked about why assault rifles were even legal (Well, You have to have a permit but I'm pretty sure at least 30% percent of the people who own one don't have a permit and don't care) because for what would you need a gun that lets out 100-200 rounds per minute? To Aggressively kill a deer?
    Beside the point that's beside the beside the point, This story makes me sad. I have a sister that's 4 years old and a Brother who's 12, If something like that happened to them...I dunno how I would keep on living the way I had before,or at all. I can't imagine what it would be like for a parent...
    I do agree with Teddy though. I had been thinking of that from the minute I heard about this story from my English teacher.
  12. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Well yeah, my statement was a blatant generalization. As I rephrased it later on, what puzzles me is why so many Americans want a gun. As a foreigner it weirds me a little.
    First, just because it' s in the constitution doesn' t mean it' s good or can' t be changed (hello slavery). Second, as far as I know all it mentions is the "right to bear arms". Back then guns could only shoot a single bullet, and it took freaking forever to even load one. You wouldn' t interpret that sentence as a right to own a tank, a rocket launcher or a nuclear bomb, would you ?

    When did "some people wouldn' t want to obey that law" become a good enough reason not to pass or enforce it ? I' m not saying I' m in favor of a ban, hell, this isn' t even my problem, I' m just pointing out how feeble that argument is.

    From scratch ? I think it would be very anecdotal. I occasionally smoke pot, let me assure you that it is a lot harder for me to find some than to buy cigarettes, despite the fact that concealing a tiny seed and growing it at home is much simpler than to build a gun. I' m aware a ban wouldn' t make guns disappear completely, but it would severely reduce their number nonetheless.

    Lol, I guess I was right on the money with my "phallic toy" remark. ^^
  13. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Ok, stay on topic guys (I know i went off topic too) this is sepcifically about the Conneticut shooting.
    If you want to talk about gun laws and so on, make a thread in reference and in a broader sense about it, ok?

    And on topic, I never mentioned before. I hope that America comes together in this time, especially communities and families that have lost loved ones to events such as this. May you find some solace each other.
  14. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Well, at the risk of sounding insensitive, I' m much more interested in reading what kind of change people would like this tragedy to sparkle than in reading an endless litany of crocodile tears. That is if such changes even occur, every time there' s someone to say that things are gonna change but that it would be insensitive to talk about it immediately ... and then everyone forget and nothing is done.

    It' s hard to find an article about that shooting that doesn' t jump to gun control at some point, the two topics aren' t entirely unrelated.
    I know there is a topic dedicated to guns in general, but this kind of article for instance seems more appropriate here, as a current event matter, than in the general gun debate topic :

    Many more such articles might sprout up in the future so ... your call I guess, were do those belong ?