Conflicting Circles Part 1, Luna Conflict.doc

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by riku1186, Dec 18, 2010.

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  1. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    The Imperial Hounds ignored Drake, they treated him as an ally.

    The Carrier fired a beam cannon and hit the shuttle's main engine.
  2. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " Scratch that, I'm not getting out of this one ."
    She said as she jumped away from the wheel when sparks flew out of the control panel.
    " I wonder why haven't they blown me up yet."
    Yjuna said as she fastened her helm to make sure she would be prepared for anything.
  3. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Drake moved with the flow of the other hounds until he got into range of the Ark. Drake turned on his com, using the access codes for the Ark. "Drake Dwyer to Ark. Currently piloting a Hound. Requesting access to the hanger."
  4. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    There was no response to Drake, it was as if they couldn't hear him. Suddenly a missile hit the Ark's bridge, killing the Captain and most of the bridge crew. There was a hole in the hanger, big enough for a Hound to get in, but there was no air in the hanger as well.

    Imperial super soldiers swarmed the shuttle, they aimed at Yjuna, ready to kill at a moments notice.
  5. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    When they swarmed the shuttle Yjuna was about to back up and run away but realized she couldn't she was trapped.
    " Fine . . . I guess I have no other choice . . . I don't know whether reconfronting the prince is worse then doing so to Johnathan"
    She said dropping her dagger to the ground with a loud metal clank as she raised her hands.
  6. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Drake bit his lip harder than usual. Several thoughts dawned on him almost at the same time. First, the answer as to why he was abandoned was suddenly much farther off. Second, Alastair will be crushed at the loss of his mother. Dealing with the news of being a super-soldier and the loss of his mother so quickly was bound to do psychological damage. And finally, that the damage to the hanger released all of the air into space. Even if he made it to his Striker Kai he was not in a full pilot's suit and was therefore not airtight. As soon as he opened the hatch on the Hound he would be sucked into space and die within seconds.

    Seeing no other options, Drake remained with the Imperial's trying to blend in and avoid combat. It was now all about improvisation. If an opening presented itself he might try it. If not he would dock with the other Hounds and try his hands on enemy grounds.
  7. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Alistair striker flew down next to the destroyed Bridge. It just floated there, looking. Little objects like missiles flew towards Drake's Hound, but before they hit him they stopped for a few seconds and fired beams before flying away quickly. The beams hit the left arm and leg of the Hound.

    The super soldiers smashed Yjuna into the ground as a noble walked into the shuttle. "Such rebelious behaviour, I think I can deal with that" the noble said "Using your control codes" he said with a gleeful smile.
  8. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Using the Reapers amazing armor Ryo flew to Reaper forward as the missiles hit him and pulled out his sniper beam rifle
  9. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    When Yjuna was slammed into the ground she hit her cheek on the solid floor, leaving a dark bruise on her cheek, but the pain didn't reach her, only the strangeness of the situation startled her. She tried not to struggle she only shouted a bit when she hit the ground. Yjuna tried to catch a glimpse of the noble.
    " Codes?"
  10. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    The missiles hit the reaper, doing nothing to the armour, but as the explosions cleared there where three Hounds surrounding the Reaper. All three started using their machine guns to shoot the reaper.

    "Yes, with them I can take away your free will, and use you as a relay point to do it to all the other supersoldiers in the battle" the noble said keeping out of Yjuna's vision.
  11. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " Problem is I'm not like other supersoldiers, I can't be easily controlled, why do you think they kept me back at the ship instead of out on the frontlines fighting, I was simply to dangerous to have running around.I only choose to fall into your captivity because for now its my only way out."
    Yjuna said trying to struggle to capture a glimpse.
  12. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Drake grunted after taking the hits. It seems that staying out of the battle was not an option. He didn't like what his next move was, but he needed out of the Hound ASAP. Battle was hard enough without the fact that a single hit to his cockpit would kill him. Drake moved towards the Empire ship. Drake switched to an open channel for a moment before deciding against it and turning his com back off. Announcing that you're alive to your comrads by handing yourself over as a Prisoner of War was not going to help his reputation much. No, he would prefer to do this quietly.
  13. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    "Foolish girl, these codes control your nanomachines that are in your brain, that control your impulses, and though. The Empire though these codes where too inhuman to use. A bit hipocritical don't you think?" he asked mockinly.

    The Multi Strike flew past Drake's Hound and kciked it towards the Ark, though to anyone it would look like he was attacking he was in fact pushing towards the Ark.
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    The Reaper threw its beam rifle up and drew out both it's beam swords and charged forward towards one of the hounds and tried to cut off it's head
  15. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    "The hell?" Drake said. Ths was, however, a good improvisation opportunity. Pretending that his engine's failed, Drake drift to the Ark until he was next to where he proceeded to fly inside the hanger. What did they have in mind, whoever recognized him surely realized he couldn't simply jump into a new MHW now. He didn't have a prper pilot's suit on and the hanger had no air in it.
  16. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Yjuna was getting tired of this ignorant man's bickering already if she could, she would of sent a flying punch at him even without knowing who he was, nobody shouldn't speak so highly as if they held a power like that of a god's and that she should obey. But Yjuna was the last person you'd try to make obey. Yjuna grab the barrels of the soldier's guns around her and twisted them upward till they bent backwards and with one fluid motion jumped off the ground and stood in a alert postion so if anyone tried to shoot she'd dodge them
    "I wouldn't shoot if I were you, you could accidentally shoot yourselves or your buddies, anyways If you are so confident about the effects of these codes, then why have these people restrain me when you know fully well that you "can" control me. Why go through the trouble of having your insubordinants risk their lives by holding down someone as dangerous and as powerful as me? I could of easy broke each and everyone of their arms off in that time. . ."
    Finally she could gaze upon the face of the man.
  17. No Heart-X Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 12, 2007
    The Velvet Room
    Garrus tried to go to his room to get his pilot suit. The right side of his face was covered with blood, his arms were burned and there was a gash on his left arm. As he walked down the hall, he steadied himself against the wall.

    "Garrus! Oh man, you're beat up pretty bad. Let me patch you up," Talia said as she found Garrus. She was running through the Ark looking for people.

    "No, I need to get my pilot suit."

    "What?! Are you insane? You're hurt!"

    "I don't care, I need to help anyway I can."

    "I can't let you-"

    "Don't give me that," Garrus said cutting her off. "It's a time of emergency, and I need to act on it."

    Talia was silent for a moment. "Fine, if you're gonna insist, but I'm going too."

    "Hah, fine just help me get my suit."
  18. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    The man had his back to Yjuna. "Code, Imin" he said, suddenly every muscle in Yjuna's body went numb, she couldn't move or feel them and trying to move them brough great pain.

    The strike Niche turned on and walked infront of the hole in the wall and activated a barrier over it, temporary stopping anyair being sucked out. The air in the hanger started to fill it up again.

    Along the path Garrus was going there was a soldier directing people in another direction.

    The Hound tried to dodge Ryo's strike but had its head sliced off. The two Hounds continued to shoot at Ryo with their rifles.
  19. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    " What the he- . . . whats happening to me?"
    Yjuna said stuttering as she tried to move but each movement caused her pain, a sensation she hasn't felt in a long time.
  20. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    After waiting a minute for sufficent air to enter, Drake got out of the Hound and immediately grabbed the rest of his pilot's suit from his locker. Putting it hurredly, he moved into his Striker Kai and took off into the battle.
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