Well this is something in the idea formulating stages. I'm thinking of drawing a short(ten seconds or so) animation with this. I like the physics of motion that you can do with this so I thought it would be a good idea. In the end I think the result is unfinished at best. Here's a movement concept that I again think looks unfinished not just in drawing but as an idea. You know I suck at drawing, but I'd still like to know specifically how that is.
The first one I can't tell what weapon it is and how she is holding it. The other thing is the feet. It more looks like hooves of a horse than shoes. The second one is better. The movement and grave of the swing is nicely balanced but she's moving too far to attack. She's like doing ballerina at the same time swinging.
I agree with Xephos, the feet on the first look like hooves. Oh, and stop saying you suck at drawing. You're good, if you want to crappy art just look at my Deviantart account.
You don't suck. Neither of you do. You saw my drawings and I too saw problems. Yes I too suck but that doesn't mean we can give up now! We just need to preactice and strive more! That's what someone on DA told me. They said to practice and don't give up till you reach your goal.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
I like the first one better than the second one. Both of them are still really good. You rock at drawing.
Well, feet are just hard for me. More so than even hands. I don't know what to do about it except keep going until it looks alright. I've got a long way to go. About the weapon. You can't really tell what it is because I made it originally for this and I didn't make it too clear what it was. It's basically a hand held spear-- I say spear because it is for stabbing and throwing rather than slashing-- connected to a flexible metal blade with a weight attached to the other end. I got lazy on the hands so I just placed it there. I did this more to get a feel for what this kind of thing would look like than for anything else so there are droves of oversights. Second one... I don't get how it's too far too attack. Can you rephrase that for me? I'll say it as long as that's what I think. Besides, it's pretty much a hallmark of my posts by now. So yeah.
Ahhh. no wonder. The Spear must be new to me. Too far from attack means that you're putting your feet in the line of fire first. You won't be able to hit anyone unless you're about to kick someone in the shins with her feet. In real life I mean, you won't slash anyone but instead you're going to kick someone.
Oh, I get what you're saying. Well, it's a ranged weapon meant for throwing and swinging like Cho's Hakujin no Tachi, or Kratos's Blades of Chaos. So it's a non issue where her feet are placed when the enemy is more than four meters away.
Ah. interesting weapon there. Never thought that would be used like that. It's just teh first I see the problem for teh feet that is all. Just don't give up and practice. :3
Well, I though it would be a bit more apparent that it was supposed to be used that way since the long connecting bit is kinda useless for a short range weapon but you know how these things go. ^_^ People seem to be under the impression that because I don't like my work that I'm going to stop or give up. That is wrong. It simply means I have a lot more work to do that a talented artist does. I hope that clears things up.
Hmm. I always wanted to try throwing dagges as my weapons. :3 That does clear things up. :3 I understand. Oh and sorry about what happened a week ago.