I'm thinking of buying Steam's Weekend deal thingy, which includes Assassin's Creed (1), Call of Juarez: BiB, Farcry 2: Fortune's edition and Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Now here's my question, with my computer specs (shown below), would I be able to run them ok? I'm not the best when it comes to that kind of stuff. Ok, I'll try and explain my specs as good as I can: I have an AMD Phenom II X4 840T Processor, 5.7 Gigs of RAM, Windows 7 Home Premium Edition (build 6700) 64-bit, My video card is an ATI Radeon HD 4200, my Sound Card is a Realtek High Definition Audio, I have 832.4 gigs of Hard-drive space. If there's anything, let me know.
Assassin's Creed: Should be fine, Windows 7 isn't listed in the compatible operating systems based on my google though, so you might want to check that. Call of Juarez: Seems fine as well. Far Cry: Couldn't find the system requirements. Rainbow Six: Says it needs a clock speed of 3.0 GHz on your processor, dunno what yours is exactly but I'd wager it's around there. Otherwise it should be fine. Those are just me looking really quickly though, you might want to give this site a go: http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/
Alrighty, thanks. I'm downloading them right now. If need be I'll report here if I have any issues. EDIT: Ok, here's the dealio: Assassin's Creed: The frame rate was only good on the lowest settings and lowest resolution. Its not my computer, because before the game loaded up, a window popped up showing that AC was compatible with my computer in all aspects. I read somewhere that it has something to do with the PC version being ported crappily or something.. Call of Juarez: A-Ok on highest settings. Rainbow Six Vegas 2: Had to reduce the graphics a little, but nothing major. Farcry: Same situation as Rainbow. If anyone's got any suggestions as to how I can play AC without having the resolution so low, that would be great.
Update your game with the latest patch, it's probably found in the AC official site. Turn off all applications runninng when you are playing the game. Defragment. Update Graphics card's drivers. All these and more are explained better here: http://www.tweakguides.com/AC_1.html It is more detailed than what I would post. Keep in mind that there are games that have bugs or compability issues with some systems, or they are just too heavy for a specific machine.
Thanks for the suggestions. I did have a firefox page up the first few times I ran it, so that could've caused the problem, because now I can play it on the highest resolution (1600x900) and have the graphics up higher with little to no frame rate drops.