I have windows vista, ok now I got that out of the way. I need a screen recorder that can record the screen without any blurry images like in hypercam and of course I need it to record sound. I used to have one that was PERFECT until my computer crashed (I forgot the name of it thats why Im asking for others). Any suggestions? Edit I used to have one where you can pick how big the recording space is and you can move it if you want.
I would suggest Fraps. I've never used it, but Perfect World gave a link for it when they did a contest a few years ago, and while I myself didn't get to do anything, I did see some of the videos made using Fraps, and they're really good quality and everything. In fact, I could probably give you a link to one if you need. There's probably other better programs though, so make sure to see if you can find some first