Yes bronys and soon to be bronys, i come again to give you another upload sure to turn more and more people into pony fans! Now then who here likes music? Yes, you do, so i found someone on youtube making complete masterpieces with inspiration from the show or fanfics, he has 5 music videos, and here they are! (in upload order, all the links in the videos are remixes of the songs!) Spoiler: 1 [video=youtube;PLjpTtxH4Jo][/video] Spoiler: 2 [video=youtube;YRx_iXgLAyw][/video] Spoiler: 3 [video=youtube;t38DPnkDjTM][/video] Spoiler: 4 [video=youtube;2z5eizH0u1I][/video] Spoiler: 5 [video=youtube;9PCEp8z7FNg][/video] Hope you all enjoyed these songs and please vote for your favorite!