kh-vids comic I made... about the staff roon. I'm not making fun of anyone just decided to make a comic. It seemed to pop in my head three hours ago, so...excuse my messy writing and drawing. I'm not the best. Couldn't get any names in my head, so it all came from memories. If you can't read it...I got's words:D Read from right to lefty.¤t=StaffRoomcomic-1.jpg Member: Ok! I'm at the staff room door. Member: Good! Now... open the door! Member: Roger. Member: *turns knob- smirks* Member: Door opened. Member: Good! Now, what do you see? Member: Desk, chairs, a window- big though. Member: Sweet! Now...try to search for some....NEWS! Staff Member: Can't wait for today's meeting Other Staff Member: Meeting's suck! I was in the middle of watching my favourite anime! Member: Oh crap! Staff is here! Member: Hide! It's too late to leave! Hurry or... Member: (in mind) Where to hide...oh gosh! Another Staff member: New member. Another staff: goodie yeap. Another staff: New Staff? Mhmm. DpWolf (staff): Hey, we're the staff. You applied? Member: Stay calm... Member:Yeah... Rosey ( another staff member): Hey! Well...I'm rosey and this is spdude, orange, venus, rvr, misty,DpWolf, Neku, Anti, Repliku, and etc, darky, darkand, ctr. Member: N-nice to meet you. Member: Don't fret! Stay calm. Member: wish i could.